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2.0.6 • Public • Published

SCSS Toolkit

NPM Version NPM Beta Version Dependency Status devDependency Status

A small and configurable SCSS Toolkit to boost your project! 🚀

Table of contents


Install it with Yarn:

$ yarn add @studiometa/scss-toolkit

Or with NPM:

$ npm install @studiometa/scss-toolkit


Simple Usage

Import the toolkit in your project to have access to all helpers functions, mixins, variables and classes:

@import '~@studiometa/scss-toolkit';

If your current Sass implementation does not support @imports from Node modules, have a look at the node-sass-magic-importer custom importer.

Advanced usage

If you need to specify a custom configuration — you probably will, the best way to use the micro framework in your application is to create a separate _config.scss file which will override the configurations of the framework.


   Global SCSS configuration

// Colors definition
$colors: (
  'red': #f00,
  'green': #0f0,
  'blue': #00f,

// Import SCSS Toolkit after the configuration overrides
@import '~@studiometa/scss-toolkit';

You can then import your _config.scss file wherever you need to access a function, mixin or variable from the toolkit. You can import both your configuration file and the SCSS Toolkit package in your main SCSS file with a variable $has-classes set to true to import all the class helpers from the toolkit.


   Main styles

// Import dependencies:
// - _config.scss to override the SCSS toolkit's defaults
// - @studiometa/scss-toolkit/components/reset to get some nice defaults
@import './config';
@import '~@studiometa/scss-toolkit/components/reset';

// Import your project files
@import './components/foo';
@import './components/bar';
// ...

// Import the toolkit latst with the `$has-classes` variable set to `true`
// for the functions, mixins and classes helpers. Importing it last will let
// you use the classes without the `--force` modifier to override some
// of your components behaviours.
$has-classes: true;
@import '~@studiometa/scss-toolkit';
$has-classes: false;

⚠️ We reset the $has-classes variable to false right after the toolkit import to make sure future import in any SCSS file will only import the mixins, functions and variables declarations without the class helpers.



The micro-framework is composed of 8 different files which defines each a set of variables, mixins, functions and classes. Find below what each file is responsible for.



  • $breakpoints: a map of names and values (in pixels) of breakpoints
  • $breakpoints-height: a map of names and values (in pixels) of height based breakpoints
  • @function media($breakpoint, $type, $unit, $orientation): a function to get a breakpoint declaration given a name
  • @function md($breakpoint, $type, $unit, $orientation): an alias for the media(...) function


$breakpoints: (
  'xxs': 0,
  'xs': 480,
  's': 768,
  'm': 1024,
  'l': 1280,
  'xl': 1440,
  'xxl': 1920,
) !default;

$breakpoints-height: (
  'xxs': 0,
  'xs': 360,
  's': 576,
  'm': 768,
  'l': 960,
  'xl': 1080,
  'xxl': 1440,
) !default;


.foo {
  display: none;

  // Media queries
  @media #{media('s')} { // @media (min-width: 48em) { ... }
    display: block;

  @media #{md('xs', 'max')} { // @media not all and (min-width: 48em) { ... }
    display: flex;

  @media #{md('s', 'min', 'em', 'height')} { // @media (min-height: 36em) { ... }
    min-height: 50vh;

  // Using Sass ArgList
  @media #{md((breakpoint: 's', orientation: 'height')...)} { // @media (min-height: 36em) { ... }
    min-height: 50vh;



  • $colors-with-force: wether to create …--force modifiers with the !important flag or not
  • $colors-with-breakpoints: wether to create …--<breakpoint> modifiers or not
  • $colors: a map of names and values of colors
  • @function color($color): a function to get a color value by its name defined in the previous map
  • @function c($color): an alias for the color(...) function
  • @mixin for-each-colors($excludes): a mixin to abstract the loop over the $colors map, with the color name and its value as mixin props
  • Class helpers:
    • .<property>-<color>[--force]: set the given <property> to the given <color>'s value, with the --force modifier adding an !important flag
      • <property>: background, color, fill, stroke
      • <color>: one of the defined colors


/** @type {Boolean} Do we need the `--force` modifiers? */
$colors-with-force: false !default;

/** @type {Boolean} Do we need the `--<breakpoint>` modifiers? */
$colors-with-breakpoints: false !default;

 * Map of color names and values
 * @type {Map}
$colors: (
  'white': #fff,
  'black': #000,
) !default;


Example usage for the color($color) function:

.foo {
  color: color('white');

.bar {
  background-color: c('black');
  color: c('white');

Example usage of the helper classes:

<p class="color-white">
  Eveniet neque velit <span class="color-black">asperiores</span>. Dolores…

<svg version="1.0" xmlns="">
  <path d="M…" class="fill-white stroke-black" />



  • $displays-with-force: wether to create …--force modifiers with the !important flag or not
  • $displays-with-breakpoints: wether to create …--<breakpoint> modifiers or not
  • $displays: a list of display value from which to create helper classes
  • @mixin hidden-accessible: a set of properties to hide an element while keeping it accessible
  • Class helpers:
    • .display-<type>[--<breakpoint>|--force[-<breakpoint>]] : classes setting the property display to the given <type>, with the --force modifier adding the !important flag to the declaration, and the <breakpoint> modifier applying the style to the corresponding breakpoint
    • .display-hidden-accessible : a class using the display-hidden-accessible() mixin


/** @type {Boolean} Do we need the `--force` modifiers? */
$displays-with-force: false !default;

/** @type {Boolean} Do we need the `--<breakpoint>` modifiers? */
$displays-with-breakpoints: false !default;

/** @type {List} List of display values to use */
$displays: (none, block, inline, inline-block) !default;


Example usage for the display-hidden-accessible mixin:

.foo {
  @include display-hidden-accessible; // Hide this element while keeping it accessible

Example usage for the helper classes:

<!-- Display an inline element as a block -->
<span class="display-block"></span>

<!-- Force an inline display on an element -->
<div class="display-inline--force"></div>

<!-- Hide an element on small screen, display it as a block on bigger ones -->
<div class="display-none--xxs display-block--m"></div>



Defines a set of defaults easing variables, from $in-quad to $in-out-back.


$in-quad: cubic-bezier(0.55, 0.085, 0.68, 0.53) !default;
$out-quad: cubic-bezier(0.25, 0.46, 0.45, 0.94) !default;
$in-out-quad: cubic-bezier(0.455, 0.03, 0.515, 0.955) !default;

$in-cubic: cubic-bezier(0.55, 0.055, 0.675, 0.19) !default;
$out-cubic: cubic-bezier(0.215, 0.61, 0.355, 1) !default;
$in-out-cubic: cubic-bezier(0.645, 0.045, 0.355, 1) !default;

$in-quart: cubic-bezier(0.895, 0.03, 0.685, 0.22) !default;
$out-quart: cubic-bezier(0.165, 0.84, 0.44, 1) !default;
$in-out-quart: cubic-bezier(0.77, 0, 0.175, 1) !default;

$in-quint: cubic-bezier(0.755, 0.05, 0.855, 0.06) !default;
$out-quint: cubic-bezier(0.23, 1, 0.32, 1) !default;
$in-out-quint: cubic-bezier(0.86, 0, 0.07, 1) !default;

$in-sine: cubic-bezier(0.47, 0, 0.745, 0.715) !default;
$out-sine: cubic-bezier(0.39, 0.575, 0.565, 1) !default;
$in-out-sine: cubic-bezier(0.445, 0.05, 0.55, 0.95) !default;

$in-expo: cubic-bezier(0.95, 0.05, 0.795, 0.035) !default;
$out-expo: cubic-bezier(0.19, 1, 0.22, 1) !default;
$in-out-expo: cubic-bezier(1, 0, 0, 1) !default;

$in-circ: cubic-bezier(0.6, 0.04, 0.98, 0.335) !default;
$out-circ: cubic-bezier(0.075, 0.82, 0.165, 1) !default;
$in-out-circ: cubic-bezier(0.785, 0.135, 0.15, 0.86) !default;

$in-back: cubic-bezier(0.6, -0.28, 0.735, 0.045) !default;
$out-back: cubic-bezier(0.175, 00.885, 0.32, 1.275) !default;
$in-out-back: cubic-bezier(0.68, -0.55, 0.265, 1.55) !default;


.foo {
  transition: transform 0.6s $in-out-expo;



Imports all the framework files with the $has-classes variable set to false !default.


// Import all the framework files at once
@import '@studiometa/scss-toolkit';



  • $layers-with-force: wether to create …--force modifiers with the !important flag or not
  • $layers-with-breakpoints: wether to create …--<breakpoint> modifiers or not
  • $layers: a map of names and values of layers
  • @function layer($layer, $modifier): a function to get a layer value by its name defined in the previous map
  • @function l($layer, $modifier): an alias for the layer(...) function
  • @function z($layer, $modifier): a legacy alias for the layer(...) function
  • @mixin for-each-layers($excludes): a mixin to abstract the loop over the $colors map, with the color name and its value as mixin props
  • Class helpers:
    • .layer-<layer>[--<breakpoint>|--force[-<breakpoint>]]: classes setting the z-index property to the corresponding value, with the --force modifier adding an !important flag, and the <breakpoint> modifier applying the style to the corresponding breakpoint


/** @type {Boolean} Do we need the `--force` modifiers? */
$layers-with-force: false !default;

/** @type {Boolean} Do we need the `--<breakpoint>` modifiers? */
$layers-with-breakpoints: false !default;

 * Map of layer names and values to use
 * @type {Map}
$layers: (
  goku: 9000,
  default: 1,
  limbo: -999,
) !default;


Example usage of the functions:

.foo {
  z-index: layer('goku');

  &[aria-hidden="true"] {
    z-index: l('limbo');

.bar {
  z-index: l('default', 2); // z-index: 3;

Example usage of the helper classes:

<!-- Apply the `modal` layer value -->
<div class="modal layer-modal"></div>



  • $spaces-base: the base value of your spaces, can be of any unit, but rem is advised
  • $spaces: a list of factor of the base value for the different spaces value in your project
  • @function space($space): a function returning the computed value for a given $space defined in the $spaces list
  • @function s($space): alias for the above space($space) function
  • @mixin for-each-spaces($excludes): a mixin to abstract the loop over the $spaces list with the space name and its value passed as props
  • Class helpers:
    • .space-<direction>-<size>[--<breakpoint>] : classes setting the property defined by <direction> to the given <size>, with the <breakpoint> modifier applying the style to the corresponding breakpoint


The default spaces values are based on the power of two, with a base unit starting at 8px (0.5rem).

/** @type {Number} The base value of all spacings */
$spaces-base: 8px / 16px * 1rem !default;

/** @type {List} List of all space factors */
$spaces: (0, 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, auto) !default;


$spaces-base: 0.5rem;
$spaces: (0, 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, auto);

.foo {
  margin: space(4); // 4 * 0.5rem

// CSS
.foo {
  margin: 2rem;

.baz {
  margin-right: s(auto);
  margin-left: s(auto);
<!-- Horizontal padding of 2 times the base unit and 4 times on bigger screens -->
<div class="space-px-2 space-px-4--s"></div>

<!-- Centering an element -->
<div class="space-mx-auto"></div>



  • @mixin reponsize-type($min-width: 0, $max-width: 2560, $min-size: 12, $max-size: 16): a mixin to generate declaration for responsive font-sizes
  • @mixin type-antialiased: a mixin to generate properties for antialiased font rendering
  • $type-sizes: a map of font-sizes lists to be used in your project structured as <name>: ( size: <font-size>[, line-height: <line-height>][, weight: <font-weight>])
    • <name>: the name of the size
    • <font-size>: the font-size value in pixels
    • <line-height>: the line-height value in pixels
    • <font-weight>: the unitless font-weight value
  • @mixin font-size($font-size, $unit: 'em'): a mixin to get CSS properties of the given name defined in the $font-size map
  • @mixin fz($font-size, $unit: 'em'): alias for the @include font-size($font-size, $unit) mixin
  • $type-webfont-dir: path to the folder of your webfont files (which must be of *.woff and *.woff2 formats)
  • $type-webfont-display: the font-display property that will be applied to the @font-faces declarations
  • $type-fonts: (<identifier>: <definition>): a map of font identifiers
    • <identifier>: a unique font name, will be used to generate helper classes
    • <definition>: (stack: <font-family>, [name: <font-name>, webfonts: <webfonts>): a map defining the font stack and its webfonts if needed
      • <stack>: the full stack of fonts and their fallbacks, will be used to declare the font-family property
      • <font-name>: the name of the font, used to set the font-family property in the @font-faces declaration
      • <webfonts>: (filename: <filename>, weight: <font-weight>, style: <font-style>): a list of maps containing the filename, weight and style of each wbefont to declare in an @font-faces statement
        • <filename>: the name of the woff and woff2 files of your webfont, without extension
        • <font-weight>: the weight corresponding to the given filename (a number from 100 to 900)
        • <font-style>: the style of the given filename (normal, italic, etc.)
  • @function font-family($type-font): a function to get a font-family stack by a given identifier
  • @function ff($type-font): alias for the above font-family($type-font) function
  • Class helpers:
    • .type-antialiased: a class implementing the type-antialiased mixin
    • .type[-rem]-<size>[--<breakpoint>]: set the font-size in em and line-height properties to the given <size> defined values, with the -rem variation setting the font-size unit in rem and the <breakpoint> modifier applying the styles to the corresponding breakpoint
      • <size>: a name defined in the $font-sizes map
      • <breakpoint>: a breakpoint's name defined in the $breakpoints map
    • .type-<font-name>: set the font-family property to the corresponding stack in the $type-fonts map
      • <font-name>: the unique identifier given to the font
    • .type-align-<alignment>[--<breakpoint>]: set the text-align property, with the <breakpoint> modifier applying the styles to the corresponding breakpoint
      • <alignment>: one of the value defined in the $type-alignments map, center, left, or right by defaults
      • <breakpoint>: a breakpoint's name defined in the $breakpoints map
    • .type-<weight>[--<breakpoint>]: set the font-weight property to the given <weight>, with the <breakpoint> modifier applying the style to the corresponding breakpoint
      • <weight>: one of the value defined in the $type-weights map, 300, 400 or 700 by defaults
      • <breakpoint>: a breakpoint's name defined in the $breakpoints map
    • .type-spacing-<value>[--<breakpoint>]: set the letter-spacing property to the given value, with the <breakpoint> modifier applying the style to the corresponding breakpoint
      • <value>: one of the value defined in the $type-spacings map, 25, 50, 100, 200 by defaults
      • <breakpoint>: a breakpoint's name defined in the $breakpoints map
    • .type-transform-<transform>: set the text-transform property to the given <transform>
      • <transform>: one of the value defined in the $type-transforms map, uppercase, lowercase or capitalize by defaults
    • .typ-decoration-<decoration>: set the text-decoration property to the given <decoration> value
      • <decoration>: one of the value defined in the $type-decorations map, none or underline by defaults


 * A map to define all type-sizes and their corresponding line-heights, the
 * first value is the font-size, the seconde the line-height.
 * @type {Map}
$type-sizes: (
  display-1: (
    size: 32px,
    line-height: 48px,
    weight: 700,
  display-2: (
    size: 24px,
    line-height: 36px,
    weight: 700,
  body: (
    size: 16px,
  small: (
    size: 12px,
) !default;

/** @type {String} The path to the webfonts directory */
$type-webfont-dir: '/static/fonts/' !default;

/** @type {String} The value for all `font-display` properties */
$type-webfont-display: auto !default;

 * A map to define all font-families specifications which we might refer to by a
 * named identifier. The map is formatted as follow:
 * (
 *   <identifier>: (
 *     name: <font-family-name>,
 *     stack: <font-family-stack>,
 *     webfonts: (
 *       (
 *         filename: <webfont-filename>,
 *         weight: <webfont-weight>,
 *         style: <webfont-style>,
 *       ),
 *     ),
 *   ),
 * )
 * @type {Map}
$type-fonts: (
  serif: (
    name: Georgia,
    stack: 'Georgia, serif',
    webfonts: (
        filename: 'georgia-regular',
        weight: 400,
        style: normal,
  sans-serif: (
    name: Arial,
    stack: 'Arial, sans-serif',
    webfonts: (
        filename: 'arial-regular',
        weight: 400,
        style: normal,
) !default;

/** @type {List} List of alignment values to use */
$type-alignments: (left, center, right) !default;

/** @type {List} List of font weights values to use */
$type-weights: (300, 400, 700) !default;

/** @type {List} List of letter spacings values to use */
$type-spacings: (25, 50, 100, 200) !default;

/** @type {List} List of text transform values to use */
$type-transforms: (uppercase, lowercase, capitalize) !default;

/** @type {List} List of text decoration values to use */
$type-decorations: (none, underline) !default;


.title {
  @include fz('display-1');
  @include type-antialiased;
<!-- Adjust the size of a title on different breakpoints -->
<h1 class="type-display-1--xxs type-display-2--s">Foo Bar</h1>

<!-- Center a text -->
<p class="type-align-center">Lorem ipsum dolor…</p>


This toolkit come with some useful components : a grid, a reset and a debug helper.



This component defines colored outlines on every HTML element, useful to debug layout on a page.


To use it, simply import the component in your project:

// You can import it globally
@import '@studiometa/scss-toolkit/src/components/debug';

// Or locally to enable debug only on a component
.my-component {
  @import '@studiometa/scss-toolkit/src/components/debug';



  • $grid-columns: the number of columns your grid should have, default is 12
  • $grid-gutters: a map defining the gutter for each breakpoint of your grid component
  • $grid-breakoints: a map defining all breakpoints available for your grid, default to the value of $breakpoints defined in the framework
  • Component classes:
    • .grid[--<modifier>]: the component's BEM block, with modifier being one of nested or no-gutter
      • .grid--nested: modifier used to nest grid components
      • .grid--no-gutter: modifier used to have a grid without any gutter
    • .grid__row[--<modifier>]: used to set up a row in you grid, with some <modifier> to take advantage of some flex alignment properties
      • .grid__row--end: apply the property align-items with the value flex-end to the row, used to align all columns in a row to the bottom
      • .grid__row--center: apply the property align-items with the value center to the row, used to center all columns in a row
      • .grid__row--stretch: apply the property align-items withe the value stretch to the row, used to stretch all columns in a row to the same height
    • .grid__col-<columns>--<breakpoint>: the component's column classes
      • <columns>: a number from 1 to the total number of columns defined in the $grid-columns variable
      • <breakpoin>: name of one of the breakpoint defined in the $grid-breakpoints variable
    • grid__pull-<columns>--<breakpoint>: negative offset classes, used to pull columns to the left by the given <columns> count
      • <columns>: a number from 1 to the total number of columns defined in the $grid-columns variable
      • <breakpoint>: name of one of the breakpoint defined in the $grid-breakpoints variable
    • grid__push-<columns>--<breakpoint>: offset classes, used to push columns from the left by the given <columns> count
      • <columns>: a number from 1 to the total number of columns defined in the $grid-columns variable
      • <breakpoint>: name of one of the breakpoint defined in the $grid-breakpoints variable
    • .grid__col-<type>--<breakpoint>
      • <type>:
        • .grid__col-center--<breakpoint>: center the column in its row
        • .grid__col-clear--<breakpoint>: clear the float of the previous column, creates a line-break in your grid
        • .grid__col-no-clear--<breakpoint>: reverse the effect of the previous class
        • .grid__col-left--<breakpoint>: float a column to the left from the given breakpoint and up
        • .grid__col-right--<breakpoint>: float a column to the right from the given breakpoint and up
        • .grid__col-0--<breakpoint>: hide a column from the given breakpoint and up
      • <breakpoint>: name of one of the breakpoint defined in the $grid-breakpoints variable


$grid-columns: 12 !default;
$grid-gutter: space(4) !default;
$grid-breakpoints: $breakpoints !default;


<!-- One column on mobile, two on tablets and three on desktop -->
<div class="grid">
  <div class="grid__row">
    <div class="grid__col-12--xxs grid__col-6--s grid__col-4--l"></div>
    <div class="grid__col-12--xxs grid__col-6--s grid__col-4--l"></div>

<!-- A nested grid in a centered main column -->
<div class="grid">
  <div class="grid__row">
    <div class="
      <div class="grid grid--nested">
        <div class="grid__row">
          <div class="grid__col-6--xxs"></div>
          <div class="grid__col-6--xxs"></div>



The reset component only import the classic reset.css.


This project uses Git Flow as a branching model and a combo of Stylelint and Prettier to lint the SCSS files. You can lint your modifications when contributing with the following commands:

# Lint all files in the src/ folder
$ yarn lint
# or
$ npm run lint

# Try to fix all lint errors/warnings
$ yarn fix
# or
$ npm run fix




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  • jeremiewerner