
1.3.0 • Public • Published

API Operations

Travis npm package Coveralls

A lightweight (5kb minified) library for simple RESTful API operations that leverages fetch.


  • Minimal yet powerful API
  • Uses the fetch standard so it returns promises and keeps things idiomatic
  • Automatic parsing of JSON data; falls back to plain text
  • Standardized errors by default or configure the error output to your taste
  • Rejects by default on response.status < 200 && response.status > 300, but you can configure the validation to your needs


installing api-operations via npm:

npm install api-operations

api-operations uses the fetch standard: you should bring your favorite polyfill ;D

(and fetch uses Promise, so you might need to polyfill that too, consult your polyfill of choice docs)

# official fetch polyfill - https://github.com/github/fetch 
npm install whatwg-fetch
# node-fetch - https://github.com/bitinn/node-fetch 
npm install node-fetch
# isomorphic-fetch - https://github.com/matthew-andrews/isomorphic-fetch 
npm install isomorphic-fetch

UMD build

you can get the development and minified production files on the 'dist' folder. The library namespace is apiOperations

Getting started

import { get, postJson, createApiSource } from 'api-operations'
// Simple get json from url
  .then(json => { console.log('got the json:', json) })
  .catch(error => { console.log('got an error:', error) })
// Simple post json to url
postJson('http://myCoolApi.com/endpoint', { myData: 'omgBbqWtfKawaii' })
  .then(json => { console.log('posted and got json:', json) })
  .catch(error => { console.log('posted and got error:', error) })
// Creating an API source for quick and convenient use
const myAPISource = createApiSource('http://myCoolApi.com/resource')
// Get from 'http://myCoolApi.com/resource/someEndpoint'
  .then(json => { console.log('got the json:', json) })
  .catch(error => { console.log('got an error:', error) })
// Put to 'http://myCoolApi.com/resource/someOtherEndpoint'
myAPISource.putJson('someOtherEndpoint', { myData: 'omgBbqWtfKawaii' })
  .then(json => { console.log('posted and got json:', json) })
  .catch(error => { console.log('posted and got error:', error) })
// Get from 'http://myCoolApi.com/resource'
  .then(json => { console.log('got the json:', json) })
  .catch(error => { console.log('got an error:', error) })



statusValidator and errorParser definitions omitted from examples for clarity; check the Arguments > operationOptions section for details

get (url[, fetchOptions[, operationOptions]])

Gets a document using the 'get' HTTP method and returns a promise with a parsed result. Example:

  { credentials: 'same-origin' },
  { statusValidator, errorParser })
  .then(json => { console.log('got the json:', json) })
  .catch(error => { console.log('got an error:', error) })

getQuery (url, query[, fetchOptions[, operationOptions]])

Parses query object and gets a document using the 'get' HTTP method and returns a promise with a parsed result. This utility method is useful when you have complex query params that you don't want to just hardcore in the url Example:

// gets http://myCoolApi.com/endpoint?page=6&active=true
  { page: 6, active: true }
  { credentials: 'same-origin' },
  { statusValidator, errorParser })
  .then(json => { console.log('got the json:', json) })
  .catch(error => { console.log('got an error:', error) })

You can also append query params to the url if that's your thing

// gets http://myCoolApi.com/endpoint?foo=bar&page=6&active=true
  { page: 6, active: true }
  { credentials: 'same-origin' },
  { statusValidator, errorParser })
  .then(json => { console.log('got the json:', json) })
  .catch(error => { console.log('got an error:', error) })

postJson (url, body[, fetchOptions[, operationOptions]])

Sends a JSON body using the 'post' HTTP method and returns a promise with a parsed result. body gets converted to json automatically. Example:

  { myData: 'omgBbqWtfKawaii' },
  { credentials: 'same-origin' },
  { statusValidator, errorParser })
  .then(json => { console.log('posted and got json:', json) })
  .catch(error => { console.log('posted and got error:', error) })

putJson (url, body[, fetchOptions[, operationOptions]])

Sends a JSON body using the 'put' HTTP method and returns a promise with a parsed result. body gets converted to json automatically. Example:

  { myData: 'omgBbqWtfKawaii' },
  { credentials: 'same-origin' },
  { statusValidator, errorParser })
  .then(json => { console.log('put and got json:', json) })
  .catch(error => { console.log('put and got error:', error) })

patchJson (url, body[, fetchOptions[, operationOptions]])

Sends a JSON body using the 'patch' HTTP method and returns a promise with a parsed result. body gets converted to json automatically. Example:

  { myData: 'omgBbqWtfKawaii' },
  { credentials: 'same-origin' },
  { statusValidator, errorParser })
  .then(json => { console.log('patched and got json:', json) })
  .catch(error => { console.log('patched and got error:', error) })

sendJson (url, body[, fetchOptions[, operationOptions]])

Generic method to send a JSON body, it doesn't set any HTTP method by itself so it's useful if you want to use a non-standard/non-supported method or want to extend functionality. returns a promise with a parsed result. body gets converted to json automatically. Example:

  { myData: 'omgBbqWtfKawaii' },
  { method: 'SOME_METHOD', credentials: 'same-origin' },
  { statusValidator, errorParser })
  .then(json => { console.log('sent and got json:', json) })
  .catch(error => { console.log('sent and got error:', error) })

delete_ (url[, fetchOptions[, operationOptions]])

Sends a request using the 'delete' HTTP method and returns a promise with a parsed result. Example:

// we use 'delete_' because 'delete' is a reserved keyword
  { credentials: 'same-origin' },
  { statusValidator, errorParser })
  .then(json => { console.log('deleted and got json:', json) })
  .catch(error => { console.log('deleted and got error:', error) })

createApiSource (baseUrl, [baseFetchOptions[, baseOperationOptions]])

Creates an 'API source' which acts as a base URL and base configurations for operations. Returns an object with the following endpoint methods:

  • get (endPoint[, fetchOptions[, operationOptions]])
  • getQuery (endPoint, query[, fetchOptions[, operationOptions]])
  • postJson (endPoint, body[, fetchOptions[, operationOptions]])
  • putJson (endPoint, body[, fetchOptions[, operationOptions]])
  • patchJson (endPoint, body[, fetchOptions[, operationOptions]])
  • sendJson (endPoint, body[, fetchOptions[, operationOptions]])
  • delete (endPoint[, fetchOptions[, operationOptionsions]])

All endpoint method options get merged with the base options created by createApiSource

// Creating an API source for quick and convenient use
const myAPISource = createApiSource('http://myCoolApi.com',
                                    { credentials: 'same-origin' },
                                    { statusValidator, errorParser })
// Get from 'http://myCoolApi.com/someEndpoint' with 'same-origin' credentials,
//  custom  statusValidator and errorParser
  .then(json => { console.log('got the json:', json) })
  .catch(error => { console.log('got an error:', error) })
// Post to 'http://myCoolApi.com/someOtherEndpoint' with 'same-origin' credentials,
//  connection 'keep-alive', custom statusValidator and errorParser
  { myData: 'omgBbqWtfKawaii' },
  { connection: 'keep-alive' })
  .then(json => { console.log('posted and got json:', json) })
  .catch(error => { console.log('posted and got error:', error) })
// Get from 'http://myCoolApi.com/', with 'same-origin' credentials,
//  custom errorParser and specific statusValidator
const statusValidator = (status) => status > 0 && status < 100
myAPISource.get('', {}, { statusValidator })
  .then(json => { console.log('got the json:', json) })
  .catch(error => { console.log('got an error:', error) })


url / baseUrl / endPoint

  • url: a string containing a full url i.e. https://api.github.com/user/repos
  • baseUrl: a string containing a root api url i.e. https://api.github.com/user or https://api.github.com
  • endPoint: a string containing an API endpoint i.e. repos or user/repos


An object containing options for the request. Directly passed to fetch second argument. this is the place to set headers, body, and other request data. Example:

  method: 'post',
  headers: {
    'Accept': 'application/json',
    'Content-Type': 'application/json',
  body: JSON.stringify({
    name: 'Hubot',
    login: 'hubot',


An object that modifies the operations default behavior. The following key/values are supported:

  • dontParse Boolean: If true the response object will be passed as is. Useful when you need the response headers or metadata. Default is false.

    // Maybe you just need the headers
    get('http://myCoolApi.com/endpoint', {}, { dontParse: true })
      .then(response => console.log(response.headers))
    // Or maybe you also need the parsed body
    get('https://test/dontParse', {}, { dontParse: true })
      .then(response =>
        // response.json() returns a promise that resolves to the parsed body
        // so we need to return the result when that promise resolves
        Promise.all([response.headers, response.json()])
      .then(([headers, json]) => console.log(headers.get('content-type'), json))
  • statusValidator (response_status): A function that receives the response status code, implements some custom validation and returns true for valid statuses and false for invalid ones

    // A custom status validator that passes on status 0 to 100 and fails on everything else
    const statusValidator = (status) => status > 0 && status < 100
    // Use it!
    get('http://myCoolApi.com/endpoint', {}, { statusValidator })
      .then(json => { console.log('got the json:', json) })
  • errorParser (error, response): A function that receives the parsed rejected response (error), the raw response object and returns an error response

    // A custom error parser that passes some custom data
    const errorParser = (error, response) => {
      const _error = new Error('Custom Error')
      _error.name = response.statusText
      _error.response = response
      _error.body = error
      _error.myExtraStuff = 'teach me how to dougie, teach me-teach me how to dougie~'
      return _error
    // Use it!
    get('http://myCoolApi.com/endpoint', {}, { errorParser })
      .then(json => { console.log('got the json:', json) })
      .catch(error => { console.log('got an error:', error) })

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