
2.7.6 • Public • Published


Automatically generate a RESTful API for your models and associations, with simple route configuration and behavior extensibility.

This plugin depends on hapi-sequelize, and builds on the work of hapi-sequelize-crud.

npm install -S hapi-sequelize-crud2


// First, register hapi-sequelize
await server.register({
  register: require('hapi-sequelize'),
  options: { ... }
// Then, define your associations
const db = server.plugins['hapi-sequelize'].db;
const models = db.sequelize.models;
associations(models); // pretend this function defines our associations
// Now, register hapi-sequelize-crud2
await server.register({
  register: require('hapi-sequelize-crud2'),
  options: {
    prefix: '', // Global prefix for all routes
    scopePrefix: 's', // Prefix for model scope routes (see below)
    snakeCase: false, // Create routes with snake_case instead of default camelCase
    controllers: 'controllers/**/*.js', // Glob to handler controller override files (can be array) [see below]
    private: [] // Array of model names to exclude from route creation

Please note that you should register hapi-sequelize-crud2 after defining your associations.

What do I get

Let's say you have associations like this:

Team.belongsToMany(Role, { through: 'teamRoles' });
Team.hasOne(Player, { as: 'captain' });

You get these CRUD routes:

Method Route Name
GET /teams index1 2 3
GET /teams/{id} get3
POST /teams create
PUT /teams/{id} update
DELETE /teams/{id} destroy
GET /teams/s/{scope} scope1 2 3
GET /teams/count count1

And these one-to-one association routes:

Method Route Name Description
GET /teams/{id}/captain index3 Retrieve the related model
POST /teams/{id}/captain create Create a new related model and sets the association
PUT /teams/{id}/captain/{aid} update Sets the association with an existing related model
DELETE /teams/{id}/captain destroy Unsets the association

And these one-to-many association routes:

Method Route Name Description
GET /teams/{id}/roles index1 2 3 Retrieve the related models
POST /teams/{id}/roles create Create a new related model and adds it to the associations
PUT /teams/{id}/roles/{aid} update Sets the association with an existing related model
PUT /teams/{id}/roles updateMany Sets the association with a many related models, as provided by id[] querystring parameter
DELETE /teams/{id}/roles/{aid} destroy Unsets the association
DELETE /teams/{id}/roles destroyMany Unsets all associations, optionally limited to those given by id[] querystring parameter
GET /teams/{id}/roles/count count1 Counts the number of associated models

1 Accepts a query string parameter object filter to limit results by given criteria, e.g. ?filter[status]=active

2 Accepts query string parameters limit and offset to control paginated results

3 Accepts a querystring parameter include to include a related model with the returned parent model

Custom Route Configuration

Automatic route handling is convenient for getting a basic API in place during development. But in a production application, authentication, ACL and caching concerns need to be addressed. Taking advantage of Hapi's convention over configuration approach to route set-up, you can easy extend and override the plugin's default route options and handler.

Simply create a file named modelName.js (or model_name.js if you prefer) in your controllers path defined in the plugin options, and your options will be mixed in during route registration. A controller should export a function that accepts two arguments, a Hapi server instance and the model object, and returns an object mapping route names to Hapi route configuration object partials or false to disable a route.

Include a default configuration to apply to all routes in a controller by setting the * key. Apply only to all association routes by setting associations.*. To set a default controller, include a _default.js file in your controllers file path.

For example, a read-only endpoint with limited scope access may look like:

// This standard Hapi package make composing 
// route configuration options easy
const Hoek = require('hoek');
const Joi = require('joi');
modules.export = function(server, Team) {
  const plural = Team.options.name.plural;
  return {
    '*': {
      cache: {
        expiresIn: 30 * 1000,
        private: 'private'
    scope: {
      config: {
        validation: {
          params: {
            scope: Joi.string().valid('scope1', 'scope2')
    count: {
      path: `${plural}/total`,
      handler: function(request, reply) {
        const total = ...;
        reply({total: total}); 
    create: false,
    update: false,
    destroy: false,
    associations: {
      captain: {
        create: false,
        update: false,
        destroy: false
      roles: false

Provide Already Retrieved Model

Have you already queried for and retrieved the model instance (or parent instance for association routes) earlier in your pre-handler cycle? You can provide this to the plugin by assigning the request.pre.model key to your request object and it will not execute the find query.

Dynamic Scope Limiting

Need to assign a scope based on ACL or other pre-handler results? Assign the request.pre.scope key to your request object and it will apply the supplied pre-defined model scopes to the find queries.




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