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3.0.21 • Public • Published

Peer Calls

Build Status NPM Package

WebRTC peer to peer calls for everyone. See it live in action at

This is a branch for Peer Calls version 3. The new v4 alpha is available on the master branch (formerly called server-go branch). The server has been completely rewriten in Go and all the original functionality works. An optional implementation of a Selective Forwarding Unit (SFU) is being made to make Peer Calls consume less bandwith for user video uploads. Once implemented, it will be released as Peer Calls v4.



  • Express
  • Socket.IO
  • React
  • Redux
  • TypeScript (since peer-calls v2.1.0)

Installation & Running

Using npx (from NPM)

npx peer-calls

Installing locally

npm install peer-calls

Installing Globally

npm install --global peer-calls

Using Docker

Use the jeremija/peer-calls image from Docker Hub:

docker pull jeremija/peer-calls
docker run --rm -it -p 3000:3000 jeremija/peer-calls:latest

From Git Source

git clone
cd peer-calls
npm install
# for production 
npm run build
npm start
# for development 
npm run start:watch

Building Docker Image

git clone
cd peer-calls
docker build -t peer-calls .
docker run --rm -it -p 3000:3000 peer-calls:latest


There has been a breaking change in v3.0.0. The default binary provided via NPM is now called peer-calls, while it used to be peercalls. This has been made to make npx peer-calls work.

Version 3 also changed the way configuration works. Previously, config module was used to read config files. To make things simpler, a default STUN configuration will now be used by default. Config files can still be provided via the config/ folder in the working directory, but the extension read will be .yaml instead of .json.

The config files are read in the following order:

  • node_modules/peer-calls/config/default.yaml
  • node_modules/peer-calls/config/${NODE_ENV}.yaml, if NODE_ENV is set
  • node_modules/peer-calls/config/local.yaml
  • ./config/default.yaml
  • ./config/${NODE_ENV}.yaml, if NODE_ENV is set
  • ./config/local.yaml

No errors will be thrown if a file is not found, but an error will be thrown when the required properties are not found. To debug configuration issues, set the DEBUG environment variable to DEBUG=peercalls,peercalls:config.

Additionally, version 3 provides easier configuration via environment variables. For example:

  • Set STUN/TURN servers: PEERCALLS__ICE_SERVERS='[{"url": "", "urls": ""}]'
  • Change base URL: PEERCALLS__BASE_URL=/test - app will now be accessible at localhost:3000/test
  • Enable HTTPS: PEERCALLS__SSL='{"cert": "/path/to/cert.pem", "key": "/path/to/cert.key"}'
  • Disable HTTPS: PEERCALLS__SSL=undefined
  • Listen on a different port: PORT=3001 (default is 3000)
  • Bind to specific IP or hostname: BIND=

See config/default.yaml for sample configuration.

By default, the server will start on port 3000. This can be modified by setting the PORT environment variable to another number, or to a path for a unix domain socket.

To access the server, go to http://localhost:3000 (or another port).

Multiple Instances and Redis

Redis can be used to allow users connected to different instances to connect. The following needs to be added to config.yaml to enable Redis:

  type: redis
  host:   # redis host 
  port: 6379        # redis port 
  prefix: peercalls # all instances must use the same prefix 


By default, Peer Calls server will log only basic information. Client-side logging is disabled by default.

Server-side logs can be configured via the DEBUG environment variable. Setting it to peercalls,peercalls:* will enable all server-side logging:

  • DEBUG=peercalls,peercalls:* npm run start:server

Client-side logs can be configured via localStorage.debug and localStorage.log variables:

  • Setting localStorage.log=1 enables logging of Redux actions and state changes
  • Setting localStorage.debug=peercalls,peercalls:* enables all other client-side logging. You might want to include simple-peer here as well.


Below are some common NPM scripts that are used for development:

npm start              start the precompiled server.
npm run build          build all client-side resources.
npm run start:server   start and compile server-side TypeScript on the fly,
                       restarts the server when the resources change.
npm run start:watch    start the server, and recompile client-side resources
                       when the sources change.
npm test               run all tests.
npm run ci             run all linting, tests and build the client-side

Browser Support

Tested on Firefox and Chrome, including mobile versions. Also works on Safari, however connection issues have been reported.

Does not work on iOS 10, but should work on iOS 11 - would appreciate feedback!

For more details, see here:

In Firefox, it might be useful to use about:webrtc to debug connection issues. In Chrome use about:webrtc-internals.

When experiencing connection issues, the first thing to try is to have all peers to use the same browser.

TURN Server

When a direct connection cannot be established, it might be help to use a TURN server. The instance is configured to use a TURN server and it can be used for testing. However, the server bandwidth there is not unlimited.

Here are the steps to install a TURN server on Ubuntu/Debian Linux:

sudo apt install coturn

Use the following configuration as a template for /etc/turnserver.conf:


Change the PASSWORD, realm and paths to server certificates.

Use the following configuration for Peer Calls:

url: ''
  urls: ''
  username: 'example'
  secret: 'PASSWORD'
  auth: 'secret'

Finally, enable and start the coturn service:

sudo systemctl enable coturn
sudo systemctl start coturn


  • Do not require config files and allow configuration via environment variables. (Fixed in 23fabb0)
  • Show menu dialog before connecting (Fixed in 0b4aa45)
  • Reduce production build size by removing Pug. (Fixed in 2d14e5f c743f19)
  • Add ability to share files (Fixed in 3877893)
  • Enable node cluster support (to scale vertically).
  • Add Socket.IO support for Redis (to scale horizontally).
  • Add support for browser push notifications
  • Allow other methods of connectivity, beside mesh. Experimental work done in server-go branch.


See Contributing section.

If you encounter a bug, please open a new issue! Thank you ❤️






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