
2.2.0 • Public • Published


Quickly generate and validate html forms with jQuery, Bootstrap and json.

This is a simple json form builder that will build and validate your forms for you. It will also handle serializing your data and spit out a nice json object to your submit function. This plugin is meant to be used with Bootstrap.

This plugin is intended for people who spend a lot of time building tedious forms. Copying and pasting from this file is encouraged, as well as saving and reusing json files to build your forms.

  • IE 8 supported


Getting Started

  1. Include js and css file from 'dist' directory

  2. Create empty form element with a unique id

  3. Call nosForm function, specifying your data and options

Quick Example

A simple contact form built with Bootstrap. This form will be sanitized and validated.


<form id="myform" class="form">
    <h2>My Form</h2>

js file

$.get('contact-form.json', function (jsonData) {
        fields: jsonData,
        submit: function (formdata, $form, evt) {
            console.log(formdata); // JSON form data
            console.log($form); // jQuery Form Object
            console.log(evt); // Original submit event


Note: you don't have to store your config in a json file. You can just write this in your plugin initilization as JavaScript.

        "name": "name",
        "id": "nameId",
        "type": "text",
        "label": "Name",
        "required": true,
        "placeholder": "Your Name",
        "minlength": 1,
        "maxlength": 60
        "name": "email",
        "type": "email",
        "label": "Email Address",
        "required": true,
        "placeholder": "Your Email",
        "minlength": 1,
        "maxlength": 100
        "name": "message",
        "type": "textarea",
        "label": "Message",
        "required": true,
        "placeholder": "Your message",
        "minlength": 5,
        "maxlength": 500,
        "rows": 8
        "name": "submitButton", // NEVER NAME THIS 'submit'!!!
        "type": "submit",
        "classname": "btn btn-success",
        "formGroup": true,
        "value": "Submit"


All options with default values

    fields: null, // Your json data {},
    ajax: true, // receive data in your submit function and send it with ajax (if false, a classic submit occurs)
    validate: true, // toggle javascript validation
    htmlValidation: false, // toggle html browser validation
    animationSpeed: 100, // change speed of js animations (error message animations)
    honeypot: false, // adds two honeypot fields to filter out bots
    onlySubmitWithValue: false, // if true, will only send form fields that have been filled out (empty fields don't get submitted)
    messages: { // these are the messages that will appear on the bottom of the form when an unsuccessful submit has occurred
        required: 'Please fill out all required fields', // warning about required fields
        invalid: 'Invalid fields' // warning about invalid fields (pattern, minlength, min, max)
    messageLocation: { // places required/invalid error messages on the form
        top: false, // specifies the messages to be displayed on the top
        bottom: true  // specifies the messages to be displayed on the bottom
    submit: function (formdata, form, evt) {
        // your submit function
        // this will pass back the entered form data as a formatted json object, your form as a jQuery Object, and the original submit event
    init: function (form) {
        // fires after form is rendered
        // passes back the form


Accepts an object with your form element structure. This was originally intended to be imported from a json file (for easy reuse of forms), but you can write the object in your js file as well. This allows you to write your own functions that return the correct values to individual fields.


Accepts a boolean value. If set to true, your form will send a serialized object to your submit function, where you will be responsible for sending an ajax request with your form data. If set to false, a classic form submit will occur and your submit function will not be necessary. If you set ajax to false and a submit function is still present, you will still receive the form data as usual and you will have to manually submit the form. This can be useful for deleting out fields you don't want to send to the server (e.g.: confirm password fields) or if you need to manually check something before sending the form. Worth noting:: never name your submit button 'submit' or your form will not submit properly.


Accepts a boolean value. Toggles the build-in validation on or off. If for some reason you don't need validation, turn this off.


Accepts a boolean value. Toggles the html5 validation on or off. Basically, this is just adding and removing a 'novalidate' tag from the form.


Accepts a number value (milliseconds). Controls the speed of the validation messages popping in and out of form fields.


Accepts a boolean. Optionally, there are two honeypot text fields rendered on each form (one is empty and one has a preset value). Both are hidden by CSS and JS. If either are modified, your submit object will contain an extra property "{ honeypot: true }". You are free to handle this however needed in your submit function.


Accepts a boolean. When this field is set to true, only fields that have a value will be sent to your submit function. This essentially will ignore any field that a user has not filled out. This can be useful when you have a lot of optional fields and you don't want to post all of them all the time.


Accepts two properties with string values: 'required' and 'invalid'. These are the two messages that are positioned below each form. On an unsuccessful form submit, the appropriate message will be displayed to the user. If not modified, they will display the default values shown above.


Accepts two properties with boolean values: 'top' and 'bottom'. These settings determine the location of the user error messages to be displayed on an invalid form submit attempt.


Accepts a function that receives the form data passed to it. Passes three arguments: the form data, the form, and the original submit event.


Function that will fire as soon as the form renders. Passes the form as it's only argument.



Triggered on submit. Callback parameters are the event, followed by an object containing the formdata, form element, and original submit event.


Single Columns

These are pretty standard.

        // form element here
        // form element here

Multiple Columns

If you would like a form to work with multiple columns, you just have to format your json data a little different.

       "classname": "col-md-4",
       "column": [
               // form element here
       "classname": "col-md-4",
       "column": [
               // form element here
       "classname": "col-md-4",
       "column": [
               // form element here

Nesting Columns

Nesting columns can be accomplished by declaring a row where needed.

        "row": true, // wraps a row class div around this column
        "classname": "col-md-6 col-md-offset-3", // centers this form on the page in a col-6
        "column": [
                "row": true, // adds another row
                "classname": "col-md-12", // nests a col-12 class inside the col-6
                "column": [
                        // form element here
                "row": true,
                "column": [
                        "classname": "col-md-6",
                        "column": [
                                // form element here
                        "classname": "col-md-6",
                        "column": [
                                // form element here
                "row": true,
                "classname": "col-md-12",
                "column": [
                        // form element here

This format allows you to create your form elements in blocks. Adding Bootstrap classes makes it easy for you to display your form in a column layout. Add as many columns and nest them as deep as you like.


Name Description
button Standard HTML button element - rendered with button tag, not input.
buttonGroup Bootstrap Button Group
checkbox Standard HTML checkbox input.
clone A set of text fields with a button to add/remove fields.
color Standard HTML color input.
date Standard HTML date input.
datetime-local Standard HTML datetime-local input.
email Standard HTML email input. Email validation is built in, but optional.
file Standard HTML file input.
hidden Standard HTML hidden input.
html Enter your own html string.
image Standard HTML image input.
label Standard HTML label element.
month Standard HTML month input.
number Standard HTML number input.
password Standard HTML password input.
radio Standard HTML radio input.
range Standard HTML range input.
reset Standard HTML reset button element - rendered with button tag, not input. Will automatically reset your form without configuration.
search Standard HTML search input.
select Standard HTML select element.
state Sets all 50 US states in a select element. Also able to add US Territories, Mexican states, and Canadian Provinces.
submit Standard HTML submit button element - rendered with button tag, not input.
tel Standard HTML tel input. Phone validation is built in, but optional.
text Standard HTML text input.
textarea Standard HTML textarea element.
time Standard HTML time input.
url Standard HTML url input.
week Standard HTML week input.
zip HTML text input with zip code validation built in, but optional.


Name Type Description
accept string Used with type 'file' - specifies accepted file types. See file.
addon string Used with type 'clone' - specifies an input-group addon. See Clone.
alt string Used with type 'image' - specifies alt tag text. See image.
autocomplete string Toggles autocomplete for single element. Accepts "on" or "off".
autofocus boolean Sets HTML5 autofocus attribute for element (only 1 per page).
checked string/array Used with types 'checkbox, radio' - specifies pre-checked boxes. See checkbox and radio.
classname string Specifies class names for element. 'form-control' is active by default for text elements.
cols number Used with type 'textarea' - specifies number of columns. See textarea.
data object Assigns data- attributes to element. See data.
defaultSelected string Used with type 'state' - Sets the default selected value. See state.
disabled boolean Sets HTML5 disabled attribute on element.
element string Used with type 'html' - Specifies html string to render. See html.
formaction string Used with type 'submit, image' - Sets HTML formaction attribute. See submit.
formenctype string Used with type 'submit' - Sets HTML formenctype attribute. See submit.
formGroup boolean Wraps element in a Bootstrap form-group div. Default is true.
formmethod string Used with type 'submit' - Sets HTML formmethod attribute. See submit.
formnovalidate string Used with type 'submit' - Sets HTML formnovalidate attribute. See submit.
formtarget string Used with type 'submit' - Sets HTML formtarget attribute. See submit.
height number Used with type 'image' - specifies element height. See image.
helpBlock string Inserts a Bootstrap help block below element.
id string Assigns element an id. If no id is present, the name field will also be the id.
inline boolean Used with type 'button, submit, reset, image, checkbox, radio' - Assigns 'inline-block' css property to element.
inputGroup object Adds a Bootstrap input group to the element. See inputGroup.
label string Adds a label before the element.
mask string Adds a masked input to a text element. Requires external plugin.
match string Used with type 'password' - used to match passwords when you have a 'repeat password' field. See password.
max number Used with types 'number, date, range, datetime-local, month, time, week' - sets maximum accepted value. See number.
maxFields number Used with type 'clone' - sets the maximum allowed fields to be dynamically generated. See clone.
maxlength number Sets a maxlength property on the field. This will also be validated in javascript.
messages object Overrides the default validation messages. See messages.
min number Used with types 'number, date, range, datetime-local, month, time, week' - sets minimum accepted value. See number.
minlength number Sets a minlength property on the field. This will also be validated in javascript.
multiple boolean Used with types 'select, state, file' - Enable multiple selections. See select, state, and file.
name string Gives the element a name. Will also assign the name to the id if no id is specified.
options object/array Used with types 'select, checkbox, radio' - Sets the options with key-value pairs.
pattern string/regex Sets HTML5 pattern attribute (Regex strings are difficult to pass in json format).
placeholder string Sets a placeholder in text-based elements.
readonly boolean Sets HTML5 readonly attribute.
required boolean Sets HTML5 required attribute. These fields are also validated in javascript.
rows number Used with type 'textarea' - Sets the number of rows. See textarea.
selected string Used with types 'select, state' - Preselects a select value. See select and state.
size number Used with types 'text, search, tel, url, email, password' - Sets the input size.
src string Used with type 'image' - Sets the image source. See image.
start number Used with type 'clone' - Sets the number of text fields to start with. See clone.
step number Used with types 'number, range, date, datetime-local, month, time' - Sets the step attribute.
submitType string *Used with type 'checkbox' - Sets the type of value you would like the form to submit for you. See checkbox.
tabindex number Sets the tab index (not working with checkboxes, radios yet)
title string Sets the HTML title attribute.
type string Sets the element type.
validate boolean Used with types 'email, zip, tel' - Specifies if you would like to validate the form field.
value string Sets a value to the field.
width number Used with type 'image' - specifies element width. See image.
wrap string Used with type 'textarea' - Sets HTML wrap attribute.


By default, validation will happen when you specify certain properties in your json file. All fields will be checked for values and sanitized. Error messages will be generated, and it will basically take care of itself.

  • required - adds required tag and ensures a value is in place

  • minlength - adds minlength tag and checks with javascript

  • maxlength - adds maxlength tag and double checks it with javascript

  • pattern - will validate input against a regex of your choosing

  • min - adds min tag and checks

  • max - adds max tag and checks

  • match - enter in the id of an element to check against. This will check that these values match (Mostly for password confirmation). You can customize the error message with the 'invalid' message.

Validation Messages

By default, there are messages in place that warn the user about missing/invalid fields. They are inside hidden Bootstrap alert divs. If you do not specify a value, they will name each field by whatever value you have on the label. If you don't have a label, they will find a placeholder value.

These messages can be customized for each field, if you need. See the examples below.

There are five specific types of message that can appear for each field:

  • required - "[field name] is a required field"

    • triggered (on submit) when a required field is left blank
  • minlength - "[field name] must have a minimum of * characters"

    • triggered (as you type) when a minlength has not been met
  • invalid - "[field name] must be valid"

    • triggered (as you type) when certain criteria have not been met. (email/zip/phone not valid, regex pattern not matching, passwords not matching, etc.)
  • min - "[field name] must have a minimum value of *."

    • triggered (as you type) when a minimum has not been met (numbers, dates)
  • max - "[field name] must have a maximum value of *."

    • triggered (as you type) when a max has been overshot

There are also some default form messages that will display on the bottom of the form if the user tries to submit unsuccessfully. These can be customized in the plugin initilization, as mentioned in the 'Options' section.

Destroy Method

NosForm does come with a destroy method:


This will empty the form, keeping your actual form tag intact, while removing all options and event listeners.

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