
1.0.53 • Public • Published


A generic node-based editor. Built with hyperapp.

Why use Nodysseus?

Simple low-code environment

A user needs to know and/or write very little actual code to be able to use Nodysseus effectively. Simple graphs can be created from scratch by anyone, and more complex graphs containing complex programming logic can still be edited by someone without prior programming experience.

Nodysseus also aims to simplify the experience of node-based editing by changing the paradigms employed by many industry-standard applications today. There are a few simple rules taht make it easier to avoid spaghetti networks and allow nodysseus to automatically layout the graph:

  1. Nodes can have many inputs but only one output. Edges are labeled to allow function-argument-like access.
  2. There is only one node that stores information - the state node
  3. The return node is the main utility that allows argument reuse, event publish/subscribe, and library management

These rules are derived from a mixture of functional programming paradigms, design decisions of the React library, and experimentation within the platform itself.

Getting started

The most simple graph is the helloWorld which just shows "Hello, world!" in the result display. Try editing the html_text node to put your name, or create a "text" input using the "+text" button on the node.

A number of the basic nodes can be found in the references doc.


New nodes introduced in the example are included in parentheses.


Reading a graph

  • Each node does something or passes data to its child.
  • Edges (connections/lines) define the relationships between nodes.
  • A node can have many parents, which pass data in, but only one child.
  • A node can reference another hidden node to copy its functionality. By default, nodes have no reference and simply pass along input data to their child
  • If a node references arg, it will use its value like a javascript variable or function argument


You can edit a node by using keybindings or by clicking/tapping the selected node's value or reference.

You can edit an edge by using keybindings or clicking/tapping the edge name.

You can edit the graph name by clicking the graph menu in the top right.

Graph execution

The graph is rerun whenever it changes.

  • Using switch, if, or default will only evaluate the branches that are chosen. All the other branches will not execute.
  • If the return value of any executed node is a Promise, the nodes following that node will all return promises.
  • If the return value contains the key display, then display will be added to the html document using hyperapp.

The graph is executed using a pull model - each node asks its parents (if it has any) for new data before running itself. It uses a Proxy object for inputs until they are needed, allowing lazy evaluation while retaining js-compatible objects and correct handling of switch, if, etc.


Exporting can be done through the root node menu by opening the appropriate @nodysseus.export graph.


Downloads the JSON representation of the graph. This can be used with import_json to import into another node.

Planned improvements:

  • loading a .json graph file
  • selective importing from a .json file


Downloads the graph as a runnable .js file. It uses import "nodysseus" so make sure wherever you're running it you have access to the nodysseus npm package.


Downloads a html file which will show the graph display result without showing the graph itself. It uses the latest version of nodysseus from npmjs.

NPM Package (link)

The npm package can be used to run graphs from javascript and includes Typescript bindings. It exports editor to enable embedding editable or static graphs in a webpage, and runGraph for running a graph.


graph actions

  • ctrl-s save
  • ctrl-z undo
  • ctrl-y redo


  • up/k move to left most parent node
  • down/j move to child node
  • left/h move to sibling node to the left
  • right/l move to sibling node to the right
  • enter open node menu
  • f search
  • esc exit search

node edit mode

  • v change value
  • s change script
  • r change reference
  • n change name
  • shift-enter expand / collapse

node creation/deletion

  • o create parent node
  • a create parent arg node
  • x delete node (edges are adjusted automatically)
  • ctrl-c copy
  • ctrl-v paste


  • e edit output edge


  • This is still very much in alpha. It is slow (but I'm working on it!) and there are bugs.
  • Exporting


Nodysseus uses a custom Map based runtime for graph execution. The runtime stores graphs, nodes, and arguments; implements event pubsub and caching; and is used extensively in nodes such as input_value, cache and event_publisher (among others).

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npm i nodysseus

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