
1.0.0 • Public • Published


The name LINQ is already used ::sad::

Based on System.Linq in C#, but in TS for browser and node (server side);


  • The same methods (not all) of Array.prototype, but with composition (curry parameters)
  • Typescript out of box
  • Make the massive and repetitive operations for you, like sort by key, order by key, sorter for strings/numbers/date
  • A set of tools in Fluent Interface to work with arrays


Simple, just choose your package manage and drop the command

yarn add linq-arrays
npm i linq-arrays
pnpm add linq-arrays


const array = new Linq([1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10]);
// you can create a instance with Linq.From(array) 
array.Sum() // 55
    with .Where, you can use some symbols to make your filter more simple
    - != : compare use !=
	- !== : compare use !== 
	- < : compare use <
	- <= : compare use <=
	- == : compare use ==
	- === : compare use ===
	- > : compare use >
	- >= : compare use >=
	eq: compare use Equals in `src/utils.ts`
	is: compare use (JS method)
array.Where({ symbol: "!==", value: 2 }).Sum() // 53
// or you can pass you function
array.Where((number, index, allItems) => number !== 2) // the same of Array.prototype.filter
array.ToArray() // return the array after all operations 
    args accept a method, the same of 
    If empty, just return the array like .ToArray
array.Select((x) => x ** 2) // the same of


Static methods

  • constructor(array: Type[]): Constructor receive an array for base operations
  • static From<T>(array: T[]): The same of use new Linq()
  • static Map(callback: (item: T, i: number, array: T[]) => T): The same of, but curried parameters (callback and array)
  • static Filter: The same of Array.prototype.filter, but curried paramets (callback and array)
  • static GroupBy<GENERICS>(key: keyof GENERICS, array: GENERICS[]): Group items by key in array, any key it's a object with value of key
  • static Find: The same of Array.prototype.find, but curried paramets (callback and array)
  • static Some: The same of Array.prototype.some, but curried paramets (callback and array)
  • static Every: The same of Array.prototype.every, but curried paramets (callback and array)
  • static All: The same of Every
  • static Unique(<T>(array: T[], key?: keyof T)) & (<T>(array: T[])): Get unique items of array, from key or from values (works correctly only for primitive types)
  • static Reduce: The same of Array.prototype.reduce, but curried paramets (callback, initialValue and array)
  • static Chunk(size: number, array: GENERICS[]): Create a chunk with N items of array. Like pagination, but don't provide page control
  • static Range(firstOrLength: number | string, secondOrSteps?: number | string, jumps): Create a range from two integers, two strings or works with one string in pattern INITIAL..FINAL or INITIAL..JUMPS..FINAL
  • static Sort(array: GENERICS[], key?: SortParameters<GENERICS>): Sort array by key or function sorter (the same parameter of Array.prototype.sort). If Sort called with null parameters, use the array.sort() and order by ASCII characters order
  • static Repeat(element: GENERICS, repeat: number): repeat N times in array with the element (first parameter)
  • static Contains(element: GENERICS | keyof GENERICS, array: GENERICS[]): Check if array contains the element
  • static Max(element: keyof GENERICS, array: GENERICS[]) => number): Get the maximum value of property/value in array
  • static Min(element: keyof GENERICS, array: GENERICS[]) => number): Get the minimum value of property/value in array
  • static MapToArray<Key, Value>(map: Map<Key, Value>): Convert any Map to array
  • static ArrayToMap(key: keyof T, array: T[])): Create a Map from array and use the value of key in each object as key for Map
  • static ArrayToObject(<T>(key: keyof T, array: T[]): Create a object from array and use the value of key in each object as key for object

Instance methods

  • Reverse(): use the Array.prototype.reverse to reverse array
  • Add(el: Type | Type[]): Add an item/items to last position of array with push/concat
  • Prepend(el: Type | Type[]): Add an item/items to first position of array with push/concat
  • Concat(list: Type[]): Concat an array to your array
  • Select(transform?: ArrayCallback<Type>): Get array from Linq instance. The argument is a optional function, and works equals
  • Take(init: number, end?: number): Take n items of array. If end is null, use n:array.length
  • Head(): Get first item of array
  • Tail(): Return all items, except first
  • Skip(jumps: number | ArrayCallbackAssertion<Type>): Skip the n items or skip while the callback is false
  • Distinct(): like Linq.Unique
  • ToArray(): Get array from instance
  • First(predicate?: ArrayCallbackAssertion<Type>): Return the first item of array or apply Array.prototype.find
  • Last(predicate?: ArrayCallbackAssertion<Type>): Return the last item of array or apply Array.prototype.find in reverse array (using Array.prototype.reverse)
  • Sum(key?: keyof Type): Sum all items of array. You can specify the property or sum all primitive values in array
  • Average(key?: keyof Type): Get Average of Linq.Sum
  • GroupBy(key: keyof Type): The same of static method Linq.GroupBy
  • Except(exceptions: Type[]): Get all items not in argument array
  • Intersect(commons: Type[]): Get all items in argument array
  • OrderBy(key?: keyof Type, sort?: OrderKeys): Order array from key
  • Includes(object: Type): Check if array includes the object
  • In(array: Type[]): Check if instance array has items in argument array
  • Empty(): nothing to comment
  • ToMap<KEY>(key: keyof Type): Map<KEY, Type>: convert the array to Map, using the value of object[key] to Map keys
  • Zip<T>(array: T[], fn: (first: Type, second?: T) => any)
  • Count(predicate?: ArrayCallbackAssertion<Type>): Count items based on predicate or just array.length
  • Get(n: number): Get item in n position
  • Clone(): deepClone instance array
  • ToObject(key: keyof Type): ArrayAsObj<Type>
  • All(predicate: ArrayCallbackAssertion<Type>): The same of Array.prototype.every


  • Write best Readme
  • Create a page to interactive doc
  • Write unit tests




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