
1.0.0 • Public • Published


This is the core component. It glues this Frankenstein together. In the future this chapter will convince you that you should have a look into Footurama if you love IoT and would agree with these principals:

  • I love the Internet! But having to rely on it just to turn on your freaking lights is dumb. If someone on the path "light switch -> local network -> local router -> ISP's network -> some Tier-1's network -> some sea cable -> some cloud provider with fancy names and SLAs over 9000 -> some sea cable -> some Tier-1's network -> ISP's network -> local router -> local network -> light bulb" screws something up, you won't be able so switch your light on. I think you get the idea.
  • Speaking of which: Even don't rely on your home server. Be decentralised. If your fridge needs to have a conversation with your toaster, they should talk directly. No broker, no central server.
  • Just use the Internet to enhance your IoT. For example: What will the weather be tomorrow? Where is your mobile phone? Is Trump still the president of the US?

Wanna see an example? Check out the the author's home automation based on Footurama.

Under the hood this thing is driven by Partybus. The implementation heavily relies on some newer JavaScript features for better readability of the source code. Thus, please use at least NodeJS 8 for running Footurama.


This section should give you an overview of the used terms and the relationships.

The whole magic happens inside a realm. It groups all parts of your IoT application together. Inside the realm are your nodes. They are the computers (e.g. Raspberry Pi) that run the Footurama core. The core itself hosts several components. Every component can have several inputs and outputs. They are connected using pipes to exchange data. pipes reach across node boundaries. Thus, data can travel from one component running on node A to another component running on node B seamlessly.

API for users

const FTRM = require('ftrm');
FTRM(opts).then((ftrm) => { ... });

Starts a new Footurama instance. Optional opts has the following properties:

  • ca: The CA certificate for your IoT stuff. Default: ${cwd}/ca.crt.pem
  • cert: The X509 certificate for the local instance. It must be signed by the CA. Default: ${cwd}/${hostname}/crt.pem
  • key: The private key of the local instance. Default: ${cwd}/${hostname}/key.pem
  • autoRunDir: Automatically run all .js files in the given directory. Set to null if you don't want to run anything automatically. Default: ${cwd}/${hostname}
  • noSignalListeners: Set this to true if you don't want Footurama to listen to SIGTERM and SIGINT signals and shutdown all loaded components automatically.
  • dryRun: If set to true, just options are checked and no nodes are actually started.
  • log: Determines how to log events occurring within components. Possible values:
    • 'local-stdout': Output all logs of locally operated components to STDOUT. (Default)
    • 'global-stdout': Output all logs of all components of the realm to STDOUT.
    • 'local-journal': Write all logs of locally operated components to Systemd Journal. The optional dependency systemd-journals has to be installed.
    • 'global-journal': Write all logs of all components to Systemd Journal.
    • 'none': No logging.
  • remoteDebug: If set to true, this node will advertise all loaded components with all their options. This is useful, if you are planing to debug using ftrm-inspector. Default: true

Method:, opts).then((ftrm) => {...});

Run the given component with stated opts.

Method: ftrm.runDir()

ftrm.runDir(path).then((ftrm) => {...});

Load all .js files in given path. Each must return an array: [component, opts]. Those items are used to call, opts).

Method: ftrm.shutdown()

ftrm.shutdown().then(() => {...});

Stop all loaded components.

API for component developer

The following line will load the NPM package your-package and look for the file your-component.js. This way you can bundle several components into one package.

const component = require('your-package/your-component');

The loaded component is an object with the following properties:

  • factory: A mandatory function to create an new instance of the component.
  • check: An optional function to check the given parameters and set defaults. This is called before factory.

The component's instantiation is based on the object opts that is given by the component's user. (cf. API for users -> Method: All object's properties are handed over to the components factory except for opts.input and opts.output. They are normalised before they are processed:

  • {input: 'pipe-name'} -> {input: [{pipe: 'pipe-name'}]}
  • {input: ['pipe1', 'pipe2']} -> {input: [{pipe: 'pipe1'}, {pipe: 'pipe1'}]}
  • {input: {'name1': 'pipe1', 'name2': 'pipe2'}} -> {input: [{name: 'name1', pipe: 'pipe1'}, {name: 'name2', pipe: 'pipe1'}]}

The same rules apply to the property output. This may look a little bit complicated at first glance. But it helps to build components with an easy but also machine-readable interface.

Method: component.check()

component.check = (opts) => { ... };

This optional function is called after normalisation of opts and can check them. If an error is thrown are a rejected promised return, the instantiation will be aborted and the factory is not called.

Method: component.factory()

component.factory = (opts, input, output, bus) => { ... };

Argument: opts

The first argument opts holds the options specified by the user.

Argument: input

The input object is derived from the normalised opts.input array. Every input can always be accessed by its index, like an array. The index corresponds to the respective item's index in opts.input. If the name property of the input is set, it can also by accessed by input[name].

Every input holds the most recent value in input[index].value together with input[index].timestamp as the point in time when the originating output set the value. (If the local node's time drifts, the timestamp can't be compared with the local time! So make sure NTP is set up.)

If the input's property expire has been specified, received values will expire after the specified amount of milliseconds. If current expiration state can be accessed by reading input[index].expired. Furthermore, a log message is generated and dispatched with level warn. The property logLevelExpiration can be set to adjusted the log level to 'info', 'warn', 'error' or null.

If property default is given, the input's value is set to this value on start up and on expiration.

The property checkpoint is a callback function (value, timestamp, source) => {...} that is called upon every input value. It may change value before it returns it. If value shall be rejected, just throw an Error. By default this error is logged with level error. The property logLevelCheckpoint can be set to adjusted the log level to 'info', 'warn', 'error' or null.

Every input is an instance of the EventEmitter. Thus, they throw events:

input[index].on('update', (value, timestamp) => {
    // Is emitted when something is written into the input's pipe
input[index].on('change', (value, timestamp) => {
    // Is emitted when something is written into the input's pipe and value has changed
input[index].on('expire', () => {
    // Is emitted when the hold value expired

Argument: output

The output object is derived from the normalised opts.output array. Every output can always be accessed by its index, like an array. The index corresponds to the respective item's index in opts.output. If the name property of the output is set, it can also by accessed by output[name].

The throttle property defines an interval in milliseconds. If the values is set multiple times within that interval and doesn't change, it will only be published once in the pipe. This feature may reduces noise in the system.

The retransmit property defines an interval in milliseconds. If the values is not set within the given interval, the last value will be published again into the pipe.

If output[index].value is written, the value will be put on the specified pipe together with the current timestamp. Alternatively, output[index].set(value, timestamp) can be called if setting the timestamp manually is required.

Argument: bus

The local node's instance of Partybus.



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