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A collection of utilities to generate and store lint item metadata.

Those utilities are:


buildTodoDatum(lintResult, lintMessage, todoConfig)

Adapts a LintResult to a TodoData. FilePaths are absolute when received from a lint result, so they're converted to relative paths for stability in serializing the contents to disc.


Determines if the .lint-todo storage file exists.


Creates, or ensures the creation of, the .lint-todo file.


Determines if the .lint-todo storage file has conflicts.


Resolves git conflicts in todo operations by removing any lines that match conflict markers.


Reads the .lint-todo storage file.

writeTodoStorageFile(todoStorageFilePath, operations)

Writes the operations to the .lint-todo storage file to the path provided by todoStorageFilePath.

writeTodos(baseDir, maybeTodos, options)

Writes files for todo lint violations. One file is generated for each violation, using a generated hash to identify each.

Given a list of todo lint violations, this function will also delete existing files that no longer have a todo lint violation.

readTodos(baseDir, shouldLock)

Reads all todo files in the .lint-todo directory.

readTodosForFilePath(todoStorageDir, filePath, shouldLock)

Reads todo files in the .lint-todo directory for a specific filePath.


Reads todo files in the .lint-todo directory and returns Todo data in an array.

getTodoBatches(maybeTodos, existing, options)

Gets 4 maps containing todo items to add, remove, those that are expired, or those that are stable (not to be modified).

applyTodoChanges(baseDir, add, remove, shouldLock)

Applies todo changes, either adding or removing, based on batches from getTodoBatches.


Compact strategy to leave only add operations in the todo storage file.


Compact strategy to remove all expired operations from the todo storage file.

compactTodoStorageFile(baseDir, compactStrategy)

Compacts the .lint-todo storage file based on the compact strategy.

getTodoConfig(baseDir, engine, customDaysToDecay)

Gets the todo configuration. Config values can be present in

The package.json


Validates whether we have a unique config in a single location.

getSeverity(todo, today)

Returns the correct severity level based on the todo data's decay dates.

isExpired(date, today)

Evaluates whether a date is expired (earlier than today)


Converts a date to include year, month, and day values only (time is zeroed out).

differenceInDays(startDate, endDate)

Returns the difference in days between two dates.


Formats the date in short form, eg. 2021-01-01

buildTodoDatum(lintResult, lintMessage, todoConfig) ⇒

Adapts a LintResult to a TodoData. FilePaths are absolute when received from a lint result, so they're converted to relative paths for stability in serializing the contents to disc.

Kind: global function
Returns: - A TodoData object.

Param Description
lintResult The lint result object.
lintMessage A lint message object representing a specific violation for a file.
todoConfig An object containing the warn or error days, in integers.

todoStorageFileExists(baseDir) ⇒

Determines if the .lint-todo storage file exists.

Kind: global function
Returns: - true if the todo storage file exists, otherwise false.

Param Description
baseDir The base directory that contains the .lint-todo storage file.

ensureTodoStorageFile(baseDir) ⇒

Creates, or ensures the creation of, the .lint-todo file.

Kind: global function
Returns: - The todo storage file path.

Param Description
baseDir The base directory that contains the .lint-todo storage file.

getTodoStorageFilePath(baseDir) ⇒

Kind: global function
Returns: - The todo storage file path.

Param Description
baseDir The base directory that contains the .lint-todo storage file.

hasConflicts(todoContents) ⇒

Determines if the .lint-todo storage file has conflicts.

Kind: global function
Returns: true if the file has conflicts, otherwise false.

Param Description
todoContents The unparsed contents of the .lint-todo file.

resolveConflicts(operations) ⇒

Resolves git conflicts in todo operations by removing any lines that match conflict markers.

Kind: global function
Returns: An array of string operations excluding any operations that were identified as git conflict lines.

Param Description
operations An array of string operations that are used to recreate todos.

readTodoStorageFile(todoStorageFilePath) ⇒

Reads the .lint-todo storage file.

Kind: global function
Returns: A array of todo operations.

Param Description
todoStorageFilePath The .lint-todo storage file path.

writeTodoStorageFile(todoStorageFilePath, operations)

Writes the operations to the .lint-todo storage file to the path provided by todoStorageFilePath.

Kind: global function

Param Description
todoStorageFilePath The .lint-todo storage file path.
operations An array of string operations that are used to recreate todos.

writeTodos(baseDir, maybeTodos, options) ⇒

Writes files for todo lint violations. One file is generated for each violation, using a generated hash to identify each.

Given a list of todo lint violations, this function will also delete existing files that no longer have a todo lint violation.

Kind: global function
Returns: - The counts of added and removed todos.

Param Description
baseDir The base directory that contains the .lint-todo storage directory.
maybeTodos The linting data, converted to TodoData format.
options An object containing write options.

readTodos(baseDir, shouldLock) ⇒

Reads all todo files in the .lint-todo directory.

Kind: global function
Returns: - A Map of FilePath/TodoMatcher.

Param Default Description
baseDir The base directory that contains the .lint-todo storage directory.
shouldLock true True if the .lint-todo storage file should be locked, otherwise false. Default: true.

readTodosForFilePath(todoStorageDir, filePath, shouldLock) ⇒

Reads todo files in the .lint-todo directory for a specific filePath.

Kind: global function
Returns: - A Map of FilePath/TodoMatcher.

Param Description
todoStorageDir The .lint-todo storage directory.
filePath The relative file path of the file to return todo items for.
shouldLock True if the .lint-todo storage file should be locked, otherwise false. Default: true.

readTodoData(baseDir) ⇒

Reads todo files in the .lint-todo directory and returns Todo data in an array.

Kind: global function
Returns: An array of TodoData

Param Description
baseDir The base directory that contains the .lint-todo storage directory.

getTodoBatches(maybeTodos, existing, options) ⇒

Gets 4 maps containing todo items to add, remove, those that are expired, or those that are stable (not to be modified).

Kind: global function
Returns: - An object of TodoBatches.

Param Description
maybeTodos The linting data for violations.
existing Existing todo lint data.
options An object containing write options.

applyTodoChanges(baseDir, add, remove, shouldLock)

Applies todo changes, either adding or removing, based on batches from getTodoBatches.

Kind: global function

Param Default Description
baseDir The base directory that contains the .lint-todo storage directory.
add Batch of todos to add.
remove Batch of todos to remove.
shouldLock true True if the .lint-todo storage file should be locked, otherwise false. Default: true.


Compact strategy to leave only add operations in the todo storage file.

Kind: global function
Returns: True if the line matches an add operation, otherwise false.

Param Description
operation The single line operation read from the todo storage file.

EXCLUDE_EXPIRED(operation) ⇒

Compact strategy to remove all expired operations from the todo storage file.

Kind: global function
Returns: True if the operation is not expired, otherwise false.

Param Description
operation The single line operation read from the todo storage file.

compactTodoStorageFile(baseDir, compactStrategy) ⇒

Compacts the .lint-todo storage file based on the compact strategy.

Kind: global function
Returns: The count of compacted todos.

Param Description
baseDir The base directory that contains the .lint-todo storage directory.
compactStrategy The strategy to use when compacting the storage file. Default: ADD_OPERATIONS_ONLY

getTodoConfig(baseDir, engine, customDaysToDecay) ⇒

Gets the todo configuration. Config values can be present in

The package.json

Kind: global function
Returns: - The todo config object.

Param Description
baseDir The base directory that contains the project's package.json.
engine The engine for this configuration, eg. eslint
customDaysToDecay The optional custom days to decay configuration.


  "lintTodo": {
    "some-engine": {
      "daysToDecay": {
        "warn": 5,
        "error": 10
      "daysToDecayByRule": {
        "no-bare-strings": { "warn": 10, "error": 20 }

A .lint-todorc.js file Example

module.exports = {
  "some-engine": {
    "daysToDecay": {
      "warn": 5,
      "error": 10
    "daysToDecayByRule": {
      "no-bare-strings": { "warn": 10, "error": 20 }

Environment variables (TODO_DAYS_TO_WARN or TODO_DAYS_TO_ERROR) - Env vars override package.json config

Passed in directly, such as from command line options. - Passed in options override both env vars and package.json config

validateConfig(baseDir) ⇒

Validates whether we have a unique config in a single location.

Kind: global function
Returns: A ConfigValidationResult that indicates whether a config is unique

Param Description
baseDir The base directory that contains the project's package.json.

getSeverity(todo, today) ⇒

Returns the correct severity level based on the todo data's decay dates.

Kind: global function
Returns: Severity - the lint severity based on the evaluation of the decay dates.

Param Description
todo The todo data.
today A number representing a date (UNIX Epoch - milliseconds)

isExpired(date, today) ⇒

Evaluates whether a date is expired (earlier than today)

Kind: global function
Returns: true if the date is earlier than today, otherwise false

Param Description
date The date to evaluate
today A number representing a date (UNIX Epoch - milliseconds)

getDatePart(date) ⇒

Converts a date to include year, month, and day values only (time is zeroed out).

Kind: global function
Returns: Date - A date with the time zeroed out eg. '2021-01-01T08:00:00.000Z'

Param Description
date The date to convert

differenceInDays(startDate, endDate) ⇒

Returns the difference in days between two dates.

Kind: global function
Returns: a number representing the days between the dates

Param Description
startDate The start date
endDate The end date

format(date) ⇒

Formats the date in short form, eg. 2021-01-01

Kind: global function
Returns: A string representing the formatted date

Param Description
date The date to format




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