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1.0.25 • Public • Published

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  • Internet Penetration
  • Integrate server side & client side
  • Support cluster (Share TCP stream via redis pub/sub)
  • Based on WebSocket transport
  • Support HTTP Basic Auth


How to use

import {Application, createApp} from '@lakutata/core'
import {AllowCallback, Tunnel, TunnelClientComponent, TunnelServerComponent} from '@lakutata-component/tunnel'
import {createServer, IncomingMessage} from 'http'
import {WebSocketServer} from 'ws'

const app = await createApp({
    id: 'test.app',
    name: 'tester',
    components: {
        server: {
            class: TunnelServerComponent,
            //Server bind port
            port: 80,
            //Server bind address
            address: '',
            //Server bind domain
            domain: 'tunnel.example.com',
            //Server name
            serverName: 'ThisIsServerName',
            //On client connect to server callback
            allowConnect: (app: Application, tunnel: Tunnel, callback: AllowCallback) => {
            //On client request received callback
            allowRequest: (app: Application, tunnel: Tunnel, req: IncomingMessage, callback: AllowCallback) => {
            //On client upgrade request received callback
            allowUpgrade: (app: Application, tunnel: Tunnel, req: IncomingMessage, callback: AllowCallback) => {
            //Redis is optional, if redis options not set, the server will be single server mode, else the server support HA mode
            redisOptions: {
                port: 6379,
                host: 'localhost',
                db: 13
        client: {
            class: TunnelClientComponent
    workflows: [() => {
        //Establish a local server listen port 8080 for test
        const testServer = createServer((req, res) => {
        }).listen(8080, '')
        //Add websocket support for test
        const wss = new WebSocketServer({noServer: true, path: '/ws'})
        testServer.on('upgrade', (req, socket, head) => {
            wss.handleUpgrade(req, socket, head, client => {
                setInterval(() => {
                }, 1000)
const serverComponent: TunnelServerComponent = app.Components.get<TunnelServerComponent>('server')
serverComponent.on('upgrade_connection_close', (tunnel: Tunnel) => {
    //On http upgrade socket closed
    console.log('upgrade_connection_close', tunnel)
serverComponent.on('upgrade_connection_open', (tunnel: Tunnel) => {
    //On http upgrade socket established
    console.log('upgrade_connection_open', tunnel)
serverComponent.on('connection_close', (tunnel: Tunnel) => {
    //On http request socket closed
    console.log('connection_close', tunnel)
serverComponent.on('connection_open', (tunnel: Tunnel) => {
    //On received http request
    console.log('connection_open', tunnel)
const clientComponent: TunnelClientComponent = app.Components.get<TunnelClientComponent>('client')
const tunnelSocket: TunnelSocket = clientComponent.open({
    //Tunnel server URL
    server: 'http://tunnel.example.com',
    //Assign a subdomain
    subdomain: 'this-is-a-test',
    //Local service port
    port: 8080,
    //Local IP or hostname
    hostname: '',
    //If local server listening tls port, set it true
    tls: false,
    //Rewrite host in headers when forward request to local
    rewriteHost: false,
    //Is allow wildcard domain request proxy
    allowWildcard: true,
    //Use HTTP basic auth to protect local service
    authorization: {
        //Username for Basic Auth
        username: 'user',
        //Password for Basic Auth
        password: 'pass',
        //Whether add username field and password field to HTTP header
        extract: false

//Print URL
tunnel.on('url', (url: string) => console.log('URL:', url))//this-is-a-test.tunnel.example.com
//On open event
tunnel.on('open', (tunnelSocket: TunnelSocket) => console.log(tunnelSocket))
//On close event
tunnel.on('close', (tunnelSocket: TunnelSocket) => console.log(tunnelSocket))
//On destroy event
tunnel.on('destroy', () => console.log('destroyed'))
//On error handler
tunnel.on('error', (exception: Exception) => console.error(exception))

Server-Side Events

 * On http upgrade socket closed
on('upgrade_connection_close', (tunnel: Tunnel) => {
    //Client information
 * On http upgrade socket established
on('upgrade_connection_open', (tunnel: Tunnel) => {
    //Client information
 * On http request socket closed
on('connection_close', (tunnel: Tunnel) => {
    //Client information
 * On received http request
on('connection_open', (tunnel: Tunnel) => {
    //Client information


Examples can be found in project src/tests.

How to Contribute

Please let us know how can we help. Do check out issues for bug reports or suggestions first.



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