
0.0.5 • Public • Published


A decorator (a k a "higher order app") for Hyperapp, which allows your modules to provide components bound to its state and actions

Installation and Basic Usage

Via npm

In your project folder:

npm install hyperapp-module-views

Then import/require moduleViews in your project, and use it to decorate your app:

const {h, app} = require('hyperapp')
const moduleViews = require('hyperapp-module-views')



Add the following script tag to the <head>...</head> section of your html page:

<script src="https://unpkg.com/hyperapp-module-views"></script>

... that will export moduleViews in your global scope, which you use to decorate your app:


How to use it

You may now define views in your modules:

const sharedModule = {
  views: {
    ok: _ => <p>Ok</p>

const answerModule = {
  views: {
    affirmative: _ => <p>Yes!</p>,
    negative: _ => <p>No!</p>
  modules: {
    shared: sharedModule

const questionModule = {
  views: {
    what: _ => <p>What?</p>
  modules: {
    shared: sharedModule

Now those views are available to the main view, in the third argument.

  modules: {
    q: questionModule,
    a: answerModule
  view: (state, actions, views) => <div>
    <views.q.what />
    <views.a.affirmative />
    <views.a.shared.ok />

App as above renders:

Module views are called with state & action as first and second parameters just like the main app view. So you don't have to pass those as props to the components.

State and actions passed to a module view, are scoped according to the module.

const counterModule =  {
  state: {value: 0},
  actions: {
    increment: state => ({value: state.value + 1}),
    decrement: state => ({value: state.value - 1}),
      counter: (state, actions) => <p>
        <button onclick={actions.decrement}> - </button>
        <button onclick={actions.increment}> + </button>

  modules: {
    c1: counterModule,
    c2: counterModule,
  view: (state, actions, views) => <div>
    <h1>Here is one counter</h1>
    <views.c1.counter />
    <h1>And here is a separate counter </h1>
    <views.c2.counter />

So there is a tree of views which corresponds to the tree of state and actions. In modules with modules, take care not to use views with names that collide with one of the modules. (if you do, view will take precedence in the views-tree)

The third argument to module views is the view tree (scoped to the modules level, just as state and actions) This is useful for reusing ui elements in separate modules.

const toggler = {
  state: {value: false},
  actions: {
    toggle: state => ({value: !state.value})
  views: {
    value: state => state.value ? 'On' : 'Off',
    switch: (state, actions) => <button onclick={actions.toggle}>Flip</button>

const auxiliary = {
  modules: {
    power: toggler
  views: {
    panel: (state, actions, views) => <p>
      Auxiliary power is <views.power.value /> <br />
      Power switch: <views.power.switch />

const main = {
  modules: {
    power: toggler
  views: {
    panel: (state, actions, views) => <p>
      Main power is <views.power.value /> <br  />
      Power switch: <views.power.switch />

  modules: { main, auxiliary},  
  view: (state, actions, views) => <div>
    <h1>Power system status</h1>
    <views.main.panel />
    <views.auxiliary.panel />

Although state and actions are already provided to module views, you can still pass additional props, as well as children to them -- just like any other component. These will be provided in the fourth and fifth arguments respectively

const alertBox = {
  state: {blinking: false},
  actions: {
    toggleBlink: state => ({blinking: !state.blinking}),
  views: {
    box: (state, actions, views, props, children) => {
      if (props.blinking != state.blinking) actions.toggleBlink()
      return <div class={'blinkbox' + (state.blinking ? ' blinking' : '')}>

  modules{ alertBox },
  view: (state, actions, views) => <main>
    <views.alertbox.box blink={true}>
      This content should be blinking annoyingly,
      provided you defined the CSS for `.blinkbox.blinking`
      to do so.

Note: In the examples above, I have defined the components directly in the module view function, only so as not to over-complicate these simple examples. In general, it is better to write generic, reusable components, which you compose in your module views.




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  • zaceno