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0.0.4 • Public • Published


This library was generated with Angular CLI version 11.2.14.


This Package is fully supported with angular's various version and written in angular. This provide simple drag and drop UI for change gradient colors and it's all properties. Package is configurable with multiple directives and support two way binding.

Preview of control

Preview of control

Preview of Delete Area (Red backgrounded) of control :

Preview of control

Live Demo Here

How to Use Package

Import GradientControlModule into your app.module.ts like Below :

import { GradientControlModule } from 'gradient-control';
    imports: [

In Your HTML Template file of angular, Just Use gradient-control selecter like below :

<gradient-control [(colorArray)]="colors"></gradient-control>

Configuration Options

Option DataType Purpose
colorArray Array[{ color: string, stop: number }] input/output value binder. used for two way binding like ngModel. It Takes Array of objects as a input. object's color property should be string and stop should be in between minColorStop and maxColorStop property's value. Default colorArray is : [ { color: '#0059ff', stop: 0 }, { color: '#1ec3fa', stop: 1 } ]
minColorStop Number Defines minimum value that color's stop can hold. This value will be treat same as min boundry of input type=range. Default value is 0.
Note: If you use this property with custom value in html then you must have to pass this property's value in getGradientCss function as an argument. (see #Service section)
maxColorStop Number defines maximum value that color's stop can hold. This value will be treat same as max boundry of input type=range. Default value is 1.
Note: If you use this property with custom value in html then you must have to pass this property's value in getGradientCss function as an argument. (see #Service section)
minColors Number Minimum number of colors that can hold by control. Colors can not be remove after colors count reach at minimum. Default value is 2.
maxColors Number maximum number of colors that can hold by control. Colors can not be added after colors count reach at maximum. Default value is 4.
removeAreaBackgroundColor String css background color that will display when any color pin is dragged on it above the control. (see preview - red area is remove area of color.) when any Color pin is dragged over that area and release hold. That pin will be deleted with it's color. If you want to change that red color with your theme. then this proeprty will help. Default Value is rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.424)
removeAreaTooltip String Tooltip string that will be shown when mouse hover over removeArea of color pin. Default value is Drag color pin here for remove color
colorPinTooltip String Tooltip string that will be shown when mouse hover over Color pin (diamond shape under the color Ramp). Default value is Double click to open color picker
addColorTooltip String Tooltip string that will be shown when mouse hover over Color Ramp(gradient part of a control). it will help user to guide how to use that control. Default value is Double click to add new color
containerClass String Css classname that can style extra according to your site's theme.


Event Return Type Purpose
colorArrayChange colorArray [{ color: string, stop: number, stopInPercent: number, id: number }] fire when any changes in colorArray using control or assignment (=) in binding variable.
onColorAdd colorArray (same as above) This event will Fire when any new color is added via double click on color Ramp.
onColorRemove colorArray (same as above) This event will Fire when any any color is removed via pull color pin into remove area above the color Ramp.
onColorControlActivate object { color: string, stop: number, stopInPercent: number, id: number } fire when select any color pin via click on color pin.
onColorSlideStart colorArray (same as above) Dispatch event when user start sliding color pin. It will fire only once in cycle of dragStart-dragging-dragEnd
onColorSliding colorArray (same as above) Dispatch event while user sliding color pin. It will fire multiple time when any pin move through mouse. second stage of cycle dragStart-dragging-dragEnd
onColorSlideEnd colorArray (same as above) Dispatch event once when user ends sliding color pin. It will fire only once. third stage of cycle dragStart-dragging-dragEnd


You can Use GradientControlService for convert color array into gradient css.

import service in your component's constructor and Use it's function like below :

import { GradientControlService } from 'gradient-control';
constructor(public gradientService: GradientControlService) {

Convert color Array into css :

    GradientControlService.getGradientCss = function(colorArray, Options: gradientCSSOptions<optional> )

    // Where
    Options: gradientCSSOptions = { 
        type: 'Linear' | 'Radial',      @Optional (default: 'Linear')
        angle: number,                  @Optional (default: 0)
        min: number<minColorStop>,      @Optional (default: 0)
        max: number<maxColorStop>       @Optional (default: 1)

Note : If you used minColorStop and maxColorStop property with your custom boundry value in html with control. then you must have to pass that values into this getGradientCss function like this: service.getGradientCss(colorArray, {minColorStop: number, maxColorStop: number, gradientType: 'Linear' | 'Radial', angle: number<0-360> }).then(...)

Note : Don't use function from service that is start with underscore(_). it's for internal use of library. GradientControlService only provice one function that converts color array into css.

    below function is fire when colorArrayChnage event will fire from conmponent. check live demo and interect with control. you can check console.log in inspect > console.
colorArrayChange(colorArray) {
    console.log("ColorArrayChange Event", colorArray); <== []
    this.gradientService.getGradientCss(colorArray).then(result => {
      this.backgroundCss = result;

In HTML, Background variable used like this :

    <div [ngStyle]="{'background': backgroundCss}">...</div>


Fully Functional Control look like this :


Js for above control looks like below:

minColorStop: number = 1
minColorStop: number = 100
colorArray: Array<any> = [
    {color: '#fff', stop: 10 },
    {color: '#f0a', stop: 45 },
    {color: '#00c', stop: 70 }
    {color: '#000', stop: 100 }
function onColorAdd(colorArray) {...}
function onColorRemove(colorArray) {...}
function selectPin(singleColorObject) {...}
function onColorSlideStart(colorArray) {...}
function onColorSliding(colorArray) {...}
function onColorSlideEnd(colorArray) {...}
function colorArrayChange(colorArray) {...}

You can checkout repo to see full example code with rotation angle and gradient type changes.

In above merged directive, colorArray variable will be automatic update on value changes.


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Further help

To get more help on the this Control. Contact me on this email

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  • mayur-kukadiya