
0.3.1 • Public • Published

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Install and update npm and bower dependencies. It looks for 'package.json' and 'bower.json' files, and runs 'npm install' and 'bower install' respectively only if they exist. (You can also explicitly disable npm/bower tasks even if those files exist.)

Getting Started

This plugin requires Grunt ~0.4.0

If you haven't used Grunt before, be sure to check out the Getting Started guide, as it explains how to create a Gruntfile as well as install and use Grunt plugins. Once you're familiar with that process, you may install this plugin with this command:

npm install grunt-auto-install --save-dev

Once the plugin has been installed, it may be enabled inside your Gruntfile with this line of JavaScript:


The "auto_install" task


In your project's Gruntfile, add a section named auto_install to the data object passed into grunt.initConfig().

  auto_install: {
    local: {},
    subdir: {
      options: {
        cwd: 'subdir',
        stdout: true,
        stderr: true,
        failOnError: true,
        npm: '--production'



Type: String Default value: '' - runs in current directory

The working directory to run 'npm install' and 'bower install'. (relative path)


Type: Boolean Default value: true

Shows stdout in the terminal.


Type: Boolean Default value: true

Shows stderr in the terminal.


Type: Boolean Default value: true

Instructs the auto-install task to fail the grunt run if an error occurs during the task execution.


Type: Boolean String Default value: true

Set to false to turn off npm install so that it will not run even if there is a package.json file present. If a String is specified, it is passed as an install option flags to npm install. For example, --production flag could be used not to install modules listed in devDependencies.


Type: Boolean String Default value: true

Set to false to turn off bower install so that it will not run even if there is a bower.json file present. If a String is specified, it is passed as an install option flags to bower install. For example, --production flag could be used not to install modules listed in devDependencies and --allow-root flag could be used so all is done using a root user.


Type: Boolean Default value: false

Set to true to turn on the recursive installation. Will walk the entire directory tree and install dependencies for any package contained in a subdirectory


Type: String [String] Default value: '.*'

When recursive is set to true, will perform the installation only on the directories that match a regular expression, or one in an array of regular expressions.


Type: String [String] Default value: '/(?=a)b/'

When recursive is set to true, will ignore the directories (and it's sub directories) that match with a regular expression, or one in an array of regular expressions.

Usage Examples

Default Options

  auto_install: {
    local: {}

Custom Options

  auto_install: {
    subdir: {
      options: {
        cwd: 'subdir',
        stderr: false,
        failOnError: false,
        npm: false,
        bower: '--allow-root'

Recursive Option

You will most likely not use the match option

auto_install: {
    local: {},
    options: {
      recursive: true,
      exclude: ['.git', 'node_modules', 'bower_components']


In lieu of a formal styleguide, take care to maintain the existing coding style. Add unit tests for any new or changed functionality. Lint and test your code using Grunt.

Release History

  • 2016-05-20   v0.3.1   Update peerDependencies to support Grunt 1.0
  • 2015-10-11   v0.3.0   Added recursive options
  • 2015-06-09   v0.2.4   Disabled maxBuffer to avoid the maxBuffer exceeded error
  • 2014-12-18   v0.2.3   Added npm and bower options, and removed production option
  • 2014-10-25   v0.2.2   Added production option
  • 2014-02-27   v0.2.0   Converted to MultiTask
  • 2013-12-09   v0.1.1   Updated package.json
  • 2013-12-07   v0.1.0   Initial Release

Package Sidebar


npm i grunt-auto-install

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  • manabu-gt