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3.3.1 • Public • Published



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npm i --save clearblade-js-client

import 'clearblade-js-client/lib/mqttws31'; 
import { ClearBlade } from 'clearblade-js-client';

With script tag

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The ClearBlade object attaches to window after being included.

Calling ClearBlade.init(configObject) will initialize ClearBlade settings and functions and pass it as an argument to a callback.

const cb = new ClearBlade();

	URI: 'platform address',  // e.g., ''
	systemKey: 'theSystemKey',
	systemSecret: 'theSystemSecret',
	email: "userEmail",  // use registerEmail instead if you wish to create a new user
	password: "userPassword",
	callback: initCallback,

function initCallback(err, authInfo) {  // err is a boolean, authInfo is an object containing email and authToken
	if (err) {
	  throw new Error(cb);
	} else {
	  console.log("successfully inited ClearBlade");

function fetchData() {
	var collection = cb.Collection();
	collection.fetch(someQuery, collectionFetchCallback(err, rows) {
	  if (err) {
	    throw new Error(rows);
	  } else {
	    // do something with the collection rows

function subscribeMessaging() {
	var messaging = cb.Messaging();
	messaging.subscribe('someTopic', {timeout: 120}, subscribeCallback(err, message) {
	  if (err) {
	    throw new Error(message);
	  } else {
	    // do something with response

API Reference


var cb = new ClearBlade();


	Options // object
	* systemKey // string
		Required. The systemKey of the system to connect to. Retrievable from the Console's System Settings.
	* systemSecret // string
		Required. The systemSecret of the system to connect to. Retrievable from the Console's System Settings.
	* logging // boolean
	    Enable logging by setting logging key to true.
	* email // string
		Email of non-dev user to connect to system as. If registerUser key is not provided, the user must be registered through the Auth tab of the console, and given appropriate roles.
	* password // string
		Password of non-dev user to connect to system as.
	* registerUser // boolean
		If registerUser key is present and set to true, a new user will be created in the system using the values set to email and password.
	* callback // function
		Callback to be asynchronously fired when the connection to the system is established.
	* callTimeout // integer
		Seconds to wait before timing out requests
	* URI
		Platform instance to connect to. Defaults to "" if not provided.
	* messagingURI
		Platform instance to connect to for messaging. Defaults to "" if not provided.
	* messagingPort
		Port to use when connecting to messaging server.


cb.setUser(email, authToken)

	Set which user will make requests to the platform
	* email // string
		Required. The email of the user
	* authToken // string
		Required. The authToken returned by the platform as an argument to the init callback

cb.registerUser(email, password, callback)

	Register a new user with the platform.
	* email // string
		Required. The email of the new user
	* password // string
		Required. The password of the new user
	* callback // function
		Asynchronously fired after user is registered with the platform


	Check if currently set user has an active session in the platform
	* callback // function(err, response)
		Asynchronously fired after response is received


	End session for currently set user
	* callback // function(err, response)
		Asynchronously fired after platform returns repsonse


	Authenticate with platform as anonymous user
	* callback // function(err, response)
		Asynchronously fired after platform creates new anonymous session

cb.loginUser(email, password, callback)

	Authenticate with platform as provided user
	* email // string
		Required. The email for an existing user
	* password // string
		Required. The password for an existing user
	* callback // function(err, response)
		Asynchronously fired after platform creates new session for provided user


var collection = cb.Collection(Options)

	Options // object or serialized string
	Required. Provide either:
	* collectionName
		Name of the collection on current system to connect to.
	* collectionID
		ID of the collection on current system to connect to. Available on data tab of console.

collection.fetch(query, callback)

	Retrieve array of items from the collection
	* query // object
		key-value pairs representing column names and desired values
	* callback // function(err, dataArray)
		Asynchronously fired after platform returns response

collection.create(newItem, callback)

	Create new item in the collection
	* newItem // object
		Required. An object with key-value pairs representing column names and desired values
	* callback // function(err, newItem)
		Asynchronously fired after platform returns response

collection.update(query, changes, callback)

	Updates existing item in the collection
	* query // ClearBlade.Query
	* changes // object
		Required. An object with key-value pairs representing column names to be updated and new values
	* callback // function(err, updatedItem)
		Asynchronously fired after platform returns response

collection.remove(query, callback)

	Removes every item in the collection matching query
	* query // ClearBlade.Query
	* callback // function(err, removedItem)
		Asynchronously fired after platform returns response


	Retrieve column names, data types and whether the column is a primary key
	* callback // function(err, columnsArray)
		Asynchronously fired after platform returns response

collection.count(query, callback)

	Count items in collection matching query
	* query // ClearBlade.Query
	* callback // function(err, count)
		Asynchronously fired after platform returns response


var query = cb.Query(Options)

	Creates new ClearBlade.Query to be used in Collection operations
	Options // object or serialized string
	Required. Provide either:
		* collectionName
			Name of the collection on current system to connect to.
		* collectionID
			ID of the collection on current system to connect to. Available on data tab of console.

query.addSortToQuery(queryObj, direction, fieldName)

	Sort results according to direction by fieldName
	* queryObj // object
	* direction // string
		Required. Choose from "ASC" or "DESC"
	* fieldName // name of column to sort by

query.addFilterToQuery(queryObject, condition, key, value)

	Filter results accord to queryObject
	* queryObj // object
	* condition // string, choose from "=", "!=", ">", "<", ">=", "<="
	* key // string
	* value // string, integer, float


	Sort results ascending by fieldName
	* fieldName // string


	Sort results descending by fieldName
	* fieldName // string

query.equalTo(fieldName, value)

	Query where field is equal to value
	* fieldName // string
	* value // string, integer float

query.greaterThan(fieldName, value)

	Query where field is greater than value
	* fieldName // string
	* value // string, integer float

query.greaterThanEqualTo(field, value)

	Query where field is greater than value
	* fieldName // string
	* value // string, integer float

query.lessThan(fieldName, value)

	* fieldName // string
	* value // string, integer, float

query.lessThanEqualTo(fieldName, value)

	* fieldName // string
	* value // string, integer, float

query.notEqualTo(fieldName, value)

	* fieldName // string
	* value // string, integer, float

query.matches(fieldName, regexPattern)

	* fieldName // string
	* value // string


	* otherQuery // ClearBlade.Query

query.setPage(pageSize, pageNum)

	* pageSize // int
	* pageNum // int


	Execute built query and retrieve matching item(s)
	* callback // function(err, itemsArray)

query.update(changes, callback)

	Execute built query and update matching item(s)
	* callback // function(err, itemsArray)


	Execute built query and remove matching item(s)
	* callback // function(err, itemsArray)


var item = cb.Item(data, collectionID)

	* data // object, contains structure of collection item
	* collectionID // string, data collection ID in current system

	* callback // function(err, result)


	* callback // function(err, result)


	* callback // function(err, result)

Code Services

var code = cb.Code()

code.execute(name, options, callback)

	Run a named code service that exists on the system with options
	* name // string
		Required. The name of code service to be executed
	* options // object
		The request object to be passed to the code service function on execution
	* callback // function(err, response)


	* callback // function(err, response)


	* callback // function(err, response)

User Management

var user = cb.User()

ClearBlade User Object


	Retrieve info on the current set user
	* callback // function(err, userInfo)

user.setUser(userInfo, callback)

	Set info on the current active user
	* userInfo // object, contains key-value pairs representing the user info to be updated
	* callback // function(err, userInfo)

user.allUsers(query, callback)

	Return all users that match the specified query
	* query // ClearBlade.query
	* callback // function(err, usersArray)

user.setPassword(old, new, callback)

	Change current set user's password
	* old // string, old password of user
	* new // string, new password of user
	* callback // function(err, response)

user.count(query, callback)

	Return a count of all users that match the specified query
	* query // ClearBlade.query
	* callback // function(err, count)


var messaging = cb.Messaging(options, callback)

ClearBlade Messaging object

  • callback // function(err, data), asynchronously fired upon error or successful connection to messaging server

messaging.getMessageHistory(topic, last, count, callback)

	* topic // string that signifies which topic to search
	* count // int that signifies how many messages to return; 0 returns all messages
	* last // int Epoch timestamp in seconds that will retrieve 'count' number of messages before that timestamp
	* callback - Function that handles the response from the server

messaging.getMessageHistoryWithTimeFrame(topic, count, last, start, stop, callback)

	* topic // string that signifies which topic to search
	* count // int that signifies how many messages to return; 0 returns all messages
	* last // int Epoch timestamp in seconds that will retrieve 'count' number of messages before that timestamp
	* start // int Epoch timestamp in seconds that will retrieve 'count' number of  messages within timeframe
	* stop // int Epoch timestamp in seconds that will retrieve 'count' number of  messages within timeframe
	* callback - Function that handles the response from the server

messaging.getAndDeleteMessageHistory(topic, count, last, start, stop, callback)

	* topic // string that signifies which topic to search
	* count // int that signifies how many messages to return and delete; 0 returns and deletes all messages
	* last // int Epoch timestamp in seconds that will retrieve and delete 'count' number of messages before that timestamp
	* start // int Epoch timestamp in seconds that will retrieve and delete 'count' number of  messages within timeframe
	* stop // int Epoch timestamp in seconds that will retrieve and delete 'count' number of  messages within timeframe
	* callback - Function that handles the response from the server


	Retrieve all active messaging topics on current system
	* callback // function(err, topicsArray)

messaging.publish(topic, payload)

	Publish payload on messaging topic via MQTT
	* topic // string
		Required. Messaging topic publish on
	* payload // object

messaging.publishREST(topic, payload, callback)

	Publish payload on messaging topic via HTTP
	* topic // string
		Required. Messaging topic publish on
	* payload // object
		Message payload
	* callback // function(err, data)

messaging.subscribe(topic, options, callback)

	Subscribe to MQTT topic
	* topic // string, messaging topic to subscribe to via MQTT
	* options // object
		onSuccess: // function(payload)
			Fired on successful subscription. Defaults to null
		onFailure: // function(err)
			Fired on error with subscription. Defaults to null
	callback // function(err, payload)

messaging.unsubscribe(topic, options)

	Unsubcribe from MQTT topic
	* topic // string, name of MQTT topic to unsubscribe from
	* options // object
		onSuccess: // function
			Fired on successful subscription. Defaults to null
			onSuccess: function(response)
		onFailure: // function
			Fired on error with subscription. Defaults to null
			onFailure: function(err)


	Close connection to messaging server


var messagingStats = cb.MessagingStats()

ClearBlade Messaging Statistics object

messagingStats.getAveragePayloadSize(topic, start, stop, callback)

	* topic // string that signifies which topic to search
	* start // int Epoch timestamp in seconds that will retrieve 'count' number of  messages within timeframe
	* stop // int Epoch timestamp in seconds that will retrieve 'count' number of  messages within timeframe
	* callback - Function that handles the response from the server


	* callback - Function that handles the response from the server

messagingStats.getCurrentSubscribers(topic, callback)

	* topic // string that signifies which topic to search
	* callback - Function that handles the response from the server


var analytics = cb.Analytics()

ClearBlade Analytics Object Example filter object:

		"scope": {
			"system": "<systemKey>"
		"filter": {
			"module": "users",
			"action": "create",
			"range": {
				"start": 1493010000,
				"end": 1493137098

analytics.getStorage(filter, callback)

	* filter // filter object (see above)
	* callback - Function that handles the response from the server

analytics.getCount(filter, callback)

	* filter // filter object (see above)
	* callback - Function that handles the response from the server

analytics.getEventList(filter, callback)

	* filter // filter object (see above)
	* callback - Function that handles the response from the server

analytics.getEventTotals(filter, callback)

	* filter // filter object (see above)
	* callback - Function that handles the response from the server

analytics.getUserEvents(filter, callback)

	* filter // filter object (see above)
	* callback - Function that handles the response from the server


The Javadoc for the JavaScript API can be found at

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