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0.1.11 • Public • Published

NestJS Abstract Mongo Repository

An abstract MongoDB entity repository for NestJS using Mongoose.


NestJS Abstract Mongo Repository provides a flexible and reusable solution for interacting with MongoDB using Mongoose in your NestJS applications.


Install the package using npm:

npm install nestjs-abstract-mongo-repository



Import the EntityRepository class in your NestJS application:

import { EntityRepository } from "nestjs-abstract-mongo-repository";

Creating a Repository

Create a repository for your MongoDB entity by extending EntityRepository`:

import { Model } from 'mongoose';
import { EntityRepository } from 'nestjs-abstract-mongo-repository';
import { UserDocument } from './user.model'; // Your Mongoose model

class UserRepository extends EntityRepository<UserDocument> {
  constructor() {
      entityModel: // Your Mongoose model instance,
      errLogger: true, // Optional: Enable error logging (default is false)

  // Additional methods specific to the User entity can be added here.


create Method

The create method is used to create a new document in the database using the provided data. It returns a promise that resolves to the created document, or throws an HttpException with an appropriate status code if the creation fails.

Example Usage

const entityRepo = new EntityRepository({ entityModel: MyModel });
const createEntity = { name: "John Doe", age: 25 };
const createdDocument = await entityRepo.create(createEntity);
console.log(createdDocument); // { _id: '...', name: 'John Doe', age: 25, ... }

createMany Method

The createMany method is used to create multiple documents in the database using the entityModel.create method. It takes an array of data for creating the new documents as input and returns a promise that resolves to an array of the created documents. If the creation fails for any document, it throws an HttpException with an appropriate status code.

Example Usage

const entityRepo = new EntityRepository({ entityModel: MyModel });
const createEntities = [
  { name: "John", age: 25 },
  { name: "Jane", age: 30 },
const createdDocuments = await entityRepo.createMany(createEntities);
// Output: [Document1, Document2]

find Method

Finds documents based on the provided filter query.

const users = await userRepository.find({ age: { $gte: 18 } });

findById Method

The findById method is used to find a document in the database by its ID. It takes an ID parameter and an optional projection parameter to specify which fields to include or exclude from the result. If a document with the specified ID is found, it is returned. If no document is found, an HttpException with a NOT_FOUND status is thrown.

Example Usage

const document = await repository.findById("12345");
// Output: The document with ID "12345" or 404 HttpException if not found

findOne Method

The findOne method is used to find a single document in the database based on the provided filter query and projection.

Example Usage

const filterQuery = { name: "John" };
const projection = { name: 1, age: 1 };
const document = await repository.findOne(filterQuery, projection);
// Output: The document with name "John" or null if not found

fullTextSearch Method

The fullTextSearch method performs a case-insensitive full-text search on a specified field in the database. It uses a regular expression to match documents that contain the specified search text in the specified field.

Example Usage

const searchText = "example";
const searchField = "title";
const results = await entityRepo.fullTextSearch(searchText, searchField);

count Method

The count method is used to count the number of documents in a MongoDB collection based on the provided filter query.

Example Usage

const filterQuery = { status: "active" };
const count = await entityRepo.count(filterQuery);
console.log(count); // Output: 10

distinctValues Method

The distinctValues method is used to find distinct values for a specified field based on the provided filter query.

Example Usage

const repository =
  new EntityRepository() < MyEntity > { entityModel: MyEntityModel };
const distinctValues = await repository.distinctValues("fieldName", {
  filterField: "filterValue",
// Output: [value1, value2, value3]

updateOne Method

The updateOne method is used to update a single document in the database based on the provided filter query and update data.

Example Usage

const filterQuery = { _id: "123" };
const update = { name: "John" };
const result = await repository.updateOne(filterQuery, update);
console.log(result); // Output: 1

updateMany Method

The updateMany method updates multiple documents in the database based on the provided filter query and the data to update the documents with.

Example Usage

const filterQuery = { field: "value" };
const update = { $set: { field: "new value" } };

const updatedCount = await repository.updateMany(filterQuery, update);
console.log(updatedCount); // Output: the number of updated documents

findOneAndUpdate Method

The findOneAndUpdate method is used to find a document in the database based on the provided filter query, update it with the specified data, and return the updated document. It is a part of the EntityRepository class.

Example Usage

const filterQuery = { _id: "123" };
const updatedObject = { name: "John" };
const updatedDocument = await repository.findOneAndUpdate(
// Output: { _id: '123', name: 'John', ... }

updateById Method

The updateById method updates a document in the database based on its ID. It uses optimistic concurrency control to handle potential race conditions.

Example Usage

const updatedDocument = await repository.updateById("12345", { name: "John" });

deleteOne Method

This method is responsible for deleting a single document from the database based on the provided filter query.

Example Usage

const filterQuery = { _id: "123" };
const result = await repository.deleteOne(filterQuery);
console.log(result); // true or false

deleteMany Method

The deleteMany method is used to delete multiple documents from the database based on the provided filter query. It returns a boolean value indicating whether one or more documents were deleted.

Example Usage

const filterQuery = { age: { $gte: 18 } };
const result = await repository.deleteMany(filterQuery);
console.log(result); // true or false


Contributions are always welcome!

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