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0.5.1 • Public • Published


A utility package that simplifies the creation of CSS strings for various properties such as borders, gradients, shadows, and more with a focus on HSLA colors.


Install the package with npm:

npm install css-brewery

Or with yarn:

yarn add css-brewery


Import the necessary functions from the package:

import { border, gradient, hsla, px, shadow } from 'css-brewery';


The following is the API specifications of the css-brewery package.

createBorder (alias: border)

Generates a BorderObject that represents CSS border properties and provides methods to manipulate these properties conveniently.


const myBorder = createBorder(options); // border(options);


options is an optional object that can contain the following properties:

Property Type Default Value Description
width number 1 The width of the border in pixels.
style BorderStyle "solid" The style of the border, using predefined CSS border styles.
color HslaObject hsla(0, 0%, 0%, 1) The color of the border in HSLA format.

BorderStyle is a string literal type that allows one of the following values: "solid", "dotted", "dashed", "double", "groove", "ridge", "inset", "outset", "none", "hidden".

Return Value

The createBorder function returns a BorderObject that contains the following methods:

BorderObject Methods

  • set(newValues: Partial<BorderValues>): Allows you to replace the current border values with new ones.

  • adjust(adjustments: Partial<BorderValues>): Allows you to adjust the current border values by specifying only what you want to change.

  • toString(): Converts the border object into a CSS-compatible string.


Creating a solid blue border:

import { createBorder, createHsla } from 'css-brewery';

const blueBorder = createBorder({
  width: 5,
  style: 'solid',
  color: createHsla({ h: 240, s: 100, l: 50, a: 1 })

// Output: '5px solid hsla(240, 100%, 50%, 1)'

Adjusting a border's color:

const myBorder = createBorder({ width: 2, style: 'dashed' });
const adjustedBorder = myBorder.adjust({
  color: createHsla({ h: 120, s: 75, l: 50, a: 0.8 })

// Output: '2px dashed hsla(120, 75%, 50%, 0.8)'

Setting new border values:

const initialBorder = createBorder({ width: 1, style: 'solid' });
const newBorder = initialBorder.set({ width: 4, style: 'dotted' });

// Output: '4px dotted'

The createBorder function streamlines the process of creating complex border styles and enables efficient updates to border properties, allowing for dynamic style changes in JavaScript-driven web applications.

createGradient (alias: gradient)

Generates a GradientObject that represents CSS gradient properties and provides methods to manipulate these properties easily for creating complex gradient designs.


const myGradient = createGradient(options); // gradient(options);


options is an optional object that can contain the following properties:

Property Type Default Value Description
type GradientType "linear" The type of gradient ("linear", "radial", "conic").
angle number 0 The angle (in degrees) of the linear gradient.
repeating boolean false Whether the gradient is repeating.
sections GradientSection[] [] An array of gradient color stops and positions.

GradientType Choices

  • "linear": Specifies a linear gradient.
  • "radial": Specifies a radial gradient.
  • "conic": Specifies a conic gradient.

GradientSection Object

Each GradientSection in the sections array can have the following properties:

Property Type Description
color HslaObject The color of the gradient section in HSLA format.
start number Optional. The starting position as a percentage.
end number Optional. The ending position as a percentage.

Return Value

The createGradient function returns a GradientObject with the following methods:

GradientObject Methods

  • set(newValues: Partial<GradientValues>): Allows you to replace the current gradient values with new ones.

  • adjust(adjustments: Partial<GradientValues>): Allows you to adjust the current gradient values by specifying what you want to change.

  • toString(): Converts the gradient object into a CSS-compatible string.


Creating a simple linear gradient:

import { createGradient, createHsla } from 'css-brewery';

const simpleGradient = createGradient({
  type: 'linear',
  angle: 45,
  sections: [
    { color: createHsla({ h: 0, s: 100, l: 50, a: 1 }), start: 0 },
    { color: createHsla({ h: 60, s: 100, l: 50, a: 1 }), end: 100 }

// Output: 'linear-gradient(45deg, hsla(0, 100%, 50%, 1) 0%, hsla(60, 100%, 50%, 1) 100%)'

Adjusting a gradient's angle:

const initialGradient = createGradient({
  type: 'linear',
  angle: 90,
  sections: [...]
const adjustedGradient = initialGradient.adjust({ angle: 180 });

// Output changes the angle of the gradient to 180 degrees.

Creating a repeating radial gradient:

const repeatingRadialGradient = createGradient({
  type: 'radial',
  repeating: true,
  sections: [
    { color: createHsla({ h: 120, s: 100, l: 50, a: 0.8 }), start: 10 },
    { color: createHsla({ h: 240, s: 100, l: 50, a: 0.8 }), end: 20 }

// Output: 'repeating-radial-gradient(circle at center, hsla(120, 100%, 50%, 0.8) 10%, hsla(240, 100%, 50%, 0.8) 20%)'

The createGradient function is designed to offer a powerful and flexible API for constructing CSS gradients, making it easier for developers to apply dynamic and creative gradient styles in their web projects.

createHsla (alias: hsla)

Generates an HslaObject which represents an HSLA color value and provides methods for manipulating these color properties.


const myColor = createHsla(options); // hsla(options);


options is an optional object with the following properties:

Property Type Default Value Description
h number 0 The hue of the color, defined within a range of 0-360.
s number 0 The saturation of the color, as a percentage (0-100%).
l number 0 The lightness of the color, as a percentage (0-100%).
a number 1 The alpha channel (transparency), within a range of 0-1.

Return Value

The createHsla function returns an HslaObject with the following methods:

HslaObject Methods

  • set(newValues: Partial<HslaValues>): Allows you to replace the current HSLA values with new ones.

  • adjust(adjustments: Partial<HslaValues>): Allows you to adjust the current HSLA values by specifying what you want to change.

  • shift(amount: number): Shifts the hue value by a given degree, positive or negative, looping around the color wheel.

  • toRgbVector(): Converts the HSLA color to its RGB representation.

  • toString(): Converts the HSLA object into a CSS-compatible string.


Creating a semi-transparent green:

import { createHsla } from 'css-brewery';

const greenColor = createHsla({ h: 120, s: 100, l: 50, a: 0.5 });

// Output: 'hsla(120, 100%, 50%, 0.5)'

Adjusting color properties:

const myColor = createHsla({ h: 60, s: 90, l: 50, a: 1 });
const adjustedColor = myColor.adjust({ s: -40, l: 10 });

// Output: 'hsla(60, 50%, 60%, 1)'

Shifting hue:

const baseColor = createHsla({ h: 200, s: 100, l: 50, a: 1 });
const shiftedColor = baseColor.shift(60);

// Output: 'hsla(260, 100%, 50%, 1)'

Converting HSLA to RGB:

const myHslaColor = createHsla({ h: 300, s: 75, l: 50, a: 0.8 });
const [r, g, b] = myHslaColor.toRgbVector();

console.log(`rgb(${r}, ${g}, ${b})`);
// Possible Output: 'rgb(191, 64, 191)'

The createHsla function and the associated HslaObject provide a powerful interface for dealing with HSLA colors, enabling developers to programmatically adjust colors and apply them in CSS.

createPixelString (alias: px)

Converts one or more numeric values into a pixel-based string representation, suitable for use in CSS.


const pixels = createPixelString(...pixelValues); // px(...pixelValues);


...pixelValues: A series of numeric arguments that represent pixel values. Each number in the series will be converted to a pixel string.

Argument Type Description
pixelValues number A series of numbers that represent values in pixels.

Return Value

Returns a string with each number suffixed by "px". When multiple numbers are provided, they are separated by a space.


Single pixel value:

import { createPixelString } from 'css-brewery';

const singlePixelValue = createPixelString(10);
// Output: '10px'

Multiple pixel values:

Useful for CSS properties that require multiple values like padding, margin, border-radius, etc.

const multiplePixelValues = createPixelString(5, 10, 15, 20);
// Output: '5px 10px 15px 20px'

createShadow (alias: shadow)

Creates a ShadowObject representing CSS box-shadow and text-shadow properties with methods for convenient manipulation.


const myShadow = createShadow(options); // shadow(options);


options is an optional object with the following properties:

Property Type Default Value Description
x number 0 The horizontal offset of the shadow, in pixels.
y number 0 The vertical offset of the shadow, in pixels.
blur number 0 The blur radius of the shadow, in pixels.
spread number 0 The spread radius of the shadow, in pixels.
color HslaObject hsla(0, 0%, 0%, 0.5) The color of the shadow in HSLA format.
inset boolean false Whether the shadow is an inset or an outer shadow.

Return Value

The createShadow function returns a ShadowObject that contains the following methods:

ShadowObject Methods

  • set(newValues: Partial<ShadowValues>): Overrides the current shadow properties with new ones.

  • adjust(adjustments: Partial<ShadowValues>): Modifies the existing shadow properties selectively based on what you want to change.

  • toString(): Generates a CSS-compatible string that represents the shadow, ready to be applied in styles.


Creating a basic drop shadow:

import { createShadow, createHsla } from 'css-brewery';

const basicShadow = createShadow({
  x: 2,
  y: 2,
  blur: 4,
  color: createHsla({ h: 0, s: 0, l: 0, a: 0.5 })

// Output: '2px 2px 4px hsla(0, 0%, 0%, 0.5)'

Adjusting shadow blur and opacity:

const initialShadow = createShadow({ x: 5, y: 5 });
const blurredShadow = initialShadow.adjust({
  blur: 10,
  color: createHsla({ h: 0, s: 0, l: 0, a: 0.3 })

// Output: '5px 5px 10px hsla(0, 0%, 0%, 0.3)'

Creating an inset shadow:

const insetShadow = createShadow({
  x: 1,
  y: 1,
  blur: 2,
  spread: 1,
  color: createHsla({ h: 210, s: 100, l: 50, a: 0.7 }),
  inset: true

// Output: 'inset 1px 1px 2px 1px hsla(210, 100%, 50%, 0.7)'

Setting new shadow values:

const myShadow = createShadow();
const newShadow = myShadow.set({ x: 0, y: 8, blur: 16, color: createHsla({ h: 0, s: 0, l: 0, a: 0.6 }) });

// Output: '0px 8px 16px hsla(0, 0%, 0%, 0.6)'

The createShadow function provides a robust interface for creating and manipulating shadow effects in a structured and readable format, offering enhanced control over the visual depth and emphasis of elements in web design.


Contributions are always welcome!


Distributed under the MIT License.

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  • jackrobertscott