
5.12.1 • Public • Published


Nodejs wrapper module for Cisco Meraki network manager. Currentyl we support the Meraki API version v0.

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The jsdoc documentation can be found here


Name Type Description Default
version String Which Meraki api version to use v0
apiKey String The Meraki api key
target String The Meraki target api
baseUrl String The Meraki base url
frontend boolean Activates the frontend API too false
[email] string E-Mail for the Frontend (mandatory if frontend is set to true)
[password] string Password for the Frontend (mandatory if frontend is set to true)
rateLimiter Object The rate limiter bottleneck configuration see Rate-Limiter section
[loggerEnabled] boolean If enabled node-meraki will log request information false
[logger] object Custom logger console

ApiKey and Target

It is recommended to set the apiKey on the initial module configuration. This key will be used for all subsequent api requests. If you need to set the apiKey on a request-level you have the possebility to pass it along for each request.

You have the following three possebilities to set the target:

  1. On the initial configuration level. This target will be used for all subsequent api requests.
  2. Leave the target blank. In this case the module will use the api target which triggers a redirect upon requests. The redirects are handled by this module.
  3. Set the target for each request.


We make use of the bottleneck module to implement rate limited requests against the Meraki API. Most users will have a 5-requests-per-second rate limit. To enabled this functionality, pass the following configuration as options:

const rateLimiter = {
  enabled: true

Scoped Rate-Limiter

If you manage more than one organisation you can enable the Rate-Limiter to use a pool of instances, one instance for each organisation (Meraki rate limit is restricted on a per-organisation level). Simply pass the scoped=true settings on node-meraki initialization. Each request accepts a scope attribute (for example the organisation id) which will be used to access the scoped Rate-Limiter instance. If no instance exists for the given instance one will be created on the fly and stored in the pool for all following requests.

Following configuration defaults are set and can be overwritten:

const rateLimiter = {
  enabled: false,
  maxConcurrent: 5,
  minTime: 200,
  highWater: 1000,
  strategy: Bottleneck.strategy.LEAK,
  scoped: false


const apiKey = "secret meraki api key";
const organizationId = "meraki organization id";
const version = "v0";
const target = "n12";
const rateLimiter = {
  enbaled: true
const baseUrl = ""; // this is the default an can be overwritten
// baseUrl and port are optional
const meraki = require("./lib")({
function handleErrors(error) {
  if (error.response) {
    // The request was made and the server responded with a status code
    // that falls out of the range of 2xx
  } else if (error.request) {
    // The request was made but no response was received
    // `error.request` is an instance of XMLHttpRequest in the browser and an instance of
    // http.ClientRequest in node.js
  } else {
    // Something happened in setting up the request that triggered an Error
    console.log("Error", error.message);
function handleSuccess(data) {

Raw Requests

If you'd like to use an endpoint which is not included in this project you can make us of the raw requests. Init the meraki lib as described above and use one of the following methods:

// get
  target: "your target (optional, see above)",
  scope: "your scope (optional, see above)",
  path: "api/<version>/<sub>/<path>"
// post
  target: "your target (optional, see above)",
  scope: "your scope (optional, see above)",
  path: "api/<version>/<sub>/<path>",
  data: {}
// put
  target: "your target (optional, see above)",
  scope: "your scope (optional, see above)",
  path: "api/<version>/<sub>/<path>",
  data: {}
// delete
  target: "your target (optional, see above)",
  scope: "your scope (optional, see above)",
  path: "api/<version>/<sub>/<path>"


Set DEBUG=node-meraki* to see internal logs


It would be great to enhance the node-meraki API wrapper to include all missing endpoints (see Currently not implemented). If you want to contribute to this repository please provide a pull-request and make sure to:

  • conform to the current directory style guide
  • conform to the current jsdoc documentation

Currently not implemented

All endpoints for ressources for:

  • Air Marshal scans
  • Bluetooth
  • Firewfall
  • SM
  • VPN



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