
1.4.0 • Public • Published


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browser-ls provides a nice node-like wrapper on the localStorage API in browsers. It handles potential localStorage exceptions for you, plus it's only 3KB minified!

It handles exceptions internally via try catch blocks and will return errors in the Node.js fashion of using the first callback parameter as an error argument. This means it'll play nicely with other Node.js modules that are supported in the browser like Async.js.


Via NPM:

npm i browser-ls

Via Bower

bower i browser-ls

You can also just drop a file from the dist/ folder here into your project.


var ls = require('browser-ls');
// If you're not Browserify-ing you can use:
// var ls = ;
// instead of "require"
ls.setJson('somejson', {
    name: 'Bruce Wayne',
    aka: 'Batman'
}, function (err) {
    if (err) {
        alert('Failed to write to localStorage');
    } else {
        ls.getJson('somejson', function(err, json) {
            if (err) {
                alert('Failed to get item from localStorage')
            } else {
                alert('We stored and retrieved JSON from localStorage!');
                alert('Result: ' + JSON.stringify(json));

Because this module uses a standard Node callback pattern if you like neater code the above could be written like so:

var async = require('async'),
    ls = require('browser-ls');
var STORAGE_KEY = 'somejson'
    writeToLs: function (cb) {
        ls.setJson(STORAGE_KEY, {
            name: 'Bruce Wayne',
            aka: 'Batman'
        }, cb);
    readFromLs: function (cb) {
        ls.getJson(STORAGE_KEY, cb);
}, function (err, res) {
    if (err) {
        alert('Something went wrong...');
    } else {
        alert('We stored and retrieved JSON from localStorage!');
        alert('Result: ' + JSON.stringify(res.readFromLs));

Browser Support

I've tested this on the following browsers but it should work on pretty much any browser with JSON and localStorage support.

  • Safari 7.0.5
  • Chrome 37.0.2062
  • Firefox 29.0.0

If the awesome ci.testling service has the timeout issues it's recently experiencing resolved a more complete browser support matrix can be constructed then.


All callbacks receive an error as the first parameter which will be null if no error occured. All methods that retreive an item take a second parameter that is the result.

get(key, callback)

Get a string value from localStorage.

var ls = require('browser-ls');
ls.get('SOME_KEY', function (err, result) {
    if (err) {
        // DARN!
    } else {
        // WOO-HOO!

getJson(key, callback)

Get an Object from localStorage.

set(key, string[, callback])

Set a string value in localStorage.

setJson(key, object[, callback])

Write a JSON object to localStorage.

remove(key[, callback])

Remove an object from localStorage.

getAdapter (name)

This will get a localStorage interface that stores data under the given key name to avoid clashes. It has all the standard API methods.

For example:

var ls = require('browser-ls');
var Users = ls.getAdapter('Users');
Users.set('KEY', 'some value');
ls.set('KEY', 'another value');
Users.get('KEY', function (err, res) {
    // res will equal 'some value'
ls.get('KEY' function (err, res) {
    // res will equal 'another value'

Using a single instance to do this would have overwritten the Users value with that of the plain ls interface.

getAdapter also has more advanced usage and supports pre-save and post-load transforms. These are useful if you need to store encrypted data or performs modification of data prior to saving. Here's an example"

var ls = require('browser-ls');
var encryption = require('./encryption');
var userId = 'user-1234';
var Users = ls.getAdapter({
    ns: 'Users', // Store data under this namespace
    preSave: doEncrypt,
    postLoad: doDecrypt
function doEncrypt (val, callback) {
    // val is the value passed to the .set method below
    encryption.encrypt(val, function (err, encryptedVal) {
        if (err) {
            callback(err, null);
        } else {
            // Send the updated value to the callback to be saved
            callback(null, encryptedVal)
function doEncrypt (val, callback) {
    // val is the value that the module got from localStorage 
    // in this case it is the encrypted value of:
    // '{"name":"evan","location":"USA"}''
    encryption.decrypt(val, function (err, decryptedVal) {
        if (err) {
            callback(err, null);
        } else {
            // Send the updated value to the callback to be loaded
            callback(null, decryptedVal)
// This JSON string being saved will be encrypted by preSave
Users.set(userId, JSON.stringify({
    name: 'evan',
    location: 'USA'
// The value we get will automatically be decrpyted
Users.get(userId, function (err, user) {
    // user object will be equal to the originally saved data

In the above examples you could replace set and get with setJson and getJson and the encryption would still work since the pre and post functions are called directly before the safe after the JSON is stringified (set) and before it's parsed (get).



Added support for pre-save and post-load transforms.

pre 1.4.0

Not documented...

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  • evanshortiss