This package has been deprecated

Author message:

please use @now-ims/hapi-now-auth


1.0.3 • Public • Published

ANNOUNCEMENT - Project changed to hapi-now-auth

Build Status

Note: this plugin is for hapi v17+

This authentication package was inspired by hapi-auth-bearer-token and hapi-auth-jwt2

hapi-now-auth takes care of verifying your JWTs or bearer tokens. We will try to provide the best documentation possible, but reachout should you need help.


You can add the plugin to you project using npm or yarn:
npm:npm i @now-ims/hapi-now-auth
yarn:yarn add @now-ims/hapi-now-auth

Hapi Now Auth Scheme

This plugin creates a hapi-now-auth authentication scheme with the following options:

  • validate - (required) your validation function with [async] function(request, token, h) where:
    • request is the hapi request object
    • token
      • if (verifyJWT === false)
        • the auth token received from the client
      • if (verifyJWT === true)
        • object { decodedJWT, token }
    • h the hapi response toolkit
    • Response
      • { isValid, credentials, artifacts } where:
        • isValid true if JWT or Bearer token is valid
        • credentials an object passed back to your application in request.auth.credentials
        • artifacts optional related data
  • options (Optional)
    • accessTokenName - (Default: 'access_token', Type: string)
    • allowQueryToken - (Default: false, Type: boolean)
    • allowCookieToken - (Default: false, Type: boolean)
    • allowMultipleHeaders - (Default: false, Type: boolean) - accept multiple headers, e.g., Authorization Bearer <token>; Authorization JWT <token>
    • tokenType - (Default: Bearer, Type: string) - accept a custom token type e.g., Authorization JWT <token>
    • allowChaining - (Default: false, Type: boolean) - permit additional authentication strategies
    • unauthorized - (Default: Boom.unauthorized, Type: function) - e.g., function(message, scheme, attributes)
    • verifyJWT - (Default: false, Type: boolean) - verify and decode JWT (note: validate function will need to accept object of { decodedJWT, token })
    • keychain - (Required if verifyJWT: True, Type: array[string]) - an array of your secret keys
    • verifyOptions - (Optional, Type: object)
      • algorithms - (*Default: ['HS256'], Type: array)
      • audience - (Optional, Type: array) - if you want to check the audience aud supply an array to be checked
      • issuer - (Optional, Type: array) - array of strings of valid values for iss field
      • ignoreExpiration - (Default: false, Type: boolean) - ignore exp
      • ignoreNotBefore - (Default: false, Type: boolean) - ignore nbf
      • subject - (Optional, Type: string)
      • clockTolerance - (Optional, Type: integer) - number of seconds to tolerate when checking nbf or exp claims. note: assists with minor clock differences
      • maxAge - (Optional, Type: string) - maximum allowed age for tokens to still be valid - e.g., 2 days, 1 hour, 15m
      • clockTimestamp - the time in seconds that should be used as current time for all necessary comparisons

Working example

const Hapi = require('hapi');
const HapiNowAuth = require('hapi-now-auth');

// create your hapi server
const server = Hapi.server({ port: 8000 });

// Start server function
async function start() {

    // register hapi-now-auth plugin
    try {
        await server.register(HapiNowAuth);
    catch (error) {

    server.auth.strategy('my-strategy', 'hapi-now-auth', {
        verifyJWT: true,
        keychain: [process.env.SECRET_KEY],
        validate: async (request, token, h) => {
            let isValid, artifacts;

            const credentials = { token };
             * Validate your token here
             * For example, compare to your redis store
             redis.get(token, (error, result) => {
                 if (error) {
                     isValid = false;
                     artifacts.error = error
                     return { isValid, credentials, artifacts };
                 isValid = true;
        = result;
                 return { isValid, credentials, artifacts }


        method: 'GET',
        path: '/',
        handler: async (request, h) => {

            return { info: 'success!' }

    try {
        await server.start();
    catch (error) {

    console.log(`Server running at: ${}`);


// Don't worry be hapi

License MIT

Package Sidebar


npm i @now-ims/hapi-now-jwt

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  • puchesjr