
0.3.0 • Public • Published

THIS IS A TAG FROM changeset/main

// import type { T_DOMAIN, T_ENTITIES } from '@axelox/types-blog--vinz'; // import { isEntity } from '@axelox/types-blog--vinz'; // import { serverTimestamp, type CollectionReference } from 'firebase/firestore'; // import { serverTimestamp } from 'firebase/firestore';

Javascript Enterprise Stack

Axelo 3


This is a webagency.app demo book using svelte.dev


The Fastest Way to Build Svelte Apps

  • 💨 Blazing-Fast Production Sites
  • 🛠️ SSR, SPA, SSG, and In-Between
  • ⚡️ Instantly Visible Code Changes
  • 🔩 Existing Universe of Plugins
  • 🔑 Fully Typed APIs

❤️ The Stack

Every part of the SvelteKit Enterprise Stack is optimized to go blazingly fast to please stakeholders and uses:

  • ☕️ JavaScript

  • 📜 TypeScript

  • ⚡️ Svelte

  • 🧑‍🎨 Figma

  • Design System with Material (SMUI)

  • Typescript, Tailwind, Sveltekit out of the box

  • Firebase (free hosting and firestore quotas)

  • App shell with 2 layouts (app + cms)

  • Prisma for the database

  • Lucia for authentication

  • Tailwind for styling with automatic class sorting and Skeleton UI for the UI components

  • Stripe for payments

  • sveltekit-superforms make working with forms easy

  • Lucide for beautiful and consistent icons

  • TypeScript, Prettier, ESLint, Playwright and Vitest for testing configured

📦️ Install

degit regnou/axelo3
pnpm i

📜 Development

pnpm story:dev

📜 Production

pnpm story:build
pnpm story:preview

⛵️ Deploying

You can use any SvelteKit adapter that deploys to a target that supports a Node.js runtime.

If you don't have a full-stack hosting solution you can provision a serverless PostgreSQL database provider using Railway or Supabase and host your frontend on Vercel starting at no cost.

pnpm exec build

You can also preview the build.

pnpm exec preview


To remove node_modules and build files

pnpm clean


Please see the documentation for information about getting started and developing with SvelteKit.


Package Changelog
@sveltejs/kit Changelog
create-svelte Changelog
@sveltejs/adapter-node Changelog

The SvelteKit community also makes additional SvelteKit adapters available for use.

Supporting Svelte

Svelte is an MIT-licensed open source project with its ongoing development made possible entirely by fantastic volunteers. If you'd like to support their efforts, please consider:

Funds donated via Open Collective will be used for compensating expenses related to Svelte's development such as hosting costs. If sufficient donations are received, funds may also be used to support Svelte's development more directly.




-- 9 juin 2023
-- Axel Regnoult

"@fontsource/fira-mono": "^4.5.10", "@neoconfetti/svelte": "^1.0.0", "@types/cookie": "^0.5.1",

'component', // $page.url.pathname,

// type Spread = { [Key in keyof Type]: Type[Key] }; // [key: number]: I_ENTITY__uiinputValue;

TODO LELINT => je vois pas ds mon VS code les eereurs de LINTAGE vus avec la CMD

test deploy

Share lib https://www.chromatic.com/library?appId=647797e51cfd6aa56b07bc04

Your project token was added to the script via the --project-token flag. If you're running Chromatic via continuous integration, we recommend setting the CHROMATIC_PROJECT_TOKEN environment variable in your CI environment. You can then remove the --project-token from your package.json script.

pnpm build-storybook


"flexsearch": "^0.7.31", "jsdom": "^20.0.3", "shiki-es": "^0.2.0", "vscode-oniguruma": "^1.7.0", "vscode-textmate": "^9.0.0", "c8": "^7.13.0", "@testing-library/jest-dom": "^5.16.5", "@testing-library/svelte": "^3.2.2",

Histoire Svelte

This is a histoire.dev demo book using svelte.dev


degit oneezy/histoire-svelte
pnpm i


pnpm story:dev


pnpm story:build
pnpm story:preview


To remove node_modules and build files

pnpm clean

"story": "svelte-kit sync && histoire dev", "story:build": "svelte-kit sync && histoire build", "story:preview": "svelte-kit sync && histoire preview", "story:dev-orig": "histoire dev --port 6006", "story:build-orig": "histoire build", "story:preview-orig": "histoire preview --port 6006",

"histoire": "^0.16.1", "@histoire/controls": "^0.16.1", "@histoire/plugin-svelte": "^0.16.1",

/_ sm 640px @media (min-width: 640px) { ... } md 768px @media (min-width: 768px) { ... } lg 1024px @media (min-width: 1024px) { ... } xl 1280px @media (min-width: 1280px) { ... } 2xl 1536px @media (min-width: 1536px) { ... } _/

// histoire: { // plugins: [HstSvelte()], // setupFile: '/histoire.setup.js', // tree: { // groups: [ // { // id: 'top', // title: '' // } // ] // }, // theme: { // title: 'Oneezy DJAX', // logo: { // square: '/static/assets/1.png', // light: '/static/assets/1.png', // dark: '/static/assets/1.png' // }, // logoHref: '/', // colors: { // gray: defaultColors.emerald, // primary: defaultColors.blue // } // } // },


[ web-agency-sveltekit-SPA-starterKit ]

COMPANY http://www.web-agency.app

RESUME https://cv-regnoult-axel.web.app

LINKEDIN https://www.linkedin.com/in/regnou/


LIVE DEMO HERE: https://toucher-terre.web.app/

0) WIKI (google site)



  1. Design System with Material (SMUI)
  2. Typescript, Tailwind, Sveltekit out of the box
  3. Firebase (free hosting and firestore quotas)
  4. App shell with 2 layouts (app + cms)


pnpm exec dev pnpm exec build pnpm exec deploy

faire fichier .npmrc: public-hoist-pattern[]=@material/*

"@smui-extra/accordion": "^6.1.4", "@smui-extra/autocomplete": "^6.2.0", "@smui-extra/badge": "^6.1.4", "@smui/banner": "^6.1.4", "@smui/button": "^6.1.4", "@smui/card": "^6.1.4", "@smui/checkbox": "^6.1.4", "@smui/chips": "^6.1.4", "@smui/circular-progress": "^6.1.4", "@smui/common": "^6.1.4", "@smui/data-table": "^6.2.0", "@smui/dialog": "^6.1.4", "@smui/drawer": "^6.1.4", "@smui/fab": "^6.1.4", "@smui/form-field": "^6.1.4", "@smui/icon-button": "^6.1.4", "@smui/image-list": "^6.1.4", "@smui/layout-grid": "^6.1.4", "@smui/linear-progress": "^6.1.4", "@smui/list": "^6.1.4", "@smui/menu": "^6.2.0", "@smui/menu-surface": "^6.1.4", "@smui/paper": "^6.1.4", "@smui/radio": "^6.1.4", "@smui/ripple": "^6.1.4", "@smui/segmented-button": "^6.1.4", "@smui/select": "^6.2.0", "@smui/slider": "^6.1.4", "@smui/snackbar": "7.0.0-beta.8", "@smui/switch": "^6.1.4", "@smui/tab": "7.0.0-beta.8", "@smui/tab-bar": "7.0.0-beta.8", "@smui/textfield": "^6.1.4", "@smui/tooltip": "^6.1.4", "@smui/top-app-bar": "7.0.0-beta.8", "@smui/touch-target": "^6.1.4",

pnpm add --save-dev types@workspace --filter scrapper npx degit vercel/turbo/examples/with-svelte with-svelte

"keywords": [ "sveltekit" ], "repository": { "type": "git", "url": "git@github.com:MikevPeeren/sveltekit-typescript-tailwindcss-sass-starter.git" },

// "tabWidth": 2, // "proseWrap": "preserve", // "semi": false,

"format-ax": "prettier --plugin-search-dir . --write .",
<!-- z -->


"workspaces": [ "apps/", "packages/", "packages/zsocle--data/", "packages/zsocle--script/titanic--libs/", "packages/zsocle--script/titanic--deps" ],

  • run: npm ci && pnpm exec build

Package Sidebar


npm i @axelox/titanic

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Unpacked Size

9.88 MB

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Last publish


  • nzaero