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This package provides functionality that I often end up rewriting when working on text-based games (MUDs in particular). The major focus of a lot of these functions deals with manipulating strings for interaction or presentation.


Supports both CJS and ES6 import style.

// CommonJS-style
const {string, number, array} = require("mud-ext");
const {padLeft, padRight, padCenter} = require("mud-ext/string");
const {roll, randomInt} = require("mud-ext/number");

// ES6 module-style
import {string, number, array} from "mud-ext";
import {padLeft, padRight, padCenter} from "mud-ext/string";
import {roll, randomInt} from "mud-ext/number";


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String functions

Pad strings to a specific length.

let opts = { string: "CAKE", width: 10, padder: "-" };
let pl = string.padLeft(opts);
let pc = string.padCenter(opts);
let pr = string.padRight(opts);
assert(pl === "------CAKE");
assert(pc === "---CAKE---");
assert(pr === "CAKE------");

There is also an alias for legacy reasons and occasionally convenience.

let opts = { string: "CAKE", width: 10, padder: "-" };
let pl = string.pad({ ...opts, side: string.PAD_SIDE.LEFT });
let pc = string.pad({ ...opts, side: string.PAD_SIDE.CENTER });
let pr = string.pad({ ...opts, side: string.PAD_SIDE.RIGHT });
assert(pl === "------CAKE");
assert(pc === "---CAKE---");
assert(pr === "CAKE------");

Arbitrary-length padder strings.

let opts = { string: "CAKE", padder: "[]" };
let evenPadding = string.padCenter({ ...opts, width: 20 });
let oddPadding = string.padCenter({ ...opts, width: 14 });
assert(evenPadding === "[][][][]CAKE[][][][]");
assert(oddPadding === "[][][CAKE][][]");

Centered string padders have a consistent pattern.

let stupidPadder = "[]{}()<>(){}[]"; // 14 characters long
let opts = { width: 28, padder: stupidPadder };
let strA = "CAKE";
let strB = "BIG BOIS";
let stupidPadderx2 = stupidPadder.repeat(2); // 28 characters long
let stupidPaddingA = string.padCenter({ ...opts, string: strA });
let stupidPaddingB = string.padCenter({ ...opts, string: strB });
assert(stupidPadderx2 === "[]{}()<>(){}[][]{}()<>(){}[]"); // the base padder string that gets generated
assert(stupidPaddingA === "[]{}()<>(){}CAKE{}()<>(){}[]"); // CAKE gets injected into the middle of the base padder string
assert(stupidPaddingB === "[]{}()<>()BIG BOIS()<>(){}[]"); // pattern never changes

Handle unrendered character data.

Terminal-style color coding.

const chalk = require("chalk"); // version 4.x supports CJS require
let colored ="This is red!"); // uses terminal color characters to make this string red
let padded = string.padCenter({string: colored, width:40, padder:"[]", sizer:string.TERM_SIZER}); // string.TERM_SIZER respects terminal color characters
let expected = `[][][][][][][]${"This is red!")}[][][][][][][]`;
assert(expected === padded);

HTML-style color coding.

let colored = "<font color='red'>This is red!</font>"; // uses HTML tags to add color to string
let padded = string.padCenter({string: colored, width:40, padder:"[]", sizer:string.HTML_SIZER}); // string.HTML_SIZER respects HTML tags
let expected = `[][][][][][][]<font color='red'>This is red!</font>[][][][][][][]`;
assert(expected === padded);

Wordwrap on strings.

let bigString =
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. \
Vestibulum mollis tortor a risus varius, sed euismod lectus ultricies. \
Nam sodales gravida lectus a pretium. \
Integer eget risus vitae purus viverra aliquam. \
Ut vehicula felis et facilisis blandit. \
Vestibulum elementum at enim in viverra. \
Donec tincidunt vel magna non pharetra.";

// the expected, wrapped string
let expected =
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing\n\
elit. Vestibulum mollis tortor a risus varius, sed\n\
euismod lectus ultricies. Nam sodales gravida\n\
lectus a pretium. Integer eget risus vitae purus\n\
viverra aliquam. Ut vehicula felis et facilisis\n\
blandit. Vestibulum elementum at enim in viverra.\n\
Donec tincidunt vel magna non pharetra.";

// wrap it up
let wrapped = string.wrap({ string: bigString, width: 50 }).join("\n");
assert(wrapped === expected);

Generate boxes.

Simple boxes.

// simple style settings
const simpleStyle = {
	corner: "+",
	vertical: "|",
	horizontal: "-"

// generate it
const generated = string
		style: simpleStyle,
		width: 30,
		input: ["This is a test.", "I hate these people."]

// expected result
const expected =
| This is a test.            |\n\
| I hate these people.       |\n\

// check it
assert(generated === expected);

Complex boxes.

// complex style settings
const complexStyle = {
	top: { left: "))", right: "((" },
	bottom: { left: "]]", right: "[[" },
	left: ">-",
	right: "-<",
	horizontal: "=",
	titleBorder: { left: "(", right: ")" }

// generate it
const generated = string
		style: complexStyle,
		width: 30,
		title: "What up!",
		input: ["This is a test.", "I hate these people."]

// expected result
const expected =
))=( What up! )=============((\n\
>- This is a test.          -<\n\
>- I hate these people.     -<\n\

// check it
assert(generated === expected);

Check for autocompletion.

const partial = "sel";
const complete = "selling cake";
assert(string.autocomplete(partial, complete) === true);

Check for keyword matches.

const name = "the king of england loric";
assert(string.matchKeywords("loric", name) === true);
assert(string.matchKeywords("king loric", name) === true);
assert(string.matchKeywords("t k o e l", name) === true);
assert(string.matchKeywords("king john", name) === false);

Number functions

Linear interpolation.

const {number} = require("mud-ext");
const interpolated = number.lerp(0, 100, 0.5);
assert(interpolated === 50);

Not super useful for MUDs in particular, but it is generally useful.

Random integer generation.

const int = number.randomInt(1, 100);
assert(1 <= int && int <= 100);

Generates numbers within the given range inclusively.

Roll virtual die and return the sum.

const result = number.roll(6,6);
assert(6 <= result && result <= 6*6);

Roll vitual die and return the result of each roll.

const results = number.actualRoll(6, 6);
results.forEach((a) => assert(1 <= a && a <= 6));

Array functions

Pick random elements.

const options = ["You smell.", "Go to heck.", "Rawr XD."];
const result = array.pick(...options);
assert(options.includes(result)); // i don't really know how to demonstrate this any other way X|

Replace elements in an array.

let str = "This is serious gaming.";
let split = str.split(" "); // ["This", "is", "serious", "gaming."]
let replaced = array.replace(split, "serious", "major-league"); // ["This", "is", "major-league", "gaming."]
let joined = replaced.join(" ");
assert(joined === "This is major-league gaming.");



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  • jackindisguise