
1.1.1 • Public • Published


fluent queries for mongodb using promises

Circle CI js-standard-style


$ npm install minq

usage example

var Minq = require('minq')
Minq.connect(connectionString).then(function (db) {})
  .where({name: /John/i})
  .select(['name', 'email', 'homeAddress.zipCode'])
// => Promise<Array>
// => Promise<Array>

As a bonus, convenience collection accessors are added to the db object:

// equivalent to db.from('foo')

To return a scalar (single) value:

db.foo.first().then(function (aFoo) {

We can end a query by .pipeing to a stream:


Or we can enumerate over a query in a streaming fashion, with a promise to indicate when the whole stream is done (including processing other tasks):

  .where({scary: false})
  .forEach(function (spider) {
    return db.spiders
      .update({$set:{scary: true}})
  .then(function () {
    console.log('Fixed some misinformation about some spiders!')

Other commands:

  .where({email: /lol\.com$/)
// => Promise<Number>
  .insert({name: 'Melissa', email: 'm@m.com'})
// => Promise
  .upsert({_id: 15, name: 'Cian'})
// => Promise


good to know

Minq queries are contstructed starting with a db and collection, then by adding various options and constraints.

Minq queries implement the Promises/A+ interface - that is, you get the asynchronous value of the query results by calling the .then() method.

Read queries can also be treated as a Node.js stream, using the .pipe() method. If an error occurs when building or executing the query, it will be sent as a stream error. Streaming is useful when dealing with a large number of query results.

api reference

  • Minq

    • .connect()
    • #ready
    • #disconnect
    • #from()
  • Query

    • #clone()
    • #from()
    • #where()
    • #not()
    • #select()
    • #limit()
    • #skip()
    • #sort()
    • #options()
    • #first()
    • #firstOrDefault()
    • #byId()
    • #byIds()
    • #count()
    • #exists()
    • #aggregate()
    • #assert()
    • #expect()
    • #then()
    • #pipe()
    • #forEach()
    • #insert()
    • #update()
    • #findAndModify()
    • #modifyAndFind()
    • #pull()
    • #upsert()
    • #remove()
    • #removeAll()

Uses jsig notation. Object.Function denotes a function available on the constructor. Object#Method denotes a method on a particular instance of Object.

new Minq(MinqStore?) => instanceof Minq

MinqStore is an interface for Minq storage engines. By default, uses MongoDb node native driver. You can supply your own for other use cases, like testing or memory-backed stores. Currently the best documentation for MinqStore interface is in the mongodb.js and test/mongodb.test.js files.

Minq.connect(connectionString: String) => Promise<instanceof Minq>)

This is the recommended way to create and work with Minq in most cases. A factory function to create a new MongoDb connection and wrap it in a Minq object. connectionString should be a MongoDb uri


var Minq = require('minq')
Minq.connect('mongodb://localhost/mydb').then(function (minq) {
  // we now have an active db connection

Once the db connection is established, the Minq instance has property getters for each collection, similar to the db object in the MongDb shell:

// is equivalent to

Minq#from(collectionName : String) => instanceof Query

Begins a new Query builder object in the context of the current active MongoStore. This is the recommended way to create queries.

Minq#store : MinqStore

Accessor property for the current active MinqStore.

new Query(store : MongoStore) => instanceof Query

The recommended way to create a Query is Minq#from() (see above) Creates a new query in the context of store.

Querys are the basic API for interacting with a database in Minq. The syntax is meant to by fluent (chained), and the names of the commands are inspired by SQL.

Partial Query objects can be passed around to different parts of a program. For example, one function might add a where clause, and another might handle the select projection, while a third might deal with sort or skip.

Querys are executed when they produce a side effect (in the case of a write query, like update) or their value is accessed. Consider:

var Minq = require('minq')
Minq.connect('mongodb://localhost/db').then(function (minq) {
  var query = minq.from('users')
                  .where({email: 'do-not-reply@zombo.com'})
  // the query has not yet been evaluated
  query.then(function (user) {
    // when the query is accessed via `then`, it forces evaluation of the query

Read queries will always return a set of results, unless .first() is specified.

Result sets can be used as a Promise using then, a ReadableStream using pipe, or by enumerating each result using forEach. See the documentation for those methods.

Query#clone() => instanceof Query

Deep clones a query object (most useful before the query has been executed!)

Query#from(collectionName: String) => Query

Sets the collection name.

Query#where(query: Object) => Query

query is a mongodb query object, with standard $ operators

where can be called multiple times to add multiple query terms. Mongodb joins them with logical AND, see $and.

Query#not(property : String) => Query

Adds to the where clause of a query, checking that a value is not JavaScript falsy.

Equivalent to where({'property': {$nin: [undefined, null, false, 0]}}).

Query#select(fields: Object|Array<String>) => Query

fields is a mongodb projection object, with keys corresponding to the fields of the document you want to return. fields can also be an array of strings indicating the property names.



// is equivalent to

  'a.b': true,
  'c': true,
  'd': true

Query#options(opts: Object) => Query

configure any additional options, for example {multi: true}

Query#sort(by: Object|Array) => Query

by is a mongodb sort order option. alias: Query#orderBy

Query#limit(number: Number) => Query

number is a Number for the maximum number of documents you want to return. alias: Query#take

Query#skip(number: Number) => Query

number is a Number for the number of documents which otherwise match the query that you want to skip in the result

Query#first() => Query

Specifies that a scalar (single document) return value is expected, rather than a set of results. The query will error if no document is found.

Query#firstOrDefault(default: Object) => Query

Specifies that a scalar (single document) return value is expected, rather than a set of results. If no matching document is found, the default parameter is used as the result.

Query.then(onFulfilled : Function, onRejected : Function) => Promise

Forces query evaluation. Conforms to the Promises/A+ interface. Fulfilled with the result set as an Array (or a single object if .first() is specified)

Query.pipe(WritableStream) => Stream

Forces query evaluation. Conforms to the node ReadableStream interface. Emits an object for each document in the result set. Only suitable for read queries.

Query#forEach(iterator: (Object) => Promise?) => Promise

Forces query evaluation. Only suitable for read queries. Streams the results of a query. If iterator returns a promise, will await each of the promises, for example if performing batch updates.

Returns a void Promise to rejoin program execution once all results have been iterated.


  .where({'canEmail': true})
  .forEach(function (user) {
    // the hypothetical sendEmail function returns a promise
    return sendEmail({
      to: user.email,
      subject: 'Hi ' + user.name,
      body: 'Please ignore, just a test'
  .then(function () {
    // once all of the promises in the iterator have been fulfilled,
    // this function will be called
    console.log('done sending emails')
  }, function (err) {
    // if there is an error, this function will be called instead
    console.log('an unexpected error occured:', err)

The implementation of forEach uses charybdis - please refer to that module's documentation for more info.

Query#insert(doc: Object) => Promise<Object>

Insert a document collection. The promise is the inserted object, including _id if assigned by db.

Query#update(changes: Object) => Promise<Number>

Update documents in a collection with changes, a mongodb setter or unsetter. Use with Query.where or include _id on the changes object. The promise is the count of updated documents.

Query#upsert(setter: Object) => Promise<Number>

Create or update a document in a collection with setter, a mongodb setter. The promise is the count of updated documents.

Query#remove() => Promise<Number>

Remove documents matching a where query. The promise is the number of documents removed. Rejected if no where query is specified.

Query#removeAll() => Promise<Number>

Remove all documents in a collection. The promise is the number of documents removed.

running the tests

$ npm install
$ npm test

As well, integration tests:

$ sudo mongod
$ npm run test-integration



jden jason@denizac.org


MIT. (c) MMXIII jden jason@denizac.org. See LICENSE.md.

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