
19.2.4 • Public • Published


By aidulcandra

This module wraps baileys

What's New in 19.x

Program Modifiers

  • mentionedOnly() program modifier
  • quotedOnly() program modifier
  • if() modifier now passes message as the argument

Bot Functionality

  • bot.sendContacts()
  • bot.command()'s description and category arguments
  • Load settings from bot-config.json
  • Command Menu Maker bot.createCommandMenu()

Message Functionality

  • message.forward()
  • message.react()
  • message.delete()
  • message.getBaileysMessage() replaces message.baileysMessage
  • message.replyImage()
  • message.replyVideo()
  • message.replyAudio()
  • message.replySticker()
  • message.replyContacts()
  • Auto mention when detecting @<number> in texts when sending messages


  • Fix bugs


npm install @aidulcandra/simple-wa-bot

Config File

When first run, a config file bot-config.json will be created if not exists. Default config is as follows. You can save this as bot-config.json to configure things beforehand.

  // Whether to parse mentions into their usernames
  "parseMentions": true,

  // Whether to keep track of user pushnames and the changes.
  // Will allow you to get a user's pushnames outside the event of receiving their message.
  "recordPushnames": true,

  // List of prefixes that can be used to invoke commands
  "commandPrefixes": ["/"],

  // Command Menu Template
  "commandMenu": {

    // @categorylist will be replaced by category list
    "menuTemplate": "> COMMAND LIST\n\n@categorylist\n\n_Created by: @aidulcandra_",

    // @category will be replaced by category name, @commandlist will be replaced by the list of the commands
    "categoryTemplate": "[@category]----\n@commandlist\n------------",

    // Separator for each category list
    "categorySeparator": "\n\n",

    // @command will be replaced by command name, @description will be replaced by the description of the command
    "commandTemplate": "`/@command` - @description",

    // Separator for each command item
    "commandSeparator": "\n"


const bot = require("@aidulcandra/simple-wa-bot");

// Receiving exact match of text and replying
bot.receive("Hello").reply("Hi there");

// Receiving text with similarity value (value is 0 thru 1)
bot.receive("Hello").similarity(0.6).reply("Hi there");

// Ignore case
bot.receive("Good morning").ignoreCase().reply("Good morning to you too!");

// Ignore case and check similarity
bot.receive("How are you?").ignoreCase().similarity(0.7).reply("I'm fine");

// Reply with image
  .receive("send pic")
  .reply() // Insert string for caption
// Or path to your local image

// Multi input (will respond to either one)
bot.receive(["text1", "text2", "text3"]).reply("Yes");

// Only respond in private chats

// Only respond in group chats

// Only respond in specific chat rooms

// Only respond to specific id(s)
bot.receive("hello").from("xxx@s.wa.net", "yyy@s.wa.net").reply("hi");
  .from(["6282123456789@s.whatsapp.net", "6282987654321@s.whatsapp.net"])

// Respond to texts beginning with specific substring
bot.receiveBeginning("Do you").ignoreCase().reply("Maybe");

// Respond to texts containing specific substring
  .receiveContaining("ice cream")
  .reply("Did you say ICE CREAM???");

// Respond to texts ending with specific substring
bot.receiveEnding("?").ignoreCase().reply("You were asking?");

// Testing incoming message on a regex pattern
bot.receive(/Do you know .+ \?/i).reply("No.");

// RegEx pattern matching, use <<number>> to insert captured match (in order starting from 1)
bot.receive(/My name is (\w+)/).reply("Nice to meet you, <<1>>!");

// Custom condition (must input a function)
let isActive = true;
function checkActive() {
  return isActive;
  .if(function () {
    return true;
  .reply("test back");

// Random reply
bot.receive("Hi").ignoreCase().replyRandom("Hey", "Hello", "Sup?"); // Can input array

// Default response if no programs are executed
bot.defaultResponse("I don't understand.");

// Send

//Don't forget to start the bot after programming responses

// Instead of bot.start(), you can test your bot in the console using this

Custom Script

// Run script
bot.receive("date").run(function (message) {
    const name = message.sender.name
    const date = Date()
    message.reply(`Hello, ${name}! Today's date is ${date}`)
// 2nd argument of the run function is the array of captured matches when using regex as input
bot.receive(/my name is (\w+)/i).run(function (message, matches)) {
    message.reply(`Hello, ${matches[0]}!`)
// 3rd argument is the group if the message is received in a group
bot.receive("group name").run(function (msg, m, group) {
    msg.reply(`The group name is ${group.name}`)
// 4th argument is the bot object
function (msg, m, group, bot) {}

// Can also provide path to module that exports a function
// Inside commands/import.js:
module.exports = async function (msg, m, group) {
    msg.reply("I was called from outside")

The message Object's Properties and Methods

Name Description Example
message.id ID of the message object
message.text The text or caption of the message
message.room Chat ID where this message was sent to "628123456789@s.whatsapp.net"
message.sender An object of the sender's info
message.sender.name Sender's name
message.sender.id Sender's ID "628123456789@s.whatsapp.net"
message.senderi.isMe Whether the sender is the bot itself.
message.sender.isBlacklisted Whether the sender is blacklisted
message.type Type of the message "text", "image", "video", etc.
message.image Image object of the message
message.image.getBuffer() Get the buffer object of the image
message.mentions Array of mentioned ids
message.groupMentions Array of mentioned group ids
message.getBaileysMessage() Get the original baileys' MessageInfo object
message.reply(text) Reply to the message message.reply("Of course")
message.replyImage(url, caption) Reply with image
message.replyVideo(url, caption) Reply with video
message.replyAudio(url, mimetype?) Reply with audio. Default mimetype is audio/mp4
message.replySticker(source, options) Reply with audio. Options: pack = string; author = string; type = 'default'/'crop'/'full'/'circle'/'rounded'; background=hex color string; quality = number
message.replyContacts(contacts) Reply with contact(s). contacts is an array of object {name, number}
message.edit(text) Edit this message
message.forward(to) Forward this message to target id
message.react(emoji) React to this message message.react("😂")
message.delete() Delete this message. Remember to delete others' messages the bot needs to be an admin of the group

The bot Object's Properties and Methods

Name Description Example
bot.settings Contains settings that can be tweaked real time.
bot.settings.parseMentions Whether to parse mention numbers into username if has been recorded. It's recommended to set recordPushnames to true as well.
bot.settings.recordPushnames Whether to keep track of pushnames
bot.settings.commandPrefixes Array of prefixes for popular command-style input ["/", ".", "!"] (Empty array for no prefix). Use in conjunction with bot.command()
bot.receive(input(s)) Register new message-response program See explanations above. This returns a Program object which can be chained to methods to modify this particular program.
bot.receiveBeginning(input(s)) Register new program with the input as message beginning with a string
bot.receiveContaining(input(s)) Register new program with the input as message containing with a string
bot.receiveEnding(input(s)) Register new program with the input as message ending with a string
bot.receiveAny() Register new program responding to any message
bot.command(name, description) Register new program responding to a command-style input. Only input the command name, the program will automatically detect the prefix based on bot.settings.commandPrefixes. Description will be displayed in the menu maker. bot.command("check") will read input /check from user. You can also specify one or more parameters separated with space(s) and they will be treated like match captures for regex. Example: /check foo bar will make the match array ["foo", "bar"]. You can also use them using templating in your string (<<1>>, <<2>>, etc.). You can change the list of accepted prefixes in bot.settings.commandPrefixes
bot.sent(input(s)) Register new self-message response program (when a message was sent from the bot's number itself). Returns a Program
bot.defaultResponse(text) If any other programs were not executed, send this text
bot.schedule({year, month, date, day, hour, minute, second}) Trigger this program time-based. Unspecified value will be treated as 'any'. Constraints: month: 0-11, date: 1-31, day: 0-6, hour: 0-23, minute: 0-59, second: 0-59 bot.schedule({day:0, hour:5, minute:0, second:0}) Trigger this program every Sunday (0) at 5:00:00 AM.
bot.start() Start the bot
bot.getConnectionState Returns open, connecting, or closed
bot.sendText(targetId, text) Send a text to the chat id bot.sendText("628212345678@s.whatsapp.net", "Hello world")
bot.sendImage(targetId, link, caption) Send an image from given link to the chat id bot.sendImage("628212345678@s.whatsapp.net", "https://picsum.photos/300")
bot.sendVideo(targetId, link, caption) Send a video
bot.sendAudio(targetId, link, mimetype) Send an audio. Default mimetype: "audio/mp4"
bot.sendSticker(targetId, source, options) Send a sticker. Source is path to image, or an image buffer. Options: pack = string; author = string; type = 'default'/'crop'/'full'/'circle'/'rounded'; background=hex color string; quality = number
bot.sendContacts(to, contacts) Send one or more contacts. Contacts argument is an array of {name, number}. The number can include symbols (ex:"+628123456789")
bot.updateStatus(newStatus) Change your status text
bot.checkAdmin(id, groupId) Check whether id is an admin of a group
bot.getId() Get the id of the bot
bot.waitForMessage(roomId) Wait for a message to appear in a room then return the message object
bot.setVar(name, value) Set a variable setVar("count", 5)
bot.getVar(name) Get a variable's value getVar("my_var")
bot.deleteVar(name) Delete a variable
bot.blacklistGetList() Get an array of blacklisted ids
bot.blacklistAdd(ids) Add a number(s) or id(s) to the blacklist
bot.blacklistRemove(ids) Remove number(s) / id(s) from the blacklist
bot.blacklistCheck(id) Check if an id is blacklisted
bot.createCommandMenu() Create a string of auto generated menu for command list See here

Methods Of Program Object (Program Modifiers)

Method Description Example
reply(text) Set the text/caption that will be send as a response
replyRandom(text) Same as above, but picked randomly from arguments. Can be arrays too.
text(text) Set the response text, but this will not quote/reply to the message
similarity(value) Set the similarity threshold (0-1). Bot will respond if the input text is similar enough to the expected text
ignoreCase() Tell this program to ignore the case
privateOnly() Only respond to private chats
groupOnly() Only respond to group chats
adminOnly() Only respond to admins (must be in a group chat)
mentionedOnly() Only respond to messages mentioning the bot. Keep in mind that the mentions are included in the text, so using exact match of text can't be done with this (using bot.receive()). It's recommended to use this with regex type inputs, or bot.receiveContaining()
quotedOnly() Only respond to messages quoting to bot's message
in(ids) Only respond inside this chat id(s). Can input array or multiple arguments
from(ids) Only respond to this id(s). This will check the sender id, not the room id
notIn(ids) Don't respond inside this chat id(s)
notFrom(ids) Don't respond to this id(s)
withImage() Only respond to image messages
ifVarIs(name, value) Respond if variable's value is equal to something ifVarIs("customers", 0)
ifVarExists(name) Respond if a variable exists ifVarExists("money")
ifVarNotExists(name) Respond if a variable does not exist ifVarNotExists("money")
if(conditionFunction) Custom condition (must input a function name). The function's only parameter is the message if(checkCustomers)
includeBlacklist() Allow receiving the message from blacklisted ids
image(link) Set the image to be sent in the response. Uses link or path
video(link) Set the video to be sent in the response.
audio(link, mimetype) Set the audio to be sent in the response. Mimetype: default set to audio/mp4
sticker(link, options) Set the sticker to be sent in the response. Options: pack = string; author = string; type = 'default'/'crop'/'full'/'circle'/'rounded'; background=hex color string; quality = number sticker(link, {type:'crop', author:'SimpleBot'})
react(emoji) Give a reaction emoji as a response react("😁")
showTyping() Show the is typing ... text before sending response
showRecording() Show the is recording ... text before sending response
to(ids) Assign id(s) to send responses to. Can be used to broadcast messages.
setVar(name,value) Set a variable when responding to the input
blacklist(ids) Assign id(s) to be blacklisted (multiple arguments or array). If not specified, blacklist the sender instead.
whitelist(ids) Assign id(s) to be whitelisted. If not specified, whitelist the sender instead.
run(callback or path) Run a custom script (See above)
stopHere() Stop responding to any other programs after this

Templating Notation

Notation Description Example
"<<number>>" Insert a captured match when input is a RegExp. Starting from number 1 "<<1>>"
"%%var_name%%" Insert the value of a variable that has been set using bot.setVar() "Hello my name is %%bot_name%%"

Command Menu Template

You can use bot.createCommandMenu() to generate menu string for your command list. You can edit the template in the bot-config.json file.


If the message text contains the pattern @phonenumber (ex:@62821234567) it will be automatically converted to a mention.

Baileys' Objects

In case you want to do your own functionality

  1. bot.getSocket() : The sock/socket/client object that is typically used in baileys
  2. message.getBaileysMessage() : See above in the section about message object



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  • aidulcandra