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0.0.29 • Public • Published


React-Enotify is a lightweight, customizable notification library for React applications. It provides an easy-to-use hook and context for managing notifications, along with smooth animations powered by React Spring. With React-Enotify, you can quickly integrate and manage notification pop-ups in your application, enhancing user experience and responsiveness.


  • Display notifications with customizable styles
  • Dismiss notifications after a certain amount of time
  • Add primary and secondary actions to notifications
  • Use multiple notification types (success, warning, info, error, and loading)


To install react-enotify, you can use npm:

npm install --save @flrfinance/react-enotify

Or yarn:

yarn add @flrfinance/react-enotify


To use the Notifications module, follow these steps:

  1. Wrap your application with the NotificationsProvider component:
import { NotificationsProvider } from "@flrfinance/react-enotify";

function App() {
  return (
      <div>...Your app goes here...</div>
  1. Use the useNotifications hook in the component where you want to add, remove or manage notifications:
import { useNotifications } from "@flrfinance/react-enotify";

function MyComponent() {
  const { addNotification, removeNotification } = useNotifications();

  const handleClick = () => {
      id: "my-notification",
      title: "Notification title",
      description: "Notification description",
      status: "success", // success, info, warning, error
      dismissible: true, // optional
      dismissAfter: 3000, // optional, in milliseconds
      primaryAction: {
        label: "Ok",
        onClick: () => {
      }, // optional
      secondaryAction: {
        label: "Cancel",
        onClick: () => {
      }, // optional

  return <button onClick={handleClick}>Add Notification</button>;

The addNotification method expects a notification object with the following properties:

  • id (string, required): unique identifier for the notification
  • title (string, required): title of the notification
  • description (string, required): description of the notification
  • status (string, required): status of the notification, can be one of: success, info, warning or error
  • dismissible (boolean, optional): whether the notification can be dismissed or not (defaults to false)
  • dismissAfter (number, optional): the time in milliseconds after which the notification should be automatically dismissed (defaults to null)
  • primaryAction (object, optional): an object with label and onClick properties defining a primary action for the notification (defaults to null)
  • secondaryAction (object, optional): an object with label and onClick properties defining a secondary action for the notification (defaults to null)

The removeNotification method expects the id of the notification to be removed as a parameter.


You can customize the appearance of notifications by overriding the default styles. Here's an example:

// Override the background color of the success notifications
.r-enotification.success {
  background-color: #b2e2b2;

// Override the background color of the error notifications
.r-enotification.error {
  background-color: #e2b2b2;


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.

Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.

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