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@repobuddy/jest provides tools and utilities to manage your jest usage, so you don't have to.

Turn your config from this:

export default {
  collectCoverageFrom: ['<rootDir>/ts/**/*.{js,jsx,cjs,mjs,ts,tsx,cts,mts}'],
  coveragePathIgnorePatterns: [
    /* ... */
  extensionsToTreatAsEsm: ['.ts', '.tsx', '.mts'],
  moduleNameMapper: {
    '^(\\.{1,2}/.*)\\.js$': '$1',
    /* ... and the ESM madness like `chalk` ... */
  testEnvironment: 'node',
  testRegex: [
    /* ... */
  roots: ['<rootDir>/ts'],
  transform: {
    '^.+\\.(ts|tsx|cts|mts)$': ['ts-jest', [{
      isolatedModules: true,
      useESM: true,
      diagnostics: {
        // https://github.com/kulshekhar/ts-jest/issues/3820
        ignoreCodes: [151001]
    '\\.m?jsx?$': 'jest-esm-transformer-2',
    /* ... more ESM madness ... */
  transformIgnorePatterns: [],
  watchPlugins: [
    ['jest-watch-toggle-config-2', { setting: 'collectCoverage' }],
    ['jest-watch-toggle-config-2', { setting: 'verbose' }],

to this:

export default {
  preset: '@repobuddy/jest/presets/ts-esm-watch'


# npm
npm install -D @repobuddy/jest

# yarn
yarn add -D @repobuddy/jest

# pnpm
pnpm add -D @repobuddy/jest

# rush
rush add -p @repobuddy/jest --dev


@repobuddy/jest comes with many presets:

  • @repobuddy/jest/presets/ts: auto-detect if your project is CJS or ESM
  • @repobuddy/jest/presets/ts-watch: auto-detect if your project is CJS or ESM
  • @repobuddy/jest/presets/ts-cjs
  • @repobuddy/jest/presets/ts-cjs-watch
  • @repobuddy/jest/presets/ts-esm
  • @repobuddy/jest/presets/ts-esm-watch
  • @repobuddy/jest/presets/js-cjs
  • @repobuddy/jest/presets/js-cjs-watch
  • @repobuddy/jest/presets/js-esm
  • @repobuddy/jest/presets/js-esm-watch
  • @repobuddy/jest/presets/jsdom-ts: auto-detect if your project is CJS or ESM
  • @repobuddy/jest/presets/jsdom-ts-watch: auto-detect if your project is CJS or ESM
  • @repobuddy/jest/presets/jsdom-ts-cjs
  • @repobuddy/jest/presets/jsdom-ts-cjs-watch
  • @repobuddy/jest/presets/jsdom-ts-esm
  • @repobuddy/jest/presets/jsdom-ts-esm-watch
  • @repobuddy/jest/presets/electron-ts: auto-detect if your project is CJS or ESM
  • @repobuddy/jest/presets/electron-ts-watch: auto-detect if your project is CJS or ESM
  • @repobuddy/jest/presets/electron-ts-cjs
  • @repobuddy/jest/presets/electron-ts-cjs-watch
  • @repobuddy/jest/presets/electron-ts-esm
  • @repobuddy/jest/presets/electron-ts-esm-watch
  • @repobuddy/jest/presets/electron-renderer-ts: auto-detect if your project is CJS or ESM
  • @repobuddy/jest/presets/electron-renderer-ts-watch: auto-detect if your project is CJS or ESM
  • @repobuddy/jest/presets/electron-renderer-ts-cjs
  • @repobuddy/jest/presets/electron-renderer-ts-cjs-watch
  • @repobuddy/jest/presets/electron-renderer-ts-esm
  • @repobuddy/jest/presets/electron-renderer-ts-esm-watch
  • @repobuddy/jest/presets/watch: watch mode presets for multienvironment config

If you do not have any specific configs, these presets should work without additional configuration.

Here are some highlights:

Since your project will only use a specific config, none of these packages are marked as required peer dependencies. You will need to add them to your project manually.

There will be a CLI tool in the future to help simplify that. Contribution welcome! 🍺

If you want to make some adjustments based on a particular preset, you can import the preset and customize it like so:

import preset from '@repobuddy/jest/presets/ts-esm-watch'

export default {
  preset: '@repobuddy/jest/presets/ts-esm-watch',
  moduleNameMapper: {
    // your customization

Besides customizing your config manually, @repobuddy/jest exposes everything it uses, so you can compose and customize them exactly the way you like.


@repobuddy/jest supports running jest in Node.js, jsdom, and electron.

For electron, you need to install the electron runner:

npm install -D @kayahr/jest-electron-runner
yarn add -D @kayahr/jest-electron-runner
pnpm add -D @kayahr/jest-electron-runner


The configurations for specific use cases are exposed and available for you to compose the exact config that you need.

They can be predefined configs:

or functions prefixed with config:


Fields are predefined fields or functions about a particular field of the jest config.

They can be define functions, which provides type assistants to define the particular field:

They can be known configurations, which you can use to build your configuration easily:


There are also matchers which you can use to extend the expect() function:

Use expect.extend({ toSatisfier }) to add it to your expect() function.

You can also do import '@repobuddy/jest/matchers' in your setup to import them automatically.


@repobuddy/jest/resolver fixes the ESM subpath imports issue by using resolve.imports.

So you don't need to do crazy hacks like:

export default {
  moduleNameMapper: {
    '#(.*)': '$1'  // and this actually doesn't work in some cases
  transformIgnorePatterns: [

or even

const path = require('node:path')

const chalk = require.resolve('chalk')
const chalkRootDir = chalk.slice(0, chalk.lastIndexOf('chalk'))

module.exports = {
  // ...
  moduleNameMapper: {
    '#ansi-styles': path.join(
    '#supports-color': path.join(

Now, all you need is:

export default {
  resolver: '@repobuddy/jest/resolver'

Or use one of the NodeJS presets!


Here are some notes about @repobuddy/jest that you may find useful.

ts-jest: isolatedModules

By default, all ts presets have isolatedModules set to true.

If you want to change that, you can override with the knownTransforms.tsJest*() functions:

import { knownTransforms } from '@repobuddy/jest'

export default {
  preset: '@repobuddy/jest/presets/ts-esm',
  transform: knownTransforms.tsJest(/* your option */)

While you may want the type checking benefits, in my experience it is ok to break the types when you are in the middle of your code, e.g. when you are doing TDD.

I would recommend using the build process and IDE to help you to catch any type errors, while allowing the type to break while writing code and tests.

The tighter feedback loop makes it much easier to work with.

This also avoid getting the bad habit of marking things any along the way, just to silents the type checker.

Writing the correct type is not an easy task, and it is better to leave at the refactoring stage IMO.


jest could not understand ESM code. And by default, the code under node_modules are not transformed.

To work with packages that are distributed as ESM, one workaround is to use negative regex match in transformIgnorePatterns so that jest will actually transpile them.

However, it does not work with all package managers. For example, it doesn't work with monorepo using pnpm. (the example in jest docs only works for simple repo using pnpm)

Therefore, for simplicity, @repobuddy/jest uses jest-esm-transformer-2 to handle that and keep transformIgnorePatterns empty.

About the exports field

You may wonder why there are:

  "./presets/ts": {
    "types": "./esm/presets/ts/jest-preset.d.ts",
    "import": "./esm/presets/ts/jest-preset.js",
    "default": "./cjs/presets/ts/jest-preset.js"
  "./presets/ts/jest-preset": {
    "types": "./esm/presets/ts/jest-preset.d.ts",
    "import": "./esm/presets/ts/jest-preset.js",
    "default": "./cjs/presets/ts/jest-preset.js"

and /packages/jest/presets/ts files.

The .../ts export is needed to export the code and type correctly in TypeScript/JavaScript. The .../ts/jest-preset export is need by jest to work correctly in Linux environment, and the /packages/jest/presets/ts is needed to work in Windows environment (or CJS).




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