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A JavaScript library for rendering lottie and dotLottie animations in the browser.

What is dotLottie?

dotLottie is an open-source file format that aggregates one or more Lottie files and their associated resources into a single file. They are ZIP archives compressed with the Deflate compression method and carry the file extension of ".lottie".

Learn more about dotLottie.



npm install @lottiefiles/dotlottie-web


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After installation, you can import DotLottie in your JavaScript or TypeScript module:

<!-- Canvas element where the animation will be rendered -->
<canvas id="dotlottie-canvas" style="width: 300px; height:300px;"></canvas>
import { DotLottie } from '@lottiefiles/dotlottie-web';

const dotLottie = new DotLottie({
    autoplay: true,
    loop: true,
    canvas: document.querySelector('#dotlottie-canvas'),
    src: "https://lottie.host/4db68bbd-31f6-4cd8-84eb-189de081159a/IGmMCqhzpt.lottie", // or .json file


<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="utf-8" />
      content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1, shrink-to-fit=no"
    <title>@lottiefiles/dotlottie-web | basic example</title>
    <!-- Canvas element where the Lottie animation will be rendered -->
    <canvas id="canvas" width="300" height="300"></canvas>
    <script type="module">
      import { DotLottie } from "https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/@lottiefiles/dotlottie-web/+esm";

      new DotLottie({
        autoplay: true,
        loop: true,
        canvas: document.getElementById("canvas"),
        src: "https://lottie.host/4db68bbd-31f6-4cd8-84eb-189de081159a/IGmMCqhzpt.lottie", // or .json file

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The DotLottie constructor accepts a config object with the following properties:

Property name Type Required Default Description
autoplay boolean false Auto-starts the animation on load.
loop boolean false Determines if the animation should loop.
canvas HTMLCanvasElement | OffscreenCanvas ✔️ undefined Canvas element for animation rendering.
src string undefined URL to the animation data (.json or .lottie).
speed number 1 Animation playback speed. 1 is regular speed.
data string | ArrayBuffer undefined Animation data provided either as a Lottie JSON string or as an ArrayBuffer for .lottie animations.
mode string "forward" Animation play mode. Accepts "forward", "reverse", "bounce", "reverse-bounce".
backgroundColor string undefined Background color of the canvas. Accepts 6-digit or 8-digit hex color string (e.g., "#000000", "#000000FF"),
segment [number, number] [0, totalFrames - 1] Animation segment. Accepts an array of two numbers, where the first number is the start frame and the second number is the end frame.
renderConfig RenderConfig {} Configuration for rendering the animation.
useFrameInterpolation boolean true Determines if the animation should update on subframes. If set to false, the original AE frame rate will be maintained. If set to true, it will refresh at each requestAnimationFrame, including intermediate values. The default setting is true.
marker string undefined The lottie named marker to play.
layout Layout undefined The animation layout configuration.


The layout object accepts the following properties:

Property name Type Required Default Description
fit string "contain" The fit mode of the animation. Accepts "contain", "cover", "fill", "fit-width", "fit-height" and "none".
align [number, number] [0.5, 0.5] The alignment of the animation in the canvas. Origin is at the top-left corner where [0, 0] is the top-left corner and [1, 1] is the bottom-right corner.


The renderConfig object accepts the following properties:

Property name Type Required Default Description
devicePixelRatio number window.devicePixelRatio | 1 The device pixel ratio.


DotLottie instances expose the following properties:

Property Type Description
currentFrame number Represents the animation's currently displayed frame number.
duration number Specifies the animation's total playback time in milliseconds.
totalFrames number Denotes the total count of individual frames within the animation.
loop boolean Indicates if the animation is set to play in a continuous loop.
speed number Represents the playback speed factor; e.g., 2 would mean double speed.
loopCount number Tracks how many times the animation has completed its loop.
direction string Reflects the current playback direction; e.g., 1 would mean forward, -1 would mean reverse.
mode string Reflects the current playback mode.
isPaused boolean Reflects whether the animation is paused or not.
isStopped boolean Reflects whether the animation is stopped or not.
isPlaying boolean Reflects whether the animation is playing or not.
segment [number, number] Reflects the frames range of the animations. where segment[0] is the start frame and segment[1] is the end frame.
backgroundColor string Gets the background color of the canvas.
autoplay boolean Indicates if the animation is set to auto-play.
isFrozen boolean Reflects whether the animation loop is stopped or not.
isLoaded boolean Reflects whether the animation is loaded or not.
useFrameInterpolation boolean Reflects whether the animation should update on subframes.
renderConfig RenderConfig Configuration for rendering the animation.
manifest Manifest | null The manifest of the loaded dotLottie file.
marker string The lottie named marker to play.
layout Layout The animation layout configuration.
activeThemeId string The loaded theme id from the .lottie file.
activeAnimationId string The loaded animation id from the .lottie file.
segmentDuration number The duration of the current segment, if no segment is set, it will return the duration of the whole animation.
canvas HTMLCanvasElement | OffscreenCanvas The canvas element for animation rendering.


This object contains the manifest of the loaded dotLottie file. as described in the dotLottie structure.


DotLottie instances expose the following methods that can be used to control the animation:

Method Description
play() Begins playback from the current animation position.
pause() Pauses the animation without resetting its position.
stop() Halts playback and returns the animation to its initial frame.
setSpeed(speed: number) Sets the playback speed with the given multiplier.
setLoop(loop: boolean) Configures whether the animation should loop continuously.
setFrame(frame: number) Directly navigates the animation to a specified frame.
addEventListener(event: string, listener: Function) Registers a function to respond to a specific animation event.
removeEventListener(event: string, listener?: Function) Removes a previously registered function from responding to a specific animation event.
destroy() Destroys the renderer instance and unregisters all event listeners. This method should be called when the canvas is removed from the DOM to prevent memory leaks.
load(config: Config) Loads a new configuration or a new animation.
setMode(mode: string) Sets the animation play mode.
setSegment(startFrame: number, endFrame: number) Sets the start and end frame of the animation.
freeze() Freezes the animation by stopping the animation loop.
unfreeze() Unfreezes the animation by resuming the animation loop.
setBackgroundColor(color: string) Sets the background color of the canvas.
resize() This method adjusts the canvas size to match its bounding box dimensions, considering the device's pixel ratio. This prevents the canvas from appearing blurry on high-resolution screens. Call this method when the window or the canvas element is resized.
setUseFrameInterpolation(useFrameInterpolation: boolean) Sets whether the animation should update on subframes.
setRenderConfig(renderConfig: RenderConfig) Sets the render configuration. check RenderConfig for more details.
loadAnimation(animationId: string) Loads a new animation from the .lottie file, using its ID as specified in the manifest.json file of the .lottie file.
setMarker(marker: string) Sets the lottie named marker to play.
setLayout(layout: Layout) Sets the animation layout configuration.
loadTheme(themeId: string) Loads a new theme from the .lottie file, using its ID as specified in the manifest.json file of the .lottie file.
loadThemeData(themeData: string) Loads a new theme from the provided theme data.
setViewport(x: number, y: number, width: number, height: number) Sets the viewport of the animation, where x and y are the top-left corner of the viewport, and width and height are the dimensions of the viewport, this will crop the animation to the specified viewport.

Static Methods

The DotLottie class exposes the following static methods:

Method Description
setWasmUrl(url: string) Sets the URL to the renderer.wasm binary.


The DotLottie instance emits the following events that can be listened to via the addEventListener method:

Event Description Event Parameter (Type and Fields)
load Emitted when the animation is loaded. LoadEvent { type: 'load' }
loadError Emitted when there's an error loading the animation. LoadErrorEvent { type: 'loadError', error: Error }
play Emitted when the animation starts playing. PlayEvent { type: 'play' }
pause Emitted when the animation is paused. PauseEvent { type: 'pause' }
stop Emitted when the animation is stopped. StopEvent { type: 'stop' }
loop Emitted when the animation completes a loop. LoopEvent { type: 'loop', loopCount: number }
complete Emitted when the animation completes. CompleteEvent { type: 'complete' }
frame Emitted when the animation reaches a new frame. FrameEvent { type: 'frame', currentFrame: number }
destroy Emitted when the animation is destroyed. DestroyEvent { type: 'destroy' }
freeze Emitted when the animation is freezed and the animation loop stops. FreezeEvent { type: 'freeze' }
unfreeze Emitted when the animation is unfreezed and the animation loop resumes. UnfreezeEvent { type: 'unfreeze' }
render Emitted when a new frame is rendered to the canvas. RenderEvent { type: 'render', currentFrame: number }



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