
5.1.1 • Public • Published

Electrode React Webapp

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This module helps render and serve your Electrode React application's index.html. It will handle doing server side rendering and embedding all the necessary JS and CSS bundles for your application.

All the defaults are configured out of the box, but your index page is extensible. You can specify your own index template file with the htmlFile or selectTemplate options.

See design for details on how the template can be extended.


$ npm install electrode-react-webapp --save


Registering with Hapi

You can use this plugin by registering it with your Hapi server.

const reactWebapp = server.register({
  register: require("electrode-react-webapp"),
  options: {
    pageTitle: "My Awesome React WebApp",
    paths: {
      "/{args*}": {
        content: "<h1>Hello React!</h1>"

Registering with electrode-server

To use this with electrode-server, add to the config you pass to electrode-server:

const config = {
  plugins: {
    "electrode-react-webapp": {
      options: {
        pageTitle: "My Awesome React WebApp",
        paths: {
          "/{args*}": {
            content: "<h1>Hello React!</h1>"
        unbundledJS: {
          enterHead: [{ src: "http://cdn.com/js/lib.js" }]


Default options

This plugin has some default options but you can override them by setting your own value.

The current defaults are:

  pageTitle: "Untitled Electrode Web Application",
  webpackDev: process.env.WEBPACK_DEV === "true",
  renderJS: true,
  serverSideRendering: true,
  htmlFile: "node_modules/electrode-react-webapp/lib/index.html",
  devServer: {
    host: "",
    port: "2992"
  paths: {},
  stats: "dist/server/stats.json"


name type default description
pageTitle String The value to be shown in the browser's title bar
htmlFile String *1 Absolute or relative path to the HTML template.
selectTemplate Function Callback to selecte HTML template base on request
serverSideRendering Boolean false Toggle server side rendering.
webpackDev Boolean false Running with webpack-dev-server
paths Object Specify route paths and content
unbundledJS Object Load external JavaScript into page
devServer Object webpack Dev Server Options
prodBundleBase String "/js/" Base path to the JavaScript, CSS and manifest bundles
cspNonceValue varies Used to retrieve a CSP nonce value.

*1: Default for htmlFile is to use this module's built-in index.html

Paths and Content


  paths: {
    "/test": {
      // route specific options

Route speicific options can be:

name type description
htmlFile String Absolute or relative path to the HTML template file.
templateFile String
insertTokenIds Boolean
pageTitle String
selectTemplate Function Callback to selecte HTML template for the route base on request
responseForBadStatus Function
responseForError Function

| content | varies | Content generator for server-side rendering | | overrideOptions | Object | Specify any config for the given path to override top level options |

unbundledJS Details


  unbundledJS: {
    enterHead: [],
    preBundle: []
  • enterHead - Array of script entries to be inserted in <head> before anything else
  • preBundle - Array of script entries to be inserted in <body> before the application's bundled JavaScript

The script entries can be:

  • object - { src: "path to file" } to insert a <script> that loads a file with src
    • To load scripts asynchronously use { src: "...", async: true } or { src: "...", defer: true }
  • string - literal JavaScript to insert within <script> tags

Webpack Dev Server Options

  • host (String) The host that webpack-dev-server runs on
  • port (String) The port that webpack-dev-server runs on

CSP nonce Value

The entry can be a Function, Object, or undefined:

  • Function - called with (request, type), where type can be 'script' or 'style'
    • It return the corresponding nonce
  • Object - it may have properties script, style or both, and the value for each should be the path from the request object to the nonce value
    • For example, if you put a nonce value at request.plugins.myCspGenerator.nonce, then you set cspNonceValue to { script: 'plugins.myCspGenerator.nonce' }.
      • The nonce, if present, will be included on any script or style elements that directly contain scripts or style
      • If this property is undefined, or if the value at that location is undefined, no nonce will be added.

htmlFile view details

The top level options can specify an optional value htmlFile.

Also each path can specify the same option to override the top level one.

This option specifies the view template for rendering your path's HTML output.

  • If it's undefined, then the built-in index.html view template is used.

  • If it's a string, then it must point to a valid view template file.

    • If it's not an absolute path, then process.cwd() is prepended.

You can see this module's build-in index.html for details on how to create your own view template.

See design doc for details on extending the template.

Content details

The content you specify for your path is the entry to your React application when doing Server Side Rendering. Ultimately, a string should be acquired from the content and will replace the SSR_CONTENT marker in the view.

It can be a string, a function, or an object.


If it's a string, it's treated as a straight plain HTML to be inserted as the SSR_CONTENT.


If it's a function, the function will be called with the web server's request object, and it should return a promise that resolves an object:

function myContent(req) {
  return Promise.resolve({
    status: 200,
    html: "<h1>Hello React!</h1>",
    prefetch: ""

In an Electrode app, the module electrode-redux-router-engine and its render method is used to invoke the React component that's been specified for the route and the renderToString output is returned as the html.


If it's an object, it can specify a module field which is the name of a module that will be requireed. The module should export either a string or a function as specified above.

selectTemplate Function

You can provide a selectTemplate function to dynamically determine the htmlFile and tokenHandlers at run time.

The function signature is:

  selectTemplate: (request, routeOptions) => {};

It can return an object directly or with a Promise.

  htmlFile: "",
  tokenHandlers: [],
  options: {},
  cacheId: "",
  cacheKey: "" // mutually exclusive with cacheId
  • htmlFile - Path to HTML template. Its full path from path.resolve could also be used as cacheKey for the template instance.
  • tokenHandlers - Array of file paths to JS modules that implement token handlers.
  • cacheId - If non-empty string, then it's appended to htmlFile to use as cacheKey for the template instance.
  • cacheKey - Provide cacheKey for the template instance, overrides cacheId.
  • options - Specify some options for this route with this template:
    • pageTitle - change page title
    • responseForBadStatus - callback to generate response if non-200 HTTP status.
    • responseForError - callback to generate response in case of error.

You can access the template instance cache through routeOptions._templateCache

Disabling SSR

If you don't want any Server Side Rendering at all, you can set the option serverSideRendering to false, and you can skip setting content. This will make the server to not even load your React app.

For example:

const config = {
  plugins: {
    "electrode-react-webapp": {
      options: {
        pageTitle: "My Awesome React WebApp",
        paths: {
          "/{args*}": {}
        unbundledJS: {
          enterHead: [{ src: "http://cdn.com/js/lib.js" }]
        serverSideRendering: false


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  • jchip
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