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0.6.0 • Public • Published


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The PP Dev Helper is a development framework and build tool for Metric Insights' Portal Pages, designed to make the lives of PP developers easier:

  • build your Portal Page
  • run/test locally with API requests proxied to a Metric Insights server
  • a lot more (to be documented soon!)

pp-dev is based on Vite.


Package installation

$ npm i @metricinsights/pp-dev

Define Configuration

You'll need to create a file with the name pp-dev.config and extension js or cjs (if you define type module in package.json), or ts if you want to use TypeScript, or json.

Alternatively, you can define configuration in your package.json via the pp-dev key

Generic configuration examples:

  • JavaScript
// pp-dev.config.js

 * @type {import('@metricinsights/pp-dev').PPDevConfig}
module.exports = {
  backendBaseURL: 'https://mi.company.com',
  portalPageId: 1,
  • TypeScript
// pp-dev.config.ts

import { PPDevConfig } from '@metricinsights/pp-dev';

const config: PPDevConfig = {
  backendBaseURL: 'https://mi.company.com',
  portalPageId: 1,

export default config;
  • JSON as pp-dev.config.json
  "backendBaseURL": "https://mi.company.com",
  "portalPageId": 1
  • JSON as package.json
  "name": "<project-name>",
  "version": "1.0.0",
  "scripts": {},
  "pp-dev": {
    "backendBaseURL": "https://mi.company.com",
    "portalPageId": 1

Next.js Configuration

To use the PP Dev Helper with Next.js:

  1. Add pp-dev config to your root directory.

  2. Change your dev script in package.json to pp-dev next.

  3. Finally, wrap your next.config with a withPPDev function.

// next.config.js

const { withPPDev } = require('@metricinsights/pp-dev');

module.exports = withPPDev({
  // your next config

Vite configuration

If you need to change something in the build you can define a vite.config file. More details Vite Confighere

Configuration API description


Type: String

Example: https://mi.company.com

Description: Defines the backend URL (Metric Insights instance) that is used for proxying requests to the MI backend


Type: Number

Example: 1

Description: Defines the Portal Page ID that used to get Portal Page Variable values.


Type: Boolean

Default: false

Example: true

Description: Disables Metric Insights navigation bar for local development


Type: Boolean

Default: false

Example: true

Description: Disables Template Variables transformation. Used when developing a Portal Page without a template


Type: Boolean

Default: true

Description: Enables proxy cache. If you want to disable proxy cache, you need to set this option to false


Type: Number

Default: 10 * 60 * 1000

Description: Defines proxy cache TTL in milliseconds


Type: Boolean

Default: false

Description: Disables SSL certificate validation for proxy requests. Useful for self-signed certificates


Type: Boolean | Object

Default: true

Description: Enables image optimization for build. If you want to disable image optimization, you need to set this option to false. If you want to customize image optimization, you need to set this option to an object with properties that are described in the vite-plugin-image-optimizer


Type: String

Default: dist

Description: Define the output directory for the build


Type: Boolean | { outDir?: string, outFileName?: string }

Default: true

Description: Enables zipping the build output. If you want to disable zipping the build output, you need to set this option to false. If you want to customize zipping the build output, you need to set this option to an object with properties outDir and outFileName.

  • outDir defines the output directory for the zipped build.
  • outFileName defines the output file name for the zipped build. You can use placeholder [templateName] in the file name to replace it with the template name.


Type: String

Default: backups

Description: Define the directory for the asset backups that are used for backup assets from the MI server

CLI API description

pp-dev help - show CLI's help

Global options:

  • -c, --config <configFile> - define the path to the configuration file. Default is pp-dev.config.js
  • --base <path> - public base path (default: /)
  • -l, --logLevel <level> - define the log level. Default is info. Available options: trace, debug, info, warn, error, silent
  • --clearScreen - clear the screen before logging
  • --mode <mode> - define the environment mode. Default is development. Available options: development, production, test


Aliases: pp-dev dev, pp-dev serve

Runs application in development mode with hot-reload. Also, its proxies requests to the MI server.

Available options and arguments:

  • [root] - define the root directory for the application. Default is .
  • --host <host> - define the host for the application. Default is localhost
  • --port <port> - define the port for the application. Default is 3000
  • --open [path] - open the application in the default browser. You can define the path to open the browser with the specific page
  • --strictPort - enable strict port checking. If the port is already in use, the application will exit with an error

pp-dev next

Aliases: pp-dev next-server, pp-dev next-dev

Runs the Next.js application in development mode with hot-reload. Also, its proxies requests to the MI server.

Available options and arguments:

  • [root] - define the root directory for the application. Default is .
  • --port <port> - define the port for the application. Default is 3000
  • --host <host> - define the host for the application. Default is localhost

pp-dev build

Runs the application build. Will create dist and dist-zip folders. dist folder contains unzipped build files. dist-zip contains file <package-name>.zip with files from the dist folder

Available options and arguments:

  • [root] - define the root directory for the application. Default is .
  • --target <target> - transpile target. Default is modules.
  • --outDir <outDir> - define the output directory for the build. Default is dist
  • --assetsDir <dir> - directory under outDir to place assets in Default is assets
  • --changelog [assetsFile] - create a changelog file. You can define the path to the assets file or set true to use the default path. Default is true. Default path is backups/<latest>.zip where <latest> is the latest backup file

pp-dev changelog [oldAssetPath] [newAssetPath]

Create a changelog file. You can define the path to the previous and current assets files. If you don't define the path to the previous assets and current assets file, the CLI will try to get it from options. If you don't define the path to the current assets file, the CLI will throw an error.

Available options and arguments:

  • [oldAssetPath] - define the path to the current assets file. Can accept path to the folder or path to the zip file
  • [newAssetPath] - define the path to the previous assets file. Can accept path to the folder or path to the zip file
  • --oldAssetsPath <oldAssetsPath> - define the path to the previous assets file. Can accept path to the folder or path to the zip file
  • --newAssetsPath <newAssetsPath> - define the path to the current assets file. Can accept path to the folder or path to the zip file
  • --destination <destination> - define the destination path for the changelog file. Default is .
  • --filename <filename> - define the filename for the changelog file. Default is CHANGELOG.html

pp-dev generate-icon-font [source] [destination]

Generate an icon font from the source folder. You can define the path to the source folder and the destination folder. If you don't define the path to the source folder, the CLI will try to get it from options. If you don't define the path to the destination folder, the CLI will throw an error.

Available options and arguments:

  • [source] - define the path to the source folder with SVG icons
  • [destination] - define the path to the destination folder for the generated icon font and styles
  • --source <source> - define the path to the source folder with SVG icons
  • --destination <destination> - define the path to the destination folder for the generated icon font and styles
  • --fontName <fontName> - define the font name. Default is icon-font

Migration guide from old Portal Page Helper to new

  1. Initialize npm in your portal page repository (if you have package.json file in PP folder, you can skip this step):

    Go to portal page folder and run command. This command will create package.json file in your folder

    $ npm init
  2. Install this package by this command:

     $ npm i @metricinsights/pp-dev
  3. Create two scripts in package.json script section.

    • start script: "start": "pp-dev"
    • build script: "build": "pp-dev build"
  4. Change all paths to the file in index.html to the absolute path. If you have a path like /pt/main.js this must be changed to /main.js. Also, you may need to add type="module" to every script that is added by the script tag with the src property. Actually would be good to have only one script tag with the src tag. Every other JS file will be imported with construction like this import helper from './helpers';

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  • mi.graysonstebbins
  • ruslan.fedorchenko
  • serhii.shpak.metricinsights
  • mi-npm