
3.4.0 • Public • Published

EvoKit - Box

The content block allows to apply indents, position and more. Contains one element <Box>


Peer dependencies evokit. More about install

npm install evokit-box --save


More about usage

import React from 'react';
import { Box } from 'evokit-box';
import 'evokit-box/style.css';

const App = () => (
    <Box box-margin='xs xl'>

Edit box-usage


Also supports other valid props of the React Element. More about use props

<Box />

Prop name Default value Possible value Description
box-align none none left center right Horizontal alignment
box-background null Create theme Background color
box-border * null Create theme Border color, width and style
box-border-color * null Create theme Border color
box-border-width * none none xxs xs s m l xl xxl 3xl 4xl 5xl Border width
box-border-style * solid solid dotted dashed Border style
box-display block block inline-block inline none none:empty Display type
box-height auto auto 1-1 Set the height
box-margin * none none xxs xs s m l xl xxl 3xl 4xl 5xl auto Indent around block
box-opacity null 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Set the opacity in %
box-overflow * visible auto hidden scroll visible Display overflow block content
box-padding * none none xxs xs s m l xl xxl 3xl 4xl 5xl Indent around an block content
box-place null none top top-left top-right center center-left center-right bottom bottom-left bottom-right Position place, depending box-position
box-position * static static relative absolute fixed sticky Positioning method
box-round * none none full xxs xs s m l xl xxl 3xl 4xl 5xl Corner rounding
box-width auto auto 1-1 *-2 *-3 *-4 *-5 *-6 *-7 *-8 *-9 *-10 Set the width
box-zindex null none xxs xs s m l xl xxl 3xl 4xl 5xl Position z-index, depending box-position

* — prop has advanced params


This set of css variables is default, if you want to override one or more value, please use the rules css-variable-usage, define them below the css import.

@custom-media --ek-box-media-small only screen and (min-width: 480px);
@custom-media --ek-box-media-medium only screen and (min-width: 768px);
@custom-media --ek-box-media-large only screen and (min-width: 960px);
@custom-media --ek-box-media-wide only screen and (min-width: 1200px);
@custom-media --ek-box-media-huge only screen and (min-width: 1400px);

:root {
    /* prop 'box-padding', 'box-margin' */
    --ek-box-indent-xxs: 5px;
    --ek-box-indent-xs: 10px;
    --ek-box-indent-s: 15px;
    --ek-box-indent-m: 20px;
    --ek-box-indent-l: 25px;
    --ek-box-indent-xl: 30px;
    --ek-box-indent-xxl: 35px;
    --ek-box-indent-3xl: 40px;
    --ek-box-indent-4xl: 45px;
    --ek-box-indent-5xl: 50px;
    /* prop 'box-round' */
    --ek-box-round-xxs: 2px;
    --ek-box-round-xs: 4px;
    --ek-box-round-s: 6px;
    --ek-box-round-m: 8px;
    --ek-box-round-l: 10px;
    --ek-box-round-xl: 12px;
    --ek-box-round-xxl: 14px;
    --ek-box-round-3xl: 16px;
    --ek-box-round-4xl: 18px;
    --ek-box-round-5xl: 20px;
    /* prop 'box-border-width' */
    --ek-box-border-width-xxs: 1px;
    --ek-box-border-width-xs: 2px;
    --ek-box-border-width-s: 3px;
    --ek-box-border-width-m: 4px;
    --ek-box-border-width-l: 5px;
    --ek-box-border-width-xl: 6px;
    --ek-box-border-width-xxl: 7px;
    --ek-box-border-width-3xl: 8px;
    --ek-box-border-width-4xl: 9px;
    --ek-box-border-width-5xl: 10px;
    /* prop 'box-zindex' */
    --ek-box-zindex-xxs: 5;
    --ek-box-zindex-xs: 10;
    --ek-box-zindex-s: 15;
    --ek-box-zindex-m: 20;
    --ek-box-zindex-l: 25;
    --ek-box-zindex-xl: 30;
    --ek-box-zindex-xxl: 35;
    --ek-box-zindex-3xl: 40;
    --ek-box-zindex-4xl: 45;
    --ek-box-zindex-5xl: 50;


  • block - shown as blocky
  • block-inline - block element that is wrapped around by other elements
  • inline - displayed as inline
  • none - remove from a document
  • none:empty - Hide if contain either nothing or only an HTML comment
<Box box-display='none'>


  • none - No alignment
  • left - Align to the left
  • center - Center alignment
  • right - Align to the right
<Box box-align='center'>


The property allows you to set the indentation value for all sides of an element at once or to determine it only for specified sides.

!> DEPRECATED props box-margin-lr and box-margin-tb, please use multi values

Advanced props

  • box-margin-top {1}
  • box-margin-right {2}
  • box-margin-bottom {3}
  • box-margin-left {4}

Multi values (set value separated by a space)

  • box-margin="{1,3} {2,4}"
  • box-margin="{1} {2,4} {3}"
  • box-margin="{1} {2} {3} {4}"

List of values

Value CSS var CSS value
none --- 0px
auto --- auto
xxs --ek-box-indent-xxs 5px
xs --ek-box-indent-xs 10px
s --ek-box-indent-s 15px
m --ek-box-indent-m 20px
l --ek-box-indent-l 25px
xl --ek-box-indent-xl 30px
xxl --ek-box-indent-xxl 35px
3xl --ek-box-indent-3xl 40px
4xl --ek-box-indent-4xl 45px
5xl --ek-box-indent-5xl 50px
<Box box-margin='s' />
<Box box-margin='s m' />
<Box box-margin='s m l' />
<Box box-margin='s m l xl' />


The property allows you to set the indentation value for all sides of an element at once or to determine it only for specified sides.

!> DEPRECATED props box-padding-lr and box-padding-tb, please use multi values

Advanced props

  • box-padding-top {1}
  • box-padding-right {2}
  • box-padding-bottom {3}
  • box-padding-left {4}

Multi values (set value separated by a space)

  • box-padding="{1,3} {2,4}"
  • box-padding="{1} {2,4} {3}"
  • box-padding="{1} {2} {3} {4}"

List of values

Value CSS var CSS value
none --- 0px
xxs --ek-box-indent-xxs 5px
xs --ek-box-indent-xs 10px
s --ek-box-indent-s 15px
m --ek-box-indent-m 20px
l --ek-box-indent-l 25px
xl --ek-box-indent-xl 30px
xxl --ek-box-indent-xxl 35px
3xl --ek-box-indent-3xl 40px
4xl --ek-box-indent-4xl 45px
5xl --ek-box-indent-5xl 50px
<Box box-padding='s' />
<Box box-padding='s m' />
<Box box-padding='s m l' />
<Box box-padding='s m l xl' />


The property allows you to set the fillet value for all corners of the element at the same time or to determine it only for the specified angle.

!> DEPRECATED props box-round-top, box-round-right, box-round-bottom and box-round-left, please use multi values

Advanced props

  • box-round-top-left {1}
  • box-round-top-right {2}
  • box-round-bottom-right {3}
  • box-round-bottom-left {4}

Multi values (set value separated by a space)

  • box-round="{1,3} {2,4}"
  • box-round="{1} {2,4} {3}"
  • box-round="{1} {2} {3} {4}"

List of values

Value CSS var CSS value
none --- 0px
full --- 50%
xxs --ek-box-round-xxs 2px
xs --ek-box-round-xs 4px
s --ek-box-round-s 6px
m --ek-box-round-m 8px
l --ek-box-round-l 10px
xl --ek-box-round-xl 12px
xxl --ek-box-round-xxl 14px
3xl --ek-box-round-3xl 16px
4xl --ek-box-round-4xl 18px
5xl --ek-box-round-5xl 20px
<Box box-round='s' />
<Box box-round='s m' />
<Box box-round='s m l' />
<Box box-round='s m l xl' />


  • auto - value: auto
  • See table, for example: 3-4 = 75%
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 100% 50% 33.33% 25% 20% 16.66% 14.28% 12.5% 11.11% 10%
2 --- 100% 66.66% 50% 40% 33.33% 28.57% 25% 22.22% 20%
3 --- --- 100% 75% 60% 50% 42.85% 37.5% 33.33% 30%
4 --- --- --- 100% 80% 66.66% 57.14% 50% 44.44% 40%
5 --- --- --- --- 100% 83.33% 71.42% 62.5% 55.55% 50%
6 --- --- --- --- --- 100% 85.71% 75% 66.66% 60%
7 --- --- --- --- --- --- 100% 87.5% 77.77% 70%
8 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 100% 88.88% 80%
9 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 100% 90%
10 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 100%
<Box box-width='3-4'>


  • auto - value: auto
  • 1-1 - value: 100%
<Box box-height='1-1'>


The property allows you to set the type of positioning, location place on all sides and z-index

Advanced props

Multi values (set value separated by a space)

  • box-position="{1}"
  • box-position="{1} {2}"
  • box-position="{1} {2} {3}"
<Box box-position='absolute' />
<Box box-position='absolute center' />
<Box box-position='absolute center xs' />


Use with prop box-position

List of values

Value Description
none Reset placement
top Center top placement
top-left Left top placement
top-right Right top placement
center Center placement
center-left Left center placement
center-right Right center placement
bottom Center bottom placement
bottom-left Left bottom placement
bottom-right Right bottom placement
<Box box-position='absolute' box-place='center'>


Use with prop box-position

List of values

Value CSS var CSS value
none --- 0
xxs --ek-box-zindex-xxs 5
xs --ek-box-zindex-xs 10
s --ek-box-zindex-s 15
m --ek-box-zindex-m 20
l --ek-box-zindex-l 25
xl --ek-box-zindex-xl 30
xxl --ek-box-zindex-xxl 35
3xl --ek-box-zindex-3xl 40
4xl --ek-box-zindex-4xl 45
5xl --ek-box-zindex-5xl 50
<Box box-position='absolute' box-zindex='xs'>


The property allows you to set the value for all axes at the same time or to determine it only for the specified axis

Advanced props

  • box-overflow-x {1}
  • box-overflow-y {2}

Multi values (set value separated by a space)

  • box-overflow="{1} {2}"

List of values

  • auto - Scroll bars are added only when needed
  • hidden - Only the area inside the element is displayed, the rest will be hidden
  • scroll - Scroll bars are always added
  • visible - The entire content of the element is displayed, even beyond the specified height and width
<Box box-overflow='scroll' />
<Box box-overflow='visible scroll' />
<Box box-overflow-x='visible' box-overflow-y='scroll' />


!> DEPRECATED props box-border-lr and box-border-tb, please use the separately box-border-left and box-border-right or box-border-top and box-border-bottom

Advanced props

  • box-border-top
  • box-border-right
  • box-border-bottom
  • box-border-left

Multi values (set value separated by a space)

  • box-border="{1}"
  • box-border="{1} {2}"
  • box-border="{1} {2} {3}"

{1} - color, {2} - width, {3} - style

<Box box-border="{THEME_NAME}" />
<Box box-border="{THEME_NAME} xs" />
<Box box-border="{THEME_NAME} xs dotted" />

<Box box-border-top="{THEME_NAME}" />
<Box box-border-top="{THEME_NAME} xs" />
<Box box-border-top="{THEME_NAME} xs dotted" />

Set the THEME_NAME depending on the theming


The property allows you to set the border width for all sides of an element at once or to determine it only for specified sides.

Advanced props

  • box-border-width-top {1}
  • box-border-width-right {2}
  • box-border-width-bottom {3}
  • box-border-width-left {4}

Multi values (set value separated by a space)

  • box-border-width="{1,3} {2,4}"
  • box-border-width="{1} {2,4} {3}"
  • box-border-width="{1} {2} {3} {4}"

List of values

Value CSS var CSS value
none --- 0px
xxs --ek-box-border-width-xxs 1px
xs --ek-box-border-width-xs 2px
s --ek-box-border-width-s 3px
m --ek-box-border-width-m 4px
l --ek-box-border-width-l 5px
xl --ek-box-border-width-xl 6px
xxl --ek-box-border-width-xxl 7px
3xl --ek-box-border-width-3xl 8px
4xl --ek-box-border-width-4xl 9px
5xl --ek-box-border-width-5xl 10px
<Box box-border-width='s' />
<Box box-border-width='s m' />
<Box box-border-width='s m l' />
<Box box-border-width='s m l xl' />


The property allows you to set the border color for all sides of an element at once or to determine it only for specified sides.

Advanced props

  • box-border-color-top {1}
  • box-border-color-right {2}
  • box-border-color-bottom {3}
  • box-border-color-left {4}

Multi values (set value separated by a space)

  • box-border-color="{1,3} {2,4}"
  • box-border-color="{1} {2,4} {3}"
  • box-border-color="{1} {2} {3} {4}"
<Box box-border-color='{THEME_NAME}' />
<Box box-border-color='{THEME_NAME} {THEME_NAME}' />
<Box box-border-color='{THEME_NAME} {THEME_NAME} {THEME_NAME}' />
<Box box-border-color='{THEME_NAME} {THEME_NAME} {THEME_NAME} {THEME_NAME}' />

Set the THEME_NAME depending on the theming


The property allows you to set the border style for all sides of an element at once or to determine it only for specified sides.

Advanced props

  • box-border-style-top {1}
  • box-border-style-right {2}
  • box-border-style-bottom {3}
  • box-border-style-left {4}

Multi values (set value separated by a space)

  • box-border-style="{1,3} {2,4}"
  • box-border-style="{1} {2,4} {3}"
  • box-border-style="{1} {2} {3} {4}"


  • solid - solid style (default)
  • dotted - dotted style
  • dashed - dashed style
<Box box-border-style='solid' />
<Box box-border-style='solid dotted' />
<Box box-border-style='solid dotted dashed' />
<Box box-border-style='solid dotted dashed solid' />


<Box box-background='{THEME_NAME}'>

Set the THEME_NAME depending on the theming


  • 0 - value: 0
  • 10 - value: 0.1
  • 20 - value: 0.2
  • 30 - value: 0.3
  • 40 - value: 0.4
  • 50 - value: 0.5
  • 60 - value: 0.6
  • 70 - value: 0.7
  • 80 - value: 0.8
  • 90 - value: 0.9
  • 100 - value: 1
<Box box-opacity='50'>


!> In version evokit-box@3.4.0 DEPRECATED prop box-empty='hidden', please use box-display='none:empty'

The <Box> will be hidden display: none that contain either nothing or only an HTML comment.

<Box box-empty='hidden'>

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  • docccdev