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3.0.2 • Public • Published

Static Pages / Nunjucks Writer

Renders page data via Nunjucks templates.

Uses the Nunjucks package under the hood. Everything provided by Nunjucks is also exported from this package (for advanced configuration).

This package is part of the StaticPagesJs project, see:


Option Type Default value Description
view string | (d: Data) => string main.html Template to render. If it's a function it gets evaluated on each render call.
viewsDir string | string[] views One or more directory path where the templates are found.
outDir string dist Directory where the rendered output is saved.
outFile string | (d: Data) => string see outFile defaults section Path of the rendered output relative to outDir.
onOverwrite (d: string) => void console.warn(...) Callback function that gets executed when a file name collision occurs.
onInvalidPath (d: string) => void console.warn(...) Callback function that gets executed when a file name contains invalid characters.
globals object {} Additional properties loaded to the nunjucks environment as globals.
functions Record<string, Function> {} Functions in an object that gets loaded to the nunjucks environment.
filters Record<string, Function> {} Filters in an object that gets loaded to the nunjucks environment.
advanced (env: TwingEnvironment) => void () => undefined Allows advanced configuration via access to the env nunjucks environment.
showdownEnabled boolean true Register a markdown filter; uses showdown.
showdownOptions showdown.ConverterOptions see showdownOptions section Custom options for the showdown markdown renderer.

Example for filters and functions:

import { runtime as nunjucksRuntime } from '@static-pages/nunjucks-writer';
export const myFiltersOrFunctions = {
	asset(asset: string) {
		return new URL(asset, '/site/assets/').toString();
	json_formatted: d => new nunjucksRuntime.SafeString(JSON.stringify(d, null, 4)),

outFile defaults

The default behaviour is to guess file path by a few possible properties of the data:

  • if data.url is defined, append .html and use that.
  • if data.header.path is defined, replace extension to .html and use that.
  • if nothing matches call the onInvalidPath handler with undefined file name.

showdownOptions defaults

This package uses a sligthly modified defaults compared to the official Showdown defaults:

	simpleLineBreaks: true,
	ghCompatibleHeaderId: true,
	customizedHeaderId: true,
	tables: true,

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  • laszlo87
  • lionel87