
1.1.5 • Public • Published


CF app usage reporting bridge.

The bridge reports the metrics defined in linux-container resource:

  • instance_memory [GB]
  • running_instances [number]

For every app usage event from CF the bridge POSTs time-based usage report as follows:

  • for STOPPED event: reports 0 memory and 0 insances since the timestamp in the STOPPED event
  • for other events: reports the actual memory and number of instances since the timestamp of the event

UAA Clients

The applications bridge communicates with Cloud Controller. Register cf-applications application as CF client with:

gem install cf-uaac
uaac target uaa.bosh-lite.com --skip-ssl-validation
uaac token client get admin -s admin-secret
uaac client add abacus-cf-applications --name abacus-cf-applications --authorized_grant_types client_credentials --authorities cloud_controller.admin --secret secret

If you use secured Abacus installation you will need an additional resource client:

uaac client add abacus-linux-container --name abacus-linux-container --authorized_grant_types client_credentials --authorities abacus.usage.linux-container.write,abacus.usage.linux-container.read --scope abacus.usage.linux-container.write,abacus.usage.linux-container.read --secret secret

Note: Take care to set change the client ID and secret in the examples above.

Start the applications bridge


The steps below use Abacus running locally. We also assume that the Abacus installation has the abacus-authentication-plugin as a token provider.

To start the applications bridge locally against CF running on BOSH Lite set the API address:

export API=https://api.bosh-lite.com

Set the used client ID and secret with:

export CF_CLIENT_ID=abacus-cf-applications
export CF_CLIENT_SECRET=secret

In case of secured Abacus set the JWT algorithm, key and the resource provider client credentials:

export CLIENT_ID=abacus-linux-container
export CLIENT_SECRET=secret
export JWTKEY=secret
export JWTALGO=HS256

You can optionally enable the debug output with:

export DEBUG=abacus-cf-*

Finally start the applications bridge with:

cd ~/workspace/cf-abacus
yarn start cf

To stop the applications bridge:

yarn stop cf

Cloud Foundry

To start the applications bridge on CF running on BOSH Lite follow the steps below.

Setup CF:


Go to applications bridge directory:

cd ~/workspace/cf-abacus/lib/cf/applications

Edit the manifest.yml to look like this:

- name: abacus-cf-applications
  host: abacus-cf-applications
  path: .
  instances: 1
  memory: 512M
  disk_quota: 512M
    CONF: default
    DEBUG: e-abacus*,abacus-cf*
    COLLECTOR: abacus-usage-collector
    DB: mongodb://localhost:27017
    EUREKA: abacus-eureka-plugin
    API: https://api.bosh-lite.com:443
    AUTH_SERVER: https://api.bosh-lite.com:443
    CF_CLIENT_ID: abacus-cf-applications
    CF_CLIENT_SECRET: secret

In case you are running a secured Abacus installation, add the following entries:

    SECURED: true
    CLIENT_ID: abacus-linux-container
    CLIENT_SECRET: secret
    JWTKEY: |+
      -----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----
      ... <UAA public key in PEM format> ...
      -----END PUBLIC KEY-----
    JWTALGO: RS256

Build, pack and push the applications bridge to Cloud Foundry:

yarn install && yarn run lint && yarn test &&
&& yarn run cfpush

Create a database service instance, called db and bind it to abacus-cf-applications:

cf create-service mongodb-3.0.7-lite free db
cf bind-service abacus-cf-applications db

In case you want to use external DB you can do this by adding DB to the deployment manifest:

    DB: mongodb://user:password@mymongohost.com:27017/databaseName?ssl=true

Start the applications bridge:

cf start abacus-cf-applications

Tail the logs to check the progress:

cf logs abacus-cf-applications

You can change the client ID and secret used to communicate with CC like so:

cf set-env abacus-cf-applications CLIENT_ID <client_id>
cf set-env abacus-cf-applications CLIENT_SECRET <secret>
cf restart abacus-cf-applications

To change the resource provider (abacus-linux-container) settings or the number of connections, set the respective environment variables using cf set-env.


Bridge internal timeouts can be configured by modifying these environment variables:

    • minimum time [milliseconds] between each call to CF app usage events API
    • this variable also controls the time between each attempt to cache the last processd app usage GUID. The bridge tries to cache the GUID every 5 * MIN_INTERVAL_TIME milliseconds
    • maximum time [milliseconds] between app usage calls to CF
    • maximum time between Abacus reporting attempts
  • GUID_MIN_AGE - determines how old an app usage events should be to be reported to Abacus. New events order is not guaranteed in CC database. That's why we store only events older than the GUID_MIN_AGE.

Note: The timeout between CF API calls and Abacus usage retries is increased exponentially with each failed attempt.


The applications bridge exposes the /v1/stats/ endpoint that provides performance metrics and call statistics. A snippet of the values returned:

      "lastRecordedGUID": "35c4ff2fa",
      "lastRecordedTimestamp": "2015-08-18T11:28:20Z",
      "cache": {
        "read": 1,
        "write": 428
      "usage": {
        "missingToken": 0,
        "reportFailures": 2,
        "reportSuccess": 2379,
        "loopFailures": 2,
        "loopSuccess": 2357
      "paging": {
        "missingToken": 1,
        "pageReadSuccess": 1,
        "pageReadFailures": 0,
        "pageProcessSuccess": 3415,
        "pageProcessFailures": 1,
        "pageProcessEnd": 67

The following data is available:

Cache content:

  • lastRecordedGUID: GUID of the last reported event
  • lastRecordedTimestamp: Timestamp of the last reported event. For example 2015-08-18T11:28:20Z

Operation statistics:

  • cache.read/write: Number of cache operations. The cache stores the last processed app usage event GUID.
  • usage
    • missingToken: Missing abacus resource token
    • reportFailures: Number of failed usage reports
    • reportSuccess: Successful usage reports
    • loopFailures: Number of report loop failures
    • loopSuccess: Number of successful report loop cycles
  • paging
    • missingToken: Missing CF CC token
    • pageReadSuccess: Number of successful page reads
    • pageReadFailures: Failed page reads
    • pageProcessSuccess: Number of successfully processed resources
    • pageProcessFailures: Number of unsuccessfully processed resources
    • pageProcessEnd: Number of processed pages



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  • hsiliev