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1.0.9 • Public • Published


This is a collection of utility functions designed to streamline common tasks within React projects. It provides a variety of helpers for data manipulation, text formatting, date handling, notifications, and more.


You can install @mbs-dev/react-helpers via npm or yarn:

npm install @mbs-dev/react-helpers
# or
yarn add @mbs-dev/react-helpers


Import Helpers:

  import { formDataGenerator, other helpers... } from '@mbs-dev/react-helpers';

Available Functions:

  • 1 : formDataGenerator
  • 2 : randomKeyGenerator
  • 3 : referenceGenerator
  • 4 : slugGenerator
  • 5 : arabicSlugGenerator
  • 6 : exportDataToExcel
  • 7 : getFirstWord
  • 8 : isEven
  • 9 : encodeHtmlTags
  • 10 : decodeHtmlTags
  • 11 : handleScrollTop
  • 12 : formatPrice
  • 13 : formatDate
  • 14 : TruncateText
  • 15 : getTodayDate
  • 16 : removeHtmlTags
  • 17 : Notify

  • 1 : formDataGenerator(object, prefix, formData):

    Recursively iterates through an object and appends key-value pairs to a FormData object, handling nested objects and Blobs appropriately. Example:

  const myObject = {
  username: 'johndoe',
  profile: {
      firstName : 'John',
      lasttName : 'Doe',

  const formData = new FormData();
  formDataGenerator(myObject, '', formData);
  • If prefix is empty (meaning at the root level of the original object), the key itself is used.
  • Otherwise, it constructs a nested key name using square brackets.
  • Here's an example of how the formDataGenerator function works with a non-empty prefix:
  const myObject = {
  name: "John Doe",
  address: {
        street: "123 Main St",
        city: "Anytown",

  const formData = new FormData();
  formDataGenerator(myObject, "user", formData); // "user" is the prefix

For the name property:

  • Since the prefix is "user", propKey becomes "user[name]".
  • The value ("John Doe") is a string, so it gets appended to formData with the key "user[name]". For the address property:
  • propKey becomes "user[address]" (due to the prefix).
    • For street: propKey becomes "user[address][street]" and the value ("123 Main St") gets appended.
    • For city: propKey becomes "user[address][city]" and the value ("Anytown") gets appended.

  • 2 : randomKeyGenerator(length):

    Generates a random string of the specified length, containing uppercase and lowercase letters, as well as numbers. Example:

  const randomKey = randomKeyGenerator(16); 
  console.log(randomKey); // Output: Example: "oF291n3LKJ4t7B5q" 

  • 3 : referenceGenerator(randomLength, ...elements):

    Constructs a reference string by combining the current date (year, month, day, hours, minutes, seconds) with a random number ( randomNumber ) with default length (randomLength) = 2. You can customize the date elements included in the reference. Example:

  const reference = referenceGenerator(undefined, "hours", "day");
  console.log(reference); // Output: Example: "1805" (This includes the current hours, day)

  const reference = referenceGenerator(3, "day", "month", "year");
  console.log(reference); // Output: Example: "24052024" (This includes the current day, month, and year)

  const referenceWithRandom = referenceGenerator(5, "day", "month", "year", "randomNumber");
  console.log(referenceWithRandom); // Output: Example: "2405202412345" (Includes date and a random number)

  • 4 : slugGenerator(inputString):

    Creates a URL-friendly slug from the provided string, handling special characters, spaces, and Arabic text (if needed). Example:

  const title = "The following text is used as an example";
  const slug = slugGenerator(title);
  console.log(slug); // Output: "the-following-text-is-used-as-an-example"

  • 5 : arabicSlugGenerator(inputString):

    This function is similar to slugGenerator but might be specifically tailored for handling Arabic characters. Example:

  const arabicTitle = "يتم استعمال النص التالي كمثال";
  const arabicSlug = arabicSlugGenerator(arabicTitle);
  console.log(arabicSlug); // Output : "يتم-استعمال-النص-التالي-كمثال" 

  • 6 : exportDataToExcel(data, fileName):

    This function takes data in the form of a 2D array and exports it as an Excel file with the specified file name. The generated file will have a .xlsx extension and contain the data on a single sheet named "Sheet1". Example:

  const App: React.FC = () => {
    const exportData = async () => {
      const response = await apiRequest({
        route: 'data-to-export',
        method: 'GET',
      if (response.status === 200) {
        await exportDataToExcel(response.data, 'UserData' )
    return (
            <button onClick={exportData}>Export Data</button>

    export default App;

  • 7 : getFirstWord(inputString):

    Extracts the first word from a string, handling cases where there's only one word or multiple words. Example:

  const sentence = "Hello World, how are you?";
  const firstWord = getFirstWord(sentence);
  console.log(firstWord); // Output: "Hello"

  • 8 : isEven(number):

    Determines whether a number is even. Example:

  const number = 10;
  const isNumberEven = isEven(number);
  console.log(isNumberEven); // Output: true

  • 9 : encodeHtmlTags(html):

    Encodes HTML tags (less than '<' and greater than '>') to prevent unintended rendering within text content. Some times the Server will block the request that includes HTML tags (e.g. when use a Text Editor) , so this function can help top fix that. Example:

  const encodedHtml = encodeHtmlTags("<div>Hello</div>");
  console.log(encodedHtml); // Output: "&lt;div&gt;Hello&lt;/div&gt;"

  • 10 : decodeHtmlTags(html):

    Decodes previously encoded HTML tags back to their original form. Example:

  const decodedHtml = decodeHtmlTags("&lt;div&gt;Hello&lt;/div&gt;");
  console.log(decodedHtml); // Output: "<div>Hello</div>"

  • 11 : handleScrollTop():

    This function scrolls the document to the top. Example:

  // This can be called from an onClick event handler of a button
  import { handleScrollTop } from '@mbs-dev/react-helpers'
  const App: React.FC = () => {
    return (
            <button onClick={handleScrollTop}>Back To Top</button>

    export default App;

  • 12 : formatPrice(price):

    This function formats a price string to include commas and a specific number of decimal places. Example:

  const productPrice = "1234.5678";
  const formattedPrice = formatPrice(productPrice);
  console.log(formattedPrice); // Output: "1 234.57"

  • 13 : formatDate(dateInput, template, asInputValue):

    This function formats a date string based on a provided template or returns the date in a format suitable for input fields. Example:

  import { DateFormatTemplate } from '@mbs-dev/react-helpers'
  const myDate = "2024-05-01";
  const customTemplate: DateFormatTemplate = ({ day, month, year }) => `${month}/${day}/${year}`;

  // Option 1: Using default template (YYYY-MM-DD)
  const formattedDate = formatDate(myDate);

  // Option 2: Using custom template
  // const customTemplate = (date) => `${date.day}/${date.month}/${date.year}`;
  const formattedDateWithCustomTemplate = formatDate(myDate, customTemplate);

  // Option 3: Formatting for input value
  const formattedDateForInput = formatDate(myDate, undefined, true);

  • 14 : TruncateText({ text, maxLength }):

    This function truncates a string to a specified maximum length and adds an ellipsis (...) if the text is longer. Example:

  const longText = "This is a very long text that needs to be truncated.";
  const truncatedText = TruncateText({ text: longText, maxLength: 20 });
  console.log(truncatedText); // Output: "This is a very lon..."

  • 15 : getTodayDate(dateElements):

    This function retrieves today's date and formats it based on the specified elements (day, month, year). Example:

  const todaysDate = getTodayDate();
  console.log(todaysDate); // Output: "01-05-2024" (assuming all elements are included)

  const todaysDateShort = getTodayDate(["day", "month"]);
  console.log(todaysDateShort); // Output: "01-05" (includes only day and month)

  • 16 : removeHtmlTags(input):

    This function removes all HTML tags from a string. Example:

  const htmlString = "This is a text with <b>bold</b> and <i>italic</i>.";
  const plainText = removeHtmlTags(htmlString);
  console.log(plainText); // Output: "This is a text with bold and italic." (HTML tags are removed)

  • 17 : Notify Functions:

    These functions utilize the react-toastify library (assumed to be installed separately) to display notification messages. They provide various message types for success, error, information, warning, and custom error notifications in English and French.

  Displays a success notification for adding a new entity. 
  e.g. 'Product ajouté avec succès' , 'User ajouté avec succès'
  Displays a success notification for updating an entity.
  e.g. 'Product modifié avec succès' , 'User modifié avec succès'
  Displays a success notification for deleting an entity.
  e.g. 'Product supprimé avec succès' , 'User supprimé avec succès'
  Displays a general success notification with custom text.
  Displays an error notification with custom text.
  Displays an informational notification with custom text.
  Displays a warning notification with custom text.
  Displays a custom error notification in English ("Something wrong, try again").
  Displays a custom error notification in French ("Une erreur est survenue, réessayez").


  • You can import the 'notify' from @mbs-dev/react-helpers instead of import each notify function separately.
  • You must import and use ToastContainer from '@mbs-dev/react-helpers' to display the toast when use the Notify functions.
  import { Outlet } from 'react-router-dom'
  import { LayoutProvider } from '../_metronic/layout/core'
  import { ToastContainer , notify} from '@mbs-dev/react-helpers'
  import "react-toastify/dist/ReactToastify.css";

  const App = () => {
    console.log(notify.successNotify('Access the successNotify from notify'));

    return (
            <ToastContainer />
            <Outlet />

  export { App }



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