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6.0.0 • Public • Published


Flexible and performant rate limiter, supporting a sliding window algorithm with arbitrary precision. Compatible with two popular Redis clients: redis, ioredis.

Table of Contents

Why another rate limiter?

Naive rate limiter algorithms suffer from a well known problem where a burst of requests at the window boundary will cause the limiter allowing more requests than what is expected for a particular key. For example, with a limit of 100 requests per minute, a client could send 100 requests in the last second of the first minute and another 100 requests in the first second of the second minute, resulting in 200 accepted requests in 2 seconds. This library supports a flexible sliding window algorithm based on Redis backend which solves this problem efficiently. The main features are the following:

  • Limiter window can be defined with arbitrary size and precision, from years down to milliseconds (e.g. a window of 3 seconds with decisecond precision or a window of 5 minutes with second precision).
  • Fast (average of 0.08 ms).
  • Each request is added to the current window with microsecond precision, avoiding losing count of concurrent requests for a particular key.
  • Redis server clock is used as the single source of truth for any time calculation.
  • For each request, expiration timestamps of the current window and the first element in that window are returned to the client. This means that the client can know precisely when a free slot will be available or when the window will be empty.
  • Express compatible middleware with customizable status code, messages and response headers.
  • Compatible with two popular Redis clients: redis, ioredis.
  • Zero dependencies.


Install package:

npm install --save redis-sliding-rate-limiter


const { createClient } = require('redis');
const { RateLimiter, Unit } = require('redis-sliding-rate-limiter');

(async () => {
  const client = createClient({
    url: `redis://localhost:6379`,

  await client.connect();

  // 10 requests every 3 seconds, with decisecond precision. Allow 10% of requests to exceed the limit.
  const limiter = new RateLimiter({
    client: client,
    window: {
      unit: Unit.SECOND,
      size: 3,
      subdivisionUnit: Unit.DECISECOND, // Defines with which precision elements would expire in the current window    
    limit: 10,
    limitOverhead: 0.1, // Fraction of requests that can exceed the limit, rounded down (10 * 0.1 = 1 in this example)

  const key = 'OneRing';

  const results = await Promise.all([
    limiter.get(key), // 1
    limiter.get(key), // 2
    limiter.get(key), // 3
    limiter.get(key), // 4
    limiter.get(key), // 5
    limiter.get(key), // 6
    limiter.get(key), // 7
    limiter.get(key), // 8
    limiter.get(key), // 9
    limiter.get(key), // 10
    limiter.get(key), // 11 - Expect to succeed thanks to overhead
    limiter.get(key), // 12 - Expect to fail

  for (const res of results) {
    const { allowed, remaining, firstExpireAtMs, windowExpireAtMs } = res;
    console.log(allowed, remaining, firstExpireAtMs, windowExpireAtMs);

  // Output:
  // true 9 1610466521278 1610466521278
  // true 8 1610466521278 1610466521278
  // true 7 1610466521278 1610466521279
  // true 6 1610466521278 1610466521279
  // true 5 1610466521278 1610466521279
  // true 4 1610466521278 1610466521279
  // true 3 1610466521278 1610466521279
  // true 2 1610466521278 1610466521279
  // true 1 1610466521278 1610466521279
  // true 0 1610466521278 1610466521279
  // true 0 1610466521278 1610466521279
  // false 0 1610466521278 1610466521279


Express middleware

The library exposes a configurable middleware factory that you can use directly in your Express application.
See the following example:

const express = require('express');
const Redis = require('ioredis');
const { RateLimiter, Unit, createExpressMiddleware } = require('redis-sliding-rate-limiter');

(async () => {
    const app = express();

    const client = new Redis({
        host: 'localhost',
        port: 6379

    const middleware = createExpressMiddleware({
        // Define limiters that will be evaluated from this middleware for each request
        limiters: [
                limiter: new RateLimiter({
                    client: client,
                    window: {
                        unit: Unit.SECOND, 
                        size: 1,
                    limit: 5,
                overrideKey: true,
                // Compute Redis key from request and limiter objects. Can also be defined at middleware level (see below).
                overrideKeyFn: (req, limiter) => {
                  return req.path +;
                key: 'This key will be overridden',
                errorMessage: '[Peak] Too many requests',
                limiter: new RateLimiter({
                    client: client,
                    window: {
                        unit: Unit.HOUR,
                        size: 1,
                        subdivisionUnit: Unit.MINUTE,
                    limit: 10000, // This will be overridden                   
                overrideLimit: true,
                // Override limit if enabled. Can also be defined at middleware level (see below).
                overrideLimitFn: (req, limiter) => {
                  return parseInt(req.query.limit); // Make sure this function returns a positive integer...    
                // Optional function to skip request evaluation for a specific limiter. Should return true if the evaluation must be skipped, false otherwise.
                skipFn: (req, limiter) => {
                    return false;    
                errorMessage: '[Hourly] Too many requests',

        // Middleware level key override. 
        // Fallback in case a limiter does not provide a overrideKeyFn function and has overrideKey enabled.
        overrideKeyFn: (req, limiter) => {
            return 'some key';
        // Middleware level limit override.
        // Fallback in case a limiter does not provide a overrideLimitFn function and has overrideLimit enabled.
        overrideLimitFn: (req, limiter) => {
            return 666;    

        // Error status code
        errorStatusCode: 429,

        // Enable/disable setting headers on response
        setHeaders: true,

        // Custom function to set headers on response object (otherwise default headers will be used)
        setHeadersFn: (req, res, limiter, limiterResponse) => {
            const {remaining, firstExpireAtMs, windowExpireAtMs} = limiterResponse;
            res.set(remainingH, '' + remaining);
            res.set(firstExpireH, '' + firstExpireAtMs);
            res.set(resetH, '' + windowExpireAtMs);

        // Skip (whitelist) requests. Should return true if the request must be skipped, false otherwise
        skip: (req) => {
            return req.pleaseSkipMe;      

        // Function called when a request is throttled (not allowed)
        onThrottleRequest: (req, res, key) => {
            return res.status(429).send(`Too many requests for key ${key}`);

    // Plug-in the middleware

    app.get('/', (req, res) => {
        return res.send('Yo!');

    app.listen(8080, () => console.log('Server listening on port 8080...'));


MIT License

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