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an irc bot in node


var Ziggy = require('ziggy')
  , ziggy = Ziggy({
        server: 'irc.freenode.net'
      , nickname: 'Gushie'
      , channels: ['#quantumleap', '#sliderssucks']

Ta-da! You've got a bot online.

What's that? You want it to do something? Oh. Sorry. You can make a plugin for it!

example plugin

module.exports = function(ziggy, settings) {
  if(settings.respondToPm) {
    ziggy.on('pm', function(user, text) {
      ziggy.say(user.nick, 'Speak up, I can\'t hear you.')
  ziggy.on('message', function(user, channel, text) {
    var bits = text.split(' ')
      , command = bits.shift()
    if(command === '!reverse') {
      ziggy.say(channel, bits.reverse().join(' '))
    if(command === '!upper') {
      ziggy.say(channel, bits.join(' ').toUpperCase())
    if(command === '!lower') {
      ziggy.say(channel, bits.join(' ').toLowerCase())

Save something like that as, say, dumb-plugin.js and then modify your main code a bit.

var Ziggy = require('ziggy')
var dumbPlugin = require('dumb-plugin.js')
  , ziggy = Ziggy({
        server: 'irc.freenode.org'
      , nickname: 'Gushie'
      , plugins: [{
            name: 'dumb plugin'
          , setup: dumbPlugin
          , settings: {respondToPm: true}
      , channels: ['#quantumleap', '#sliderssucks']

Now we're talkin'. Pretty self-explanatory, but if you configure it as such, it will respond to all private messages with "Speak up, I can't hear you." It will also respond to in-channel "commands" like !reverse, !upper, and !lower with the replies associated.

Better yet, you can look at a fully-functioning example plugin here.

as a command line tool

If you install ziggy globally (npm install -g ziggy), you will magically gain access to the ziggy command that works like this:

ziggy [options]

options are:

  • --server, -s <server> IRC server (default irc.freenode.net)
  • --port, -P <port> Server port (default 6667)
  • --password <password> Server password
  • --secure, -S Use secure connection
  • --plugin, -p <filemodule> Use ziggy plugin module
  • --nickname, -n <nick> Set nickname (default ziggy)
  • --channel, -c <channel> Connect to channel on startup
  • --user, -u <name:pass> Add users for Ziggy
  • --version, -v Print ziggy version
  • --help, -h Print help


Ziggy has a really naive sense of 'users' in so much as it will store a users object containing their nickname, bot-specific password, their authenticated status (defaults to true if no password is set), and their userLevel. The userLevel is pretty much an arbitrary number that can be used to control access in plugins. So, there really isn't any innate "level heirarchy", just use it in whatever way makes sense to you. Or don't use it at all. Whatever.



bot has connected to the server

message (user, channel, text)

when a message is sent in a channel

pm (user, text)

when a private message is received

nick (oldNick, user, channels)

when a person changes their nickname

authed (user)

when a Ziggy user authenticates his or herself.

action (user, channel, text)

when an action is sent in a channel

server (text)

when a notice is received from server

notice (user, to, text)

when a notice is received. note: 'to' can be a nickname or a channel

mode (channel, setBy, mode, argument)

when a mode is set

topic (channel, topic, nick)

when a topic is set

part (user, channel, reason)

when a person parts a channel

ziggypart (channel)

when ziggy parts a channel

quit (user, reason, channels)

when a user quits IRC

kick (kicked, kickedBy, channel, reason)

when a person is kicked

invite (channel, user)

when a channel invitation is received

join (channel, user)

when a person joins a channel

ziggyjoin (channel)

when the bot joins a channel


say(to, text)

where to can be a nickname or a channel

part(channels, callback)

channels can be an array of channels or a string for a single channel

join(channels, callback)

channels can be an array of channels or a string for a single channel

whois(nick, callback)

perform a whois for nick, all of the user information will be passed as the first argument to callback

disconnect(message, callback)

disconnect bot from IRC with optional message


return list of channels


get info about channel


calls callback with user list


return user information


get bot level on channel

colorize(text, color)

returns text formatted with color


change bot's name to newNick

mode(channel, mode, nick)

set mode on channel where nick is optional

op(channel, nick)

shortcut for mode(channel, '+o', nick)

deop(channel, nick)

shortcut for mode(channel, '-o', nick)


add users to the registered users list- accepts an object in the same format as users in the startup options.

action(channel, text)

send an irc action of text to channel

notice(target, text)

send a notice to a nick or channel

invite(nick, channel)

send a channel invitation to nick. channel does not have to exist, but if it does, only users in the channel are allowed to invite other users. If the channel mode +i is set, only channel operators may invite other users.


update user properties for users in object, same format as users in the startup.





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