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0.14.0 • Public • Published

isaaccss: Inline-Style-as-a-Class CSS engine

An atomic CSS DSL like inline style.

import { is } from "isaaccss";

const SubmitButton = ({ variant }: { variant: 'primary' | 'secondary' }) => (
  <button class={is`
    background:hsl(var(--H),var(--S),var(--L)) ${variant === "secondary" ? is`--H:30` : is`--H:210`}
    --S:100% --L:50% :hover/--L:60% :active/--L:40%*
    border:3px_solid_hsl(var(--H),var(--S),80%) border-radius:8px color:white
    padding:4px_8px @width>=768px/padding:8px_16px @hover:hover/:hover/scale:1.1

Or using some short aliases:

import { is } from "isaaccss";

const SubmitButton = ({ variant }: { variant: 'primary' | 'secondary' }) => (
  <button class={is`
    bg:hsl($H,$S,$L) ${variant === "secondary" ? is`--H:30` : is`--H:210`}
    --S:100% --L:50% :hover/--L:60% :active/--L:40%* 
    b:3px_solid_hsl($H,$S,80%) b-radius:8px c:white
    p:4px_8px @w>=768px/p:8px_16px @hover:hover/:hover/scale:1.1



npm i -D isaaccss


Import is from "isaaccss" and write styles in is-tagged template.

import { is } from "isaaccss";

document.body.className = is`m:0 @screen&w>=640px/m:1rem`;

The above code with default config generates the following JS and CSS:

document.body.className = `#a #b`;
.\#a:not(#\ ) {
  margin: 0;

@media screen and (width>=640px) {
  .\#b:not(#\ ) {
    margin: 1rem;
  • # of #a, #b: prefix to avoid conflicts with other libraries and your CSS. Customizable.
  • :not(#\ ): selector to increase ID-specificity. Ensures greater specificity than other libraries or your CSS.


 ~~~~~~~  ~~~~~~~~~~~~  ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~  ~  ~~~~~~~
   (1)        (2)           (3)      (4)     (5) (6)          (7)          (8)   (9)
  1. Optional @media/ indicates media queries
    • @foo/d:none generates @media foo { .\#a { display: none } }
      (.\@foo\/d\:none is compressed into .\#a)
    • Tokens are parenthesized where necessary
      e.g. @screen&w>=640px/m:0 -> @media screen and (width >= 640px) { .\#a { margin: 0 } }
  2. Optional @^container/ indicates container queries
    • @^w>=200/m:1rem generates @container (w>=200) { .\#a { margin:1rem } }
    • @^card(w>=200)/m-l:1rem generates @container card (w>=200) { .\#a { margin-left: 1rem } }
  3. Optional selectors/ indicates additional selectors
  4. Required property indicates the property name
  5. Required value indicates the property value
    • $bar will be replaced with var(--bar)
      • Custom property set libraries, such as Open Props, can help with design themes
  6. Optional ! indicates !important
  7. Multiple property:value[!] can be specified, delimited by semicolons ;
  8. Optional trailing ? generates unnamed @layer{}
    • For example, add ? to the components in a component library, so that applications using it can override the properties
  9. Optional trailing * increases ID-specificity, more than one can be specified
    • For example, add * to the preferred style between :hover and :active
  • An underscore _ will be replaced with a whitespace and can be escaped with a backslash (\_ will be replaced with _)



import esbuild from "esbuild";
import isaaccss from "isaaccss/esbuild";{
  entryPoints: ["src/index.ts"],
  outdir: "dist",
  bundle: true,
  // Inject `isaaccss.inject`.
  inject: [isaaccss.inject],
  plugins: [
      // Optional filename filter. Default is following.
      filter: /\.[cm][jt]x?$/,

      // Optional isaaccss config. See `Configuration Example` section below.
      pretty: true,
      compress: { prefix: "~" },
      aliases: [],
      postcss: { plugins: [] },


// rollup.config.js
import isaaccss from "isaaccss/rollup";

/** @type {import("rollup").RollupOptions} */
export default {
  input: "src/index.js",
  output: { file: "dist/index.js" },
  plugins: [
      // Optional include filter. By default, all bundled scripts are included.
      include: ["**/*.js"],

      // Optional exclude filter. By default, `**/node_modules/**` are excluded.
      exclude: ["**/node_modules/**"],

      // Optional output filename.
      // Default is the output script filename with extension ".css".
      output: "dist/index.css",

      // Optional isaaccss config. See `Configuration Example` section below.
      pretty: true,
      compress: { prefix: "~" },
      aliases: [],
      postcss: { plugins: [] },

When you want to merge other CSS files with isaaccss CSS, use rollup-plugin-import-css instead of rollup-plugin-css-only.

// rollup.config.js
import css from "rollup-plugin-import-css";
import isaaccss from "isaaccss/rollup";

/** @type {import("rollup").RollupOptions} */
export default {
  input: "src/index.js",
  output: { file: "dist/index.js" },
  plugins: [css(), isaaccss()],


Class names are not compressed in Vite dev server, but in Vite build.

// vite.config.js
import isaaccssPlugin from "isaaccss/vite";

/** @type {import("vite").UserConfig} */
export default {
  plugins: [
      // Options are same as for Rollup isaaccss plugin above.

Configuration Example

import { defaultAliases } from "isaaccss/aliases";
import OpenProps from "open-props";
import postcssJitProps from "postcss-jit-props";

export default {
  // Whether to pretty-print. Default is `false`.
  pretty: true,

  // Class name compression setting in boolean or `{ prefix: string }`. Pass `false` to turn off.
  // Default is `{ prefix: "#" }`; class names are "#a", "#b", ..., "#aa", "#ab", ...
  compress: { prefix: "~" },

  // Aliases. If specified, the default aliases are removed.
  aliases: [
    // If you want to extend the default, pass the `defaultAliases` imported from "isaaccss".

    // Custom aliases. For example:
      // Alias format of `media`, `container` and `selector` is one of the following:
      // - { "search": replacementString }
      // - [/pattern/g, replacementStringOrFunction]
      // - Array of the above
      media: {
        dark: "prefers-color-scheme:dark",
        light: "prefers-color-scheme:light",
        sm: "640px", // use breakpoints like `@w<sm/d:none`
        md: "768px",
      container: {},
      selector: {
        "::a": "::after",
        "::b": "::before",
        ":f": ":focus",
        ":h": ":hover",

      // Alias format of `property` is one of the following:
      // - { "search": replacementStringOrStringArray }
      // - [/pattern/g, replacementStringOrStringArray]
      // - Array of the above
      property: {
        items: "align-items",
        justify: "justify-content",

      // Alias format of `value` is one of the following:
      // - [propertyNameOrPattern, { "search": replacementString }] or
      // - [propertyNameOrPattern, [/pattern/g, replacementStringOrFunction]]
      // - Array of the above
      value: [
            sm: "0 1px 2px hsla($shadow-hsl / 0.1)",
            md: "0 1px 2px hsla($shadow-hsl / 0.1),0 3px 6px hsla($shadow-hsl / 0.1)",
          // an example of rem-based pixel unit
          // `m:[1]`->{margin:.0625rem} `m-l:[16]`->{margin-left:1rem}
          [/\[(-?\d*\.?\d+)\]/g, (_, $1) => `${+$1 / 16}rem`.replace(/^0\./, ".")],

  // Optional PostCSS config. The only field is `plugins`.
  // Following configuration is an example of using Open Props (e.g. `color:$blue-1`):
  postcss: {
    plugins: [postcssJitProps(OpenProps)],

See src/aliases/default.ts for the default aliases.


  • Like inline styles and other atomic CSS frameworks:
    • Predictable changes
    • No pondering class names
    • Correct separation of concerns: markup and its style are strongly coupled and should be maintained together. Putting them into separate files is a bad idea.
  • Unlike inline styles:
    • Media queries, container queries and selectors (combinators, pseudo-class, pseudo-elements) can be described
    • Specificity can be adjusted
    • Short aliases can be used
    • Content-Security-Policy: no need 'unsafe-inline' or 'nonce-a682b15c' for style-src
  • Unlike Tailwind CSS and Windi CSS:
    • This is a class name description rule, not a predefined property set, therefore:
      • Less to remember
      • Simple and flexible: any media, any container, any selector, any property and any value can be described as is
    • High specificity (ID-specificity = 1) by default to override styles from other CSS libraries
    • Specificity can be adjusted
    • Class names can be compressed into prefixed short names such as #a, #b, ..., #aa, ...
    • Invalid class names can be detected
  • Unlike Linaria:
    • Short aliases can be used
    • Atomic styles are reused, preventing CSS file size bloating



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