
1.0.4 • Public • Published


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Node wrapper and utilities for the WSL CLI. Uses node child_process with no other dependencies


You can use npm or yarn to install this package into your project

npm install @endevr-io/wsl-api
yarn add @endevr-io/wsl-api


exportDistribution(distribution, path)Promise

Exports a specified distribution to a path/file name

importDistribution(distribution, location, path)Promise

Imports a new distribution to a location from a path/file name


Install WSL and Ubuntu


Install official distribution

list([raw])Promise | Array.<ListObject> | String | Null

Lists distributions

listAll([raw])Promise | Array.<ListObject> | String | Null

Lists all distributions

listOnline([raw])Promise | Array.<ListOnlineObject> | String | Null

Lists official online distributions that can be installed

listQuiet([raw])Promise | Array.<String> | String | Null

Lists quiet distributions

listRunning([raw])Promise | Array.<ListObject> | String | Null

Lists running distributions

listVerbose([raw])Promise | Array.<ListVerboseObject> | String | Null

Lists verbose distributions

mount(path, [name], [bare], [type], [partition], [options])Promise

Mounts a disk to all distributions

runDistribution([distribution], [user])

Runs a distribution with an optional user. The distribution will be attached to this process. Do not await a response

runDistributionDetached([distribution], [user])

Runs a detached distribution with an optional user. The distribution will be detached from this process in it's own window


Sets the default distribution


Sets the default WSL version

setVersion(distribution, version)Promise

Sets the WSL version of a distribution


Shutdown all distributions

status([raw])Promise | StatusObject | String | Null

Lists the status of WSL


Terminates or stops specified distribution


Unmounts a disk to all distributions


Unregisters or uninstalls specified distribution


Update the WSL kernel


Checks if WSL is supported in the OS, must be Windows 10 build >= 19041 or Windows 11

runBashCommand(command, [longProcess], [stdoutCallback], [stderrCallback], [errorCallback], [closeCallback])Promise | String

Runs a bash command on the default distribution

runBashFile(path, [longProcess], [stdoutCallback], [stderrCallback], [errorCallback], [closeCallback])Promise | String

Runs a bash file on the default distribution

⚠️ Make sure that the file uses Linux line endings (LF) and NOT Windows line endings (CRLF)

runWSLCommand(command, [distribution], [user], [longProcess], [stdoutCallback], [stderrCallback], [errorCallback], [closeCallback])Promise | String

Runs a command on the default or specified distribution. Must be a simple single command. Use runBashCommand for multiple or complex commands or run a bash file with runWSLFile or runBashFile

runWSLFile(path, [distribution], [user], [longProcess], [stdoutCallback], [stderrCallback], [errorCallback], [closeCallback])Promise | String

Runs a bash file on the default or specified istribution

⚠️ Make sure that the file uses Linux line endings (LF) and NOT Windows line endings (CRLF)


Checks if distribution is installed or exists


Checks if distribution is currently running


Checks if distribution is currently not running


Checks if any distribution is currently running, can also use const isAnyRunning = wsl.listRunning().length >= 1


Checks if distribution is currently installing

waitForRunning(distribution, [poll])Promise

Checks every poll interval and returns a promise when the distribution is running

waitForNotRunning(distribution, [poll])Promise

Checks every poll interval and returns a promise when the distribution is not running


Checks every poll interval and returns a promise when all distributions are not running

waitForInstalling(distribution, [poll])Promise

Checks every poll interval and returns a promise when the distribution is installing


ListObject : Object
ListOnlineObject : Object
ListVerboseObject : Object
StatusObject : Object

exportDistribution(distribution, path) ⇒ Promise

Exports a specified distribution to a path/file name

Kind: global function
Returns: Promise - resolves promise from execPromise

  • TypeError throws if distribution is not a string or path is not a string
  • Error throws if distribution could not be exported
Param Type Description
distribution String distribution to export
path String path/file name to export to


const wsl = require('@endevr-io/wsl-api')
await wsl.exportDistribution('Ubuntu', 'C:\\endevr\\Ubuntu.tar.gz')

importDistribution(distribution, location, path) ⇒ Promise

Imports a new distribution to a location from a path/file name

Kind: global function
Returns: Promise - resolves promise from execPromise

  • TypeError throws if distribution is not a string or location is not a string or path is not a string
  • Error throws if distribution could not be imported
Param Type Description
distribution String distribution to import
location String folder path to import to
path String path/file name to import from


const wsl = require('@endevr-io/wsl-api')
await wsl.importDistribution('Custom', 'C:\\endevr', 'C:\\endevr\\Ubuntu.tar.gz')

install() ⇒ Promise

Install WSL and Ubuntu

Kind: global function
Returns: Promise - resolves promise from execPromise

  • Error throws if WSL and Ubuntu could not be installed


const wsl = require('@endevr-io/wsl-api')
await wsl.install()

installDistribution(distribution) ⇒ Promise

Install official distribution

Kind: global function
Returns: Promise - resolves promise from execPromise

  • TypeError throws if distribution is not a string
  • Error throws if distribution could not be installed
Param Type Description
distribution String distribution to install


const wsl = require('@endevr-io/wsl-api')
await wsl.installDistribution('Ubuntu')

list([raw]) ⇒ Promise | Array.<ListObject> | String | Null

Lists distributions

Kind: global function
Returns: Promise | Array.<ListObject> | String | Null - returns an array of distribution objects, a string of the raw output, or null

  • TypeError throws if raw is not a boolean
Param Type Default Description
[raw] Boolean false option to return a string of the raw output


const wsl = require('@endevr-io/wsl-api')
const list = await wsl.list()
// [
//   { name: 'Ubuntu', default: true },
//   { name: 'Debian', default: false }
// ]

listAll([raw]) ⇒ Promise | Array.<ListObject> | String | Null

Lists all distributions

Kind: global function
Returns: Promise | Array.<ListObject> | String | Null - returns an array of distribution objects, a string of the raw output, or null

  • TypeError throws if raw is not a boolean
Param Type Default Description
[raw] Boolean false option to return a string of the raw output


const wsl = require('@endevr-io/wsl-api')
const listAll = await wsl.listAll()
// [
//   { name: 'Ubuntu', default: true },
//   { name: 'Debian', default: false }
// ]

listOnline([raw]) ⇒ Promise | Array.<ListOnlineObject> | String | Null

Lists official online distributions that can be installed

Kind: global function
Returns: Promise | Array.<ListOnlineObject> | String | Null - returns an array of distribution objects, a string of the raw output, or null

  • TypeError throws if raw is not a boolean
  • Error throws if unable to list online
Param Type Default Description
[raw] Boolean false option to return a string of the raw output


const wsl = require('@endevr-io/wsl-api')
const listOnline = await wsl.listOnline()
// [
//   { name: 'Ubuntu', friendly: 'Ubuntu' },
//   { name: 'Debian', friendly: 'Debian GNU/Linux' },
//   { name: 'kali-linux', friendly: 'Kali Linux Rolling' },
//   { name: 'openSUSE-42', friendly: 'openSUSE Leap 42' },
//   { name: 'SLES-12', friendly: 'SUSE Linux Enterprise Server v12' },
//   { name: 'Ubuntu-16.04', friendly: 'Ubuntu 16.04 LTS' },
//   { name: 'Ubuntu-18.04', friendly: 'Ubuntu 18.04 LTS' },
//   { name: 'Ubuntu-20.04', friendly: 'Ubuntu 20.04 LTS' }
// ]

listQuiet([raw]) ⇒ Promise | Array.<String> | String | Null

Lists quiet distributions

Kind: global function
Returns: Promise | Array.<String> | String | Null - returns an array of distribution names, a string of the raw output, or null

  • TypeError throws if raw is not a boolean
Param Type Default Description
[raw] Boolean false option to return a string of the raw output


const wsl = require('@endevr-io/wsl-api')
const listQuiet = await wsl.listQuiet()
// [ 'Ubuntu', 'Debian' ]

listRunning([raw]) ⇒ Promise | Array.<ListObject> | String | Null

Lists running distributions

Kind: global function
Returns: Promise | Array.<ListObject> | String | Null - returns an array of distribution objects, a string of the raw output, or null

  • TypeError throws if raw is not a boolean
Param Type Default Description
[raw] Boolean false option to return a string of the raw output


const wsl = require('@endevr-io/wsl-api')
const listRunning = await wsl.listRunning()
// [ { name: 'Ubuntu', default: true } ]

listVerbose([raw]) ⇒ Promise | Array.<ListVerboseObject> | String | Null

Lists verbose distributions

Kind: global function
Returns: Promise | Array.<ListVerboseObject> | String | Null - returns an array of distribution objects, a string of the raw output, or null

  • TypeError throws if raw is not a boolean
Param Type Default Description
[raw] Boolean false option to return a string of the raw output


const wsl = require('@endevr-io/wsl-api')
const listVerbose = await wsl.listVerbose()
// [
//   { default: true, name: 'Ubuntu', state: 'Stopped', version: 2 },
//   { default: false, name: 'Debian', state: 'Stopped', version: 2 }
// ]

mount(path, [name], [bare], [type], [partition], [options]) ⇒ Promise

Mounts a disk to all distributions

Kind: global function
Returns: Promise - resolves promise from execPromise

  • TypeError throws if path is not a string, name is not string or null, bare is not boolean, type is not string or null, partition is not number or null, or options is not a string or null
  • Error throws if disk could not be mounted
Param Type Default Description
path String disk path to mount
[name] String | Null option to mount with name
[bare] Boolean false option to attach the drive but not mount it
[type] String | Null option to specify the filesystem type
[partition] Number | Null option to specify the partition ID
[options] String | Null option with the mounting options, they are already encased with ""


const wsl = require('@endevr-io/wsl-api')
await wsl.mount('\\\\.\\PHYSICALDRIVE3', 'F', false, null, null, 'data=ordered')

runDistribution([distribution], [user])

Runs a distribution with an optional user. The distribution will be attached to this process. Do not await a response

Kind: global function

  • TypeError throws if distribution is not a string
  • TypeError throws if user is not a string
  • Error throws if the distribution could not be run
Param Type Default Description
[distribution] String | Null distribution to run, or the default if not specified
[user] String | Null the user to run as


const wsl = require('@endevr-io/wsl-api')
wsl.runDistribution('Ubuntu', 'endevr')

runDistributionDetached([distribution], [user])

Runs a detached distribution with an optional user. The distribution will be detached from this process in it's own window

Kind: global function

  • TypeError throws if distribution is not a string
  • TypeError throws if user is not a string
  • Error throws if the distribution could not be run detached
Param Type Default Description
[distribution] String | Null distribution to run, or the default if not specified
[user] String | Null the user to run as


const wsl = require('@endevr-io/wsl-api')
wsl.runDistributionDetached('Ubuntu', 'endevr')

setDefaultDistribution(distribution) ⇒ Promise

Sets the default distribution

Kind: global function
Returns: Promise - resolves promise from execPromise

  • TypeError throws if distribution is not a string
  • Error throws if default distribution could not be set
Param Type Description
distribution String distribution to set


const wsl = require('@endevr-io/wsl-api')
await wsl.setDefaultDistribution('Ubuntu')

setDefaultVersion(version) ⇒ Promise

Sets the default WSL version

Kind: global function
Returns: Promise - resolves promise from execPromise

  • TypeError throws if version is not a number
  • Error throws if version is not 1 or 2
  • Error throws if default version could not be set
Param Type Description
version Number version to set


const wsl = require('@endevr-io/wsl-api')
await wsl.setDefaultVersion(2)

setVersion(distribution, version) ⇒ Promise

Sets the WSL version of a distribution

Kind: global function
Returns: Promise - resolves promise from execPromise

  • TypeError throws if distribution is not a string
  • TypeError throws if version is not a number
  • Error throws if version is not 1 or 2
  • Error throws if distribution version could not be set
Param Type Description
distribution String distribution to set
version Number version to set


const wsl = require('@endevr-io/wsl-api')
await wsl.setVersion('Ubuntu', 2)

shutdown() ⇒ Promise

Shutdown all distributions

Kind: global function
Returns: Promise - resolves promise from execPromise

  • Error throws if distributions could not be shutdown


const wsl = require('@endevr-io/wsl-api')
await wsl.shutdown()

status([raw]) ⇒ Promise | StatusObject | String | Null

Lists the status of WSL

Kind: global function
Returns: Promise | StatusObject | String | Null - returns a status object, a string of the raw output, or null

  • TypeError throws if raw is not a boolean
Param Type Default Description
[raw] Boolean false option to return a string of the raw output


const wsl = require('@endevr-io/wsl-api')
const status = await wsl.status()
// {
//   defaultDistribution: 'Ubuntu',
//   defaultVersion: 2,
//   lastUpdated: 2021-12-01T06:00:00.000Z,
//   automaticUpdates: true,
//   kernelVersion: ''
// }

terminate(distribution) ⇒ Promise

Terminates or stops specified distribution

Kind: global function
Returns: Promise - resolves promise from execPromise

  • TypeError throws if distribution is not a string
  • Error throws if distribution could not be terminated
Param Type Description
distribution String distribution to terminate


const wsl = require('@endevr-io/wsl-api')
await wsl.terminate('Ubuntu')

unmount(path) ⇒ Promise

Unmounts a disk to all distributions

Kind: global function
Returns: Promise - resolves promise from execPromise

  • TypeError throws if path is not a string
  • Error throws if disk could not be unmounted
Param Type Description
path String disk path to unmount


const wsl = require('@endevr-io/wsl-api')
await wsl.unmount('\\\\.\\PHYSICALDRIVE3')

unregister(distribution) ⇒ Promise

Unregisters or uninstalls specified distribution

Kind: global function
Returns: Promise - resolves promise from execPromise

  • TypeError throws if distribution is not a string
  • Error throws if distribution could not be unregistered
Param Type Description
distribution String distribution to unregister


const wsl = require('@endevr-io/wsl-api')
await wsl.unregister('Ubuntu')

update([rollback]) ⇒ Promise

Update the WSL kernel

Kind: global function
Returns: Promise - resolves promise from execPromise

  • TypeError throws if rollback is not a boolean
  • Error throws if unable to update WSL
Param Type Default Description
[rollback] Boolean false option to rollback to previous version


const wsl = require('@endevr-io/wsl-api')
await wsl.update()

isSupported() ⇒ Boolean

Checks if WSL is supported in the OS, must be Windows 10 build >= 19041 or Windows 11

Kind: global function
Returns: Boolean - returns truthy of is WSL supported or false on error

const wsl = require('@endevr-io/wsl-api')
const isSupported = wsl.isSupported()
// true

runBashCommand(command, [longProcess], [stdoutCallback], [stderrCallback], [errorCallback], [closeCallback]) ⇒ Promise | String


Runs a bash command on the default distribution

Kind: global function
Returns: Promise | String - returns promise from spawnBashPromise if longProcess is true or string from execPromise if longProcess is false

Param Type Default Description
command String command to run, already is wrapped with ""
[longProcess] Boolean false option if to run a process with a single response or a long running process with callbacks for the response
[stdoutCallback] function | Boolean false optional callback for the stdout event, longProcess must be true, returns a buffer
[stderrCallback] function | Boolean false optional callback for the stderr event, longProcess must be true, returns a buffer
[errorCallback] function | Boolean false optional callback for the error event, longProcess must be true, returns a buffer
[closeCallback] function | Boolean false optional callback for the close event, longProcess must be true, returns a close code


const wsl = require('@endevr-io/wsl-api')

const ls = await wsl.runBashCommand('ls')

function callback (data) {
await wsl.runBashCommand('apt update', true, callback)

runBashFile(path, [longProcess], [stdoutCallback], [stderrCallback], [errorCallback], [closeCallback]) ⇒ Promise | String


Runs a bash file on the default distribution

⚠️ Make sure that the file uses Linux line endings (LF) and NOT Windows line endings (CRLF)

Kind: global function
Returns: Promise | String - returns promise from spawnBashPromise if longProcess is true or string from execPromise if longProcess is false

Param Type Default Description
path String path to the file in WSL/Linux format, ie /mnt/c/Path/To/File or /home/user/path/to/file
[longProcess] Boolean false option if to run a process with a single response or a long running process with callbacks for the response
[stdoutCallback] function | Boolean false optional callback for the stdout event, returns a buffer
[stderrCallback] function | Boolean false optional callback for the stderr event, returns a buffer
[errorCallback] function | Boolean false optional callback for the error event, returns a buffer
[closeCallback] function | Boolean false optional callback for the close event, returns a close code


const wsl = require('@endevr-io/wsl-api')

const short = await wsl.runBashFile('/mnt/c/shortprocess.sh')

function callback (data) {
await wsl.runBashFile('/mnt/c/longprocess.sh', true, callback)

runWSLCommand(command, [distribution], [user], [longProcess], [stdoutCallback], [stderrCallback], [errorCallback], [closeCallback]) ⇒ Promise | String

Runs a command on the default or specified distribution. Must be a simple single command. Use runBashCommand for multiple or complex commands or run a bash file with runWSLFile or runBashFile

Kind: global function
Returns: Promise | String - returns promise from spawnBashPromise if longProcess is true or string from execPromise if longProcess is false

Param Type Default Description
command String command to run, already is wrapped with ""
[distribution] String | Null option to specify the distribution or use the default distribution
[user] String | Null option to specify the user or use the default user
[longProcess] Boolean false option if to run a process with a single response or a long running process with callbacks for the response
[stdoutCallback] function | Boolean false optional callback for the stdout event, returns a buffer
[stderrCallback] function | Boolean false optional callback for the stderr event, returns a buffer
[errorCallback] function | Boolean false optional callback for the error event, returns a buffer
[closeCallback] function | Boolean false optional callback for the close event, returns a close code


const wsl = require('@endevr-io/wsl-api')

const ls = await wsl.runWSLCommand('ls', 'Ubuntu', 'endevr')

function callback (data) {
await wsl.runWSLCommand('apt update', 'Ubuntu', 'endevr', true, callback)

runWSLFile(path, [distribution], [user], [longProcess], [stdoutCallback], [stderrCallback], [errorCallback], [closeCallback]) ⇒ Promise | String

Runs a bash file on the default or specified istribution

⚠️ Make sure that the file uses Linux line endings (LF) and NOT Windows line endings (CRLF)

Kind: global function
Returns: Promise | String - returns promise from spawnBashPromise if longProcess is true or string from execPromise if longProcess is false

Param Type Default Description
path String path to the file in WSL/Linux format, ie /mnt/c/Path/To/File or /home/user/path/to/file
[distribution] String | Null option to specify the distribution or use the default distribution
[user] String | Null option to specify the user or use the default user
[longProcess] Boolean false option if to run a process with a single response or a long running process with callbacks for the response
[stdoutCallback] function | Boolean false optional callback for the stdout event, returns a buffer
[stderrCallback] function | Boolean false optional callback for the stderr event, returns a buffer
[errorCallback] function | Boolean false optional callback for the error event, returns a buffer
[closeCallback] function | Boolean false optional callback for the close event, returns a close code


const wsl = require('@endevr-io/wsl-api')

const short = await wsl.runWSLFile('/mnt/c/shortprocess.sh', 'Ubuntu', 'endevr')

function callback (data) {
await wsl.runWSLFile('/mnt/c/longprocess.sh', 'Ubuntu', 'endevr', true, callback)

isInstalled(distribution) ⇒ Boolean

Checks if distribution is installed or exists

Kind: global function
Returns: Boolean - returns truthy of if the distribution exists

  • TypeError throws if distribution is not a string
Param Type Description
distribution String distribution to check for installed


const wsl = require('@endevr-io/wsl-api')
const isInstalled = await wsl.isInstalled('Ubuntu')
// true

isRunning(distribution) ⇒ Boolean

Checks if distribution is currently running

Kind: global function
Returns: Boolean - returns truthy of if the distribution is running

  • TypeError throws if distribution is not a string
Param Type Description
distribution String distribution to check for running


const wsl = require('@endevr-io/wsl-api')
const isRunning = await wsl.isRunning('Ubuntu')
// false

isNotRunning(distribution) ⇒ Boolean

Checks if distribution is currently not running

Kind: global function
Returns: Boolean - returns truthy of if the distribution is not running

  • TypeError throws if distribution is not a string
Param Type Description
distribution String distribution to check for not running


const wsl = require('@endevr-io/wsl-api')
const isNotRunning = await wsl.isNotRunning('Ubuntu')
// true

isAnyRunning() ⇒ Boolean

Checks if any distribution is currently running, can also use const isAnyRunning = wsl.listRunning().length >= 1

Kind: global function
Returns: Boolean - returns truthy of if any distribution is running

const wsl = require('@endevr-io/wsl-api')
const isAnyRunning = await wsl.isAnyRunning('Ubuntu')
// true

isInstalling(distribution) ⇒ Boolean

Checks if distribution is currently installing

Kind: global function
Returns: Boolean - returns truthy of if the distribution is installing

  • TypeError throws if distribution is not a string
Param Type Description
distribution String distribution to check for installing


const wsl = require('@endevr-io/wsl-api')
const isInstalling = await wsl.isInstalling('Ubuntu')
// false

waitForRunning(distribution, [poll]) ⇒ Promise

Checks every poll interval and returns a promise when the distribution is running

Kind: global function
Returns: Promise - returns when the distribution is running

  • TypeError throws if distribution is not a string or poll is not a number
Param Type Default Description
distribution String distribution to wait for running
[poll] Number 1000 option poll interval


const wsl = require('@endevr-io/wsl-api')
wsl.runDistribution('Ubuntu', 'endevr')
await wsl.waitForRunning('Ubuntu')
console.log('Ubuntu has started')
// Ubuntu has started

waitForNotRunning(distribution, [poll]) ⇒ Promise

Checks every poll interval and returns a promise when the distribution is not running

Kind: global function
Returns: Promise - returns when the distribution is not running

  • TypeError throws if distribution is not a string or poll is not a number
Param Type Default Description
distribution String distribution to wait for not running
[poll] Number 1000 option poll interval


const wsl = require('@endevr-io/wsl-api')
await wsl.terminate('Ubuntu')
await wsl.waitForNotRunning('Ubuntu')
console.log('Ubuntu has stopped')
// Ubuntu has stopped

waitForAllNotRunning([poll]) ⇒ Promise

Checks every poll interval and returns a promise when all distributions are not running

Kind: global function
Returns: Promise - returns when the distribution is not running

  • TypeError throws if distribution is not a string or poll is not a number
Param Type Default Description
[poll] Number 1000 option poll interval


const wsl = require('@endevr-io/wsl-api')
wsl.runDistribution('Ubuntu', 'endevr')
await wsl.terminate('Ubuntu')
await wsl.waitForAllNotRunning()
console.log('All distributions have stopped')
// All distributions have stopped

waitForInstalling(distribution, [poll]) ⇒ Promise

Checks every poll interval and returns a promise when the distribution is installing

Kind: global function
Returns: Promise - returns when the distribution is installing

  • TypeError throws if distribution is not a string or poll is not a number
Param Type Default Description
distribution String distribution to wait for installing
[poll] Number 1000 option poll interval


const wsl = require('@endevr-io/wsl-api')
await wsl.installDistribution('Ubuntu')
await wsl.waitForInstalling('Ubuntu')
console.log('Ubuntu is installing')
// Ubuntu is installing

ListObject : Object

Kind: global typedef

Name Type
name String
default Boolean

ListOnlineObject : Object

Kind: global typedef

Name Type
name String
friendly String

ListVerboseObject : Object

Kind: global typedef

Name Type
default Boolean
name String
state String
version Number

StatusObject : Object

Kind: global typedef

Name Type
defaultDistribution String
defaultVersion Number
lastUpdated Date
automaticUpdates Boolean
kernelVersion String


Pull requests are welcome for bug fixes or feature requests.


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