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ContentExt - Content Extraction Tool

ContentExt is a Node.js tool for extracting content from files in the project folder of a web app or website. It creates a text file as an output with a readable file structure and the content of the included files.

API Usage:

  1. Install ContentExt as a dependency in your project:

    npm install contentext
  2. Import ContentExt in your code:

    const contentext = require("contentext");`
  3. Configure the options and call the desired functions:

    const config = {
      rootPath: ".",               // Set the root path of the project
      fileTypes: [],               // Set the file types to process
      excludeDirs: [],             // Set the directories to exclude
      excludeFiles: [],            // Set the files to exclude
      includeFiles: [],            // Set the specific files to include
      ignoreVcs: true,             // Ignore version control system directories
      outputFilePath: "content_snapshot.txt", // Set the output file path
      minify: false,               // Minify the extracted content
    // Extract content and generate output
    const extractedContent = contentext.extractContent(config);
    contentext.generateOutput(extractedContent, "", config.outputFilePath, config.minify);

CLI Usage:

  1. Install ContentExt globally:

    npm install -g contentext
  2. Use the 'contentext' command with the available options:

    contentext [options]

    -r, --root Set the root path of the project (default: ".")
    -t, --types Set the file types to process, comma-separated (default: "js,css")
    -x, --exclude-dirs Set the directories to exclude, comma-separated (default: "")
    -f, --exclude-files Set the files to exclude, comma-separated (default: "")
    -i, --include-files Set the specific files to include, comma-separated (default: "")
    -v, --no-ignore-vcs Include version control system directories (default: ignore)
    -o, --output Set the output file path (default: "content_snapshot.txt")
    -m, --minify Minify the extracted content (default: false)


    contentext -r "./my-project" -t "js,css" -x "node_modules" -o "snapshot.txt" -m
    contentext -t "html,css" -x "assets,node_modules" -f "main.css" -i "specific.html" -v -o "content_extract.txt"

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npm i contentext

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  • aiage