
0.1.25 • Public • Published
The Sweetest Cache Library

Cross Platform Offline Resource Persistency

bundle size

Tiny library with zero external dependencies to persist resources (Javascript, css, etc.) for offline usage and optimal performance; supports all modern browsers, Safari included. Mobile optimized.

Progressive Web Apps (PWA) and offline first apps should be every app's default. Those technologies utilize Service Worker APIs and provide amazing experience. Only that it leaves all your iOS users out in the dark. AppCache is deprecated and limited. This library allows convenient Offline First apps for all mobile browsers. How does it work? The library receives a manifest of resources urls (scripts, css), fetches it, add the appropriate DOM tag element, and eventually caches the script in IndexedDB (or fallbacks to localstorage on iOS < v10). On subsequent runs, it fetches those resources immediately, without ever hitting the network. This both significantly increases performance while allowing the app to work without connectivity.


Capp Cache requires a manifest url to load the resources. Add an attribute data-cc-manifest=<manifest url> on the HTML tag of your page, referencing your manifest file. For example:

<html data-cc-manifest="capp-cache-manifest.json">

The manifest structure is:

Property description type default
resources An array of resources to be cached. See the following table for details. array of resource entries []
manifestUrl A URL from which the manifest JSON is fetched. URL
version An identifier for the version of the manifest. A change in this version will result in background syncing of the cache with the new manifest. See function on("manifestUpdated") for details. string
forceLoadFromCache By default, when a resource (especially relevant to Javascript) is not in cache, capp-cache will add it to the DOM with src attribute, and only then download the resource (again) in the background to cache for subsequent runs. While this improves performance for first run, it creates slightly different behavior due to the way the browser handles inline scripts vs. scripts with src attribute. It also doubles network traffic. This flag forces capp-cache to first fetch the resource and only then add it to the DOM in the same way it would have if the resource was already in the cache. On subsequent runs, when the cache is already full this flag has no effect. boolean false
onLoadDone A function that is called after all (synchronous) elements were evaluated by the browser. For example the value "console.log('done')" will print a "done" string once the last resource was loaded.
In the capp-cache manifest JSON you can only pass a string that is convertible to a function using the Function contstructor. When using the programmatic API loadResources function you can pass an actual function.
string | function
recacheAfterVersionChange A flag indicating to capp-cache to download all files in the manifest whenever the version field has changed. By default, capp-cache only downloads resources which were not already cached. That means that you cannot update the content of a cached resource; you have to provide a new resource url. With this flag set to true following a version change, capp-cache will download all resources from network, updating the resources content. Note that the update files will only be available on the second page load, as capp-cache immediately loads files according to the cached manifest. If you need register to manifestUpdated event (see below) boolean false

When the page loads, the library will add your resources to the DOM, according to the resources list. The supported properties for each resource entry are:

Property description type default
url mandatory. The url of the resource from which it is fetched URL
type type of resource. js and css will be added to the DOM unless you specify the cacheOnly flag. blob will only be cached and available in the cache. js,css,link,blob,fontface js
target parent element of the resource head, body head
attributes A key / value list of attributes to set on the tag element object
cacheOnly sync the script to the database, but don't append it to the DOM. Use to ensure a resource is in the cache for future use manifest
networkOnly fetches a resource directly from the network every time, without any caching. This can be helpful for example when you have some resource that changes on each run, but you want to maintain the order between cached and non cached scripts, so you cannot append it directly to the HTML file. boolean false
format [fontface only] the format of the font file that will be cached string woff2
localFontFamily [fontface only] a string array of local font-family names that will be specified using local(...) before the cached url. [string]
fallbackUrls [fontface only] a list of font file urls that will be used as fallback. Those urls will not be cached. array of {url, format}
fontAttributes [fontface only] a list of key/value attributes that are applied to the generated @font-face string, such as font-weight object

You will need to have your index.html file and this library cached in order to allow it to work offline and get optimal performance. The recommended way is to create a tiny App Cache manifest to store those just those two files. By default, Capp Cache will try to fetch a file called cappCacheManifest.json. You can override this behavior by setting an object property on the window object called cappCacheManifest before Capp Cache library is loaded.
To specify a custom URL from which cappCache loads the manifest, set window.cappCacheManifest.manifestUrl to that URL. To inline the manifest, so that no additional request is triggered, sepcify the window.cappCacheManifest.resources array, without specifying window.cappCacheManifest.manifestUrl.

Overriding DomContentLoaded firing too early with data-cc-override-domcontentloaded attribute

Existing code, or code that uses libraries might relay on DOMContentLoaded event. Since a capp-cached app usually has HTML file which is mostly empty (as scripts are added dynamically), code that relies on DOMContentLoaded will run before the scripts have been evaluated. When this flag is set to true, capp-cache will capture DOMContentLoaded event and fire the event only after all scripts have been loaded (same time that capp-cahce onLoadDone is fired). Since this information must be available synchronously, you need to specify it as attribute in your HTML file, on the html tag. For example:

<html data-cc-manifest="capp-cache-manifest.json" data-cc-override-domcontentloaded="true">

Basic Example


<html manifest="manifest.appcache">
    <script src="dist/capp-cache.js"/>


  "version": "1a",
  "resources": [
      "url": "index.css",
      "type": "css"
      "url": "",
      "attributes": {
        "onload": "console.log('DONE')",
        "async" : true


Create a file called manifest.appcache with the following content


In your index.html file add a reference to that file: <html manifest="manifest.appcache">

Working with web fonts (@font-face)

Web fonts are usually loaded through css @font-face declaration. You will need to extract your font-face declaration from the css file, to capp-cache manifest. capp-cache will generate a style tag with a @font-face declaration. For example, the following manifest element:

      "type": "fontface",
      "url": "",
      "format": "woff2",
      "localFontFamily": [ "Spectral", "Spectral-Regular"],
      "fallbackUrls": [{
      "fontAttributes": {
        "unicode-range": "U+0000-00FF, U+0131, U+0152-0153, U+02C6, U+02DA, U+02DC, U+2000-206F, U+2074, U+20AC, U+2212, U+2215",
        "font-weight": "400",
        "font-style": "normal",
        "font-family": "'Spectral'"

will generate the following tag:

@font-face {
  unicode-range: U+0000-00FF, U+0131, U+0152-0153, U+02C6, U+02DA, U+02DC, U+2000-206F, U+2074, U+20AC, U+2212, U+2215;
  font-weight: 400;
  font-style: normal;
  font-family: 'Spectral';
  src: local('Spectral'), local('Spectral-Regular'), url(blob:http://localhost:9999/bfa7a806-9c87-4f03-93b8-11400e9a0764) format('woff2'),  url( format('woff2');


window.cappCache.loadResources(manifest, {syncCacheOnly = false, forceRecaching = false})

Loads resources according to a manifest object; use this function to load scripts dynamically. The function receives two arguments.
manifest - a manifest object with a resources property similar to the cappCacheManifest.json file. syncCacheOnly - if set to true files are just cached, but not added to the DOM. forceRecaching - if set to true resources will be downloaded again to the cache, even if they already exists in the cache. If this flag is not set, a resource will never be downloaded once it is cached. Returns a promise that resolves when all synchronous resources were loaded to the DOM and parsed by the browser, or rejects on any error.
For example:

setTimeout(() => window.cappCache.loadResources({
            resources: [
                    url: "",
                    "attributes": {
                        "async": false
        }), 1000);


From time to time, or after significant change, it is recommended to remove from the database old scripts. Call this function only after all the resources were loaded, both at load time and dynamically throughout the life cycle of the application. The library keeps track of all resources it has loaded in that session. When you call this function, all files in the cache that were not loaded in this session are removed.

window.cappCache.on("manifestUpdated", callback)

The library caches the cappCacheManifest.json and loads all resources accordingly. This saves significant time on startup. However, it has the downside of loading outdated files after a change. If you want to be able to respond to such event, you can register to this event using this function. The callback function will be called with no arguments after the updated manifest is saved to the cache and all resources from that manifest were fetched. For example, you might want to suggest the user to reload the page to see the latest version of the page.
This feature should be used in conjunction with the version property of cappCacheManifest.json file. The library will consider an update only if the version property is different from the cached manifest.


Returns an array of all resources that were loaded in the current session. Each entry in the array contains the url from which the resource was loaded and optionally domSelector property that allows accessing the element that was added to the DOM. If the element was not added to the DOM (e.g. cacheOnly resource) the property will be null.

window.cappCache.getResourceUri({url, isBinary = true})

Fetches a resource (commonly images and fonts) and returns an object URL. You can use this URI as the source of your resource. For example:

<img id="myImage"/>
   var uri = window.cappCache.getResourceUri({url: "myImage.png"});

If the resource is textual, set isBinary to false. In this case you will receive a data URI that you can use in a similar way.

<img id="myImage"/>
   var uri = window.cappCache.getResourceUri({url: "mySVGImage.svg", isBinary: false});


Releases the memory allocated for a resource that was previously assigned using getResourceUri. Note that this is only applicable for binary resources, that were create the isBinary : true flag. While not required, you can use this method to free the memory that was reserved for a resource. Also, note that you need to provide the original url that was used in getResourceUri.


Sets the console output log level of the library. By default set to warn.


Returns capp-cache version


Why not just use Service Worker?

Currently SW are not supported on Safari browsers, which is a show stopper for mobile web applications.

Why not just use App Cache?

App Cache is considered deprecated, and for good reasons! After using App Cache for years, we encountered multiple issues with this technology

  • If just one of then resources has changed, App Cache will download everything.
  • App Cache manifest has an awkward format with very little control.
  • It is very hard to debug and analyze issues with App Cache.
  • App Cache doesn't always work, especially on iOS, and you have virtually no way to figure out why. This is based on our extensive experience, with tens of thousands devices in production.
  • App Cache only caches files from your domain. e.g. No way to cache Google Analytics script from Google's CDN.
  • Whenever a resource is unfetchable, App Cache stops working. This is sometimes a desired behavior, to prevent mix between versions of the code.
    However, in many scenarios there are optional resources (e.g. images), which shouldn't prevent critical resources from loading if they fail to download.

Wait! You are recommending to use App Cache to cache index.html and this library, but claim that this library replace App Cache. What gives?

No. Based on our experience, the issues with App Cache are correlated with the size of App Cache and the frequency of changes. If you just cache just those two files, you shouldn't encounter the issues described above.

Adding a script tag to my index.html is so 2016. I use a bundler (e.g. Webpack) to pack all my files. Can I just import capp-cache?

Yes, but in the naive implementation, this means that the library is added as part of your application bundle. Obviously, Capp Cache has to be loaded before any other script is should load. If it is part of the code bundle, it can't load that bundle. You can declare a separate entry point for Capp Cache which would result in a separate file. Then, make sure to load that file first. For example, in Webpack:

entry: {
    CappCache: "capp-cache",
    App: "./index.js"

before other resources and saved

What are some of the issues and caveats with this approach?

The root issue is that since the library does not enjoy and special capabilities (unlike Service Worker and App Cache), there are some limitations

  • You can't just append script elements in your DOM.
    Workaround: you must declare it in a manifest and let CappCache append it to the DOM.
  • DomContentLoaded is fired before synchronous scripts are loaded.
    Workaround: use the manifest onLoadDone callback:
   resources: [...],
   onLoadDone: "document.dispatchEvent(new Event('ready'));"

If you have to use DOMContentLoaded directly (for example, you use a library that relies on this event) you can override the default event.

  • Secondary resources that are declared by your app need to use CappCache as well. For example, font src declared in your CSS file.
    Workaround: one option is to inline the resource as base64 encoded data URL. There are online tools for that, or you can use a bundler such as Webpack url-loader
  • Code splitting does not take advantage of caching and offline.
    workaround: in your bundler configuration, define a separate entry point for the code that should be loaded later. When the application needs to load that chunk, use CappCache loadResource function.
  • Flash of unstyled content (FOUC) - When the page loads, you see unstyled HTML elements. This happens because the CSS is loaded dynamically using Javascript. The browser thinks that there is no CSS for the elements and displays the elements without styling.
    workaround: Hide the
   .capp-cache {
      display: none;
<body class="capp-cache">

Then, include in your CSS file an override:

body.capp-cache {
   display: initial;

Another option is to include the critical CSS inline as <style> element in the HTML file.

What's the deal with the name?

This library was developed in Capriza to replace App Cache. Capriza+AppCache = CappCache. Clever, huh? :)

You say tiny library. How tiny?

bundle size

Who designed the amazing Cupcake logo?

Nadav. Thanks!


  • Local storage fallback
  • If service worker exists - fallback to regular SW?
  • Allow to invalidate file
  • Optional resources

Longer term todos

  • Use Web Workers for downloading?
  • Add benchmarking

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  • eladmoshe