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OceanBase Codemod

A collection of codemod transformers that help migrate from antd, @alipay/ob-ui, @alipay/tech-ui, @ant-design/pro-components and @ant-design/charts to OceanBase Design System by using jscodeshift and postcss. (Inspired by @ant-design/codemod-v5)

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  • antd v5 is the prerequisite. If you are using antd v4, please refer to Upgrade Guideline.


Before run codemod, you'd better make sure to commit your local git changes firstly.

# Run directly through npx
# `src` is the target directory or file that you want to transform.
npx -p @oceanbase/codemod codemod src
# options
# --transformer=t1,t2     // run specify transformers
# --disablePrettier       // disable prettier

Run specific transformers:

npx -p @oceanbase/codemod codemod src --transformer=style-to-token,less-to-token

Codemod transformers introduction


import components and types from antd and @alipay/bigfish/antd to @oceanbase/design.

  import React from 'react';
- import { Button, Card } from 'antd';
- import type { ButtonProps, CardProps } from 'antd';
- import type { ModalProps } from 'antd/es/modal';
- import type { Route } from 'antd/es/breadcrumb/Breadcrumb';
- import type { TooltipProps } from 'antd/lib/tooltip';
- import type { FilterDropdownProps } from 'antd/lib/table/interface';
+ import { Button, Card } from '@oceanbase/design';
+ import type { ButtonProps, CardProps } from '@oceanbase/design';
+ import type { ModalProps } from '@oceanbase/design/es/modal';
+ import type { Route } from '@oceanbase/design/es/breadcrumb/Breadcrumb';
+ import type { TooltipProps } from '@oceanbase/design/lib/tooltip';
+ import type { FilterDropdownProps } from '@oceanbase/design/lib/table/interface';

  const Demo = () => {
    return <div />;

  export default Demo;


import components and types from antd to @oceanbase/design and @oceanbase/ui.

  import React from 'react';
- import { Alert, Button, BasicLayout, Login, PageContainer } from '@alipay/ob-ui';
- import type { BasicLayoutProps } from '@alipay/ob-ui/es/BasicLayout';
- import type { LoginProps } from '@alipay/ob-ui/es/Login';
- import type { PageContainerProps } from '@alipay/ob-ui/es/PageContainer';
+ import { Alert, Button } from '@oceanbase/design';
+ import { BasicLayout, Login, PageContainer } from '@oceanbase/ui';
+ import type { BasicLayoutProps } from '@oceanbase/ui/es/BasicLayout';
+ import type { LoginProps } from '@oceanbase/ui/es/Login';
+ import type { PageContainerProps } from '@oceanbase/ui/es/PageContainer';

  const Demo = () => {
    return <div />;

  export default Demo;


import PageContainer from @alipay/tech-ui to @ant-design/pro-components and @oceanbase/ui.

  import React from 'react';
- import { PageContainer, ProTable, WelcomeCard } from '@alipay/tech-ui';
- import type { PageContainerProps, ProTableProps, WelcomeCardProps } from '@alipay/tech-ui';
+ import { ProTable, WelcomeCard } from '@alipay/tech-ui';
+ import { PageContainer } from '@oceanbase/ui';
+ import type { ProTableProps, WelcomeCardProps } from '@alipay/tech-ui';
+ import type { PageContainerProps } from '@oceanbase/ui';

  const Demo = () => {
    return <div />;

  export default Demo;


import components and types from @ant-design/charts and @alipay/ob-charts to @oceanbase/charts.

  import React from 'react';
- import { Bar, Line } from '@ant-design/charts';
- import type { BarConfig, LineConfig } from '@ant-design/charts';
+ import { Bar, Line } from '@oceanbase/charts';
+ import type { BarConfig, LineConfig } from '@oceanbase/charts';

  const Demo = () => {
    return <div />;

  export default Demo;
  import React from 'react';
- import { Bar, Line } from '@alipay/ob-charts';
- import type { BarConfig, LineConfig } from '@ant-design/ob-charts';
+ import { Bar, Line } from '@oceanbase/charts';
+ import type { BarConfig, LineConfig } from '@oceanbase/charts';

  const Demo = () => {
    return <div />;

  export default Demo;


import utils and hooks from @alipay/ob-util to @oceanbase/util. Additionally, it will rename getTableData to useTableData to follow hooks naming conventions.

  import React from 'react';
- import { isNullValue, sortByNumber, getTableData } from '@alipay/ob-util';
+ import { isNullValue, sortByNumber, useTableData } from '@oceanbase/util';

  const Demo = () => {
-    const { tableProps } = getTableData(fn, {});
+    const { tableProps } = useTableData(fn, {});
     return <div />;

  export default Demo;


transform fixed style to antd v5 design token.

  • React function components:
  import React from 'react';
- import { Alert, Button } from '@oceanbase/design';
+ import { Alert, Button, theme } from '@oceanbase/design';

  const Demo = () => {
+   const { token } = theme.useToken();
    return (
-     <div>
-       <Alert style={{ color: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.85)', background: 'rgba(0, 0, 0,0.65)', backgroundColor: 'rgba(0,0,0,0.45)', border: '1px solid #d9d9d9' }} />
-       <Button style={{ color: '#1890ff', background: '#52c41a', backgroundColor: '#faad14', borderColor: '#ff4d4f' }}></Button>
-     </div>
+     (<div>
+       <Alert style={{ color: token.colorText, background: token.colorTextSecondary, backgroundColor: token.colorTextTertiary, border: `1px solid ${token.colorBorder}` }} />
+       <Button style={{ color: token.colorInfo, background: token.colorSuccess, backgroundColor: token.colorWarning, borderColor: token.colorError }}></Button>
+     </div>)

export default Demo;
  • React class components:
  import React from 'react';
- import { Alert, Button } from '@oceanbase/design';
+ import { Alert, Button, token } from '@oceanbase/design';

  class Demo extends React.PureComponent {
    constructor(props) {
      this.state = {};

    render() {
      return (
-       <div>
-         <Alert style={{ color: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.85)', background: 'rgba(0, 0, 0,0.65)', backgroundColor: 'rgba(0,0,0,0.45)', border: '#d9d9d9' }} />
-         <Button style={{ color: '#1890ff', background: '#52c41a', backgroundColor: '#faad14', borderColor: '#ff4d4f' }}></Button>
-         <div color="#fafafa" border="1px solid #fafafa" />
-       </div>
+       (<div>
+         <Alert style={{ color: token.colorText, background: token.colorTextSecondary, backgroundColor: token.colorTextTertiary, border: `1px solid ${token.colorBgLayout}` }} />
+         <Button style={{ color: token.colorInfo, background: token.colorSuccess, backgroundColor: token.colorWarning, borderColor: token.colorError }}></Button>
+         <div color={token.colorBgLayout} border={`1px solid ${token.colorBgLayout}`} />
+       </div>)

  export default Demo;
  • Static file (not react components):
+ import { token } from '@oceanbase/design';
- const color = '#fafafa';
- const border = '1px solid #fafafa';
+ const color = token.colorBgLayout;
+ const border = `1px solid ${token.colorBgLayout}`;
  const colorMap = {
-   info: '#1890ff',
-   success: '#52c41a',
-   warning: '#faad14',
-   error: '#ff4d4f',
-   border: '1px solid #d9d9d9',
+   info: token.colorInfo,
+   success: token.colorSuccess,
+   warning: token.colorWarning,
+   error: token.colorError,
+   border: `1px solid ${token.colorBorder}`,

  function getColorList() {
    return [
        type: 'info',
-       color: '#1890ff',
+       color: token.colorInfo,
        type: 'success',
-       color: '#52c41a',
+       color: token.colorSuccess,
        type: 'warning',
-       color: '#faad14',
+       color: token.colorWarning,
        type: 'error',
-       color: '#ff4d4f',
+       color: token.colorError,
        type: 'border',
-       color: '1px solid #d9d9d9',
+       color: `1px solid ${token.colorBorder}`,


transform fixed less style to antd v5 design token.

+ @import '~@oceanbase/design/es/theme/index.less';
  .container {
-   color: #1890ff;
-   background: #52c41a;
-   background-color: #faad14;
-   border-color: #ff4d4f;
+   color: @colorInfo;
+   background: @colorSuccess;
+   background-color: @colorWarning;
+   border-color: @colorError;
    .content {
-     color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.85);
-     background: rgba(0, 0, 0,0.65);
-     background-color: rgba(0,0,0,0.45);
-     border: 1px solid #d9d9d9;
+     color: @colorText;
+     background: @colorTextSecondary;
+     background-color: @colorTextTertiary;
+     border: 1px solid @colorBorder;

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  • dengfuping