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Typescript wrappers over the RML-related operations to be reused within the Connector Architecture. Currently this repository exposes 3 functions:


This processor takes a stream of YARRRML mapping files as input and converts them to their correspondent representation in RML quads. It relies on the yarrrml-parser library for executing the transformation.


This processor executes RML mapping rules using the Java-based RMLMapper engine. A mapping process can be defined within a Connector Architecture (CA) pipeline, by defining an input stream of RML mappings, which will be executed sequentially. A default writer channel (js:output) needs to be defined, where all produced RDF triples/quads will be streamed, from mappings that do not define explicit Logical Targets. A set of logical sources (js:rmlSource) and targets (js:rmlTarget) can be optionally declared to make them visible to the CA pipeline.

Logical sources can be marked as trigger-based (js:trigger) to indicate that they will be updated in the future and therefore, triggering new mapping executions. Finally, a path (js:rmlJar) to a local RMLMapper can be given. An example definition of the processor is shown next:

@prefix : <https://w3id.org/conn#>.
@prefix js: <https://w3id.org/conn/js#>.

[ ] a js:RMLMapperReader; 
    js:output <outputWriterChannel>;
    js:rmlSource [
        js:sourceLocation "dataset/data.xml";
        js:input <fileChannelReader1>;
        js:trigger true
    ], [
        js:sourceLocation "dataset/static_data.json";
        js:input <fileChannelReader2>;
    js:rmlTarget [
        js:targetLocation "dataset/output.nt";
        js:output <fileChannelWriter>
    js:mappings <jr>;
    js:rmlJar <./rmlmapper-6.3.0-r0-all.jar>.


This processor transforms a given stream of RML mapping documents to their correspondent Incremental RML (IncRML) representation. Concretely, this means that every defined rr:TriplesMap (that has at least 1 defined rr:predicateObjectMap) is further expanded into 3 new rr:TriplesMaps, each one dedicated to handle entity create, update and delete events. The processor will merge Triple Maps that produce the same Subject IRI, use the same Logical Source and belong to the same Named Graph (if any).

An optional configuration can be given to produce unique IRIs (timestamp-based) by defining a LDES Logical Target. However, when dealing with multiple mapping documents, it is assumed that all Triples Maps related to an entity will be present in the same document. Otherwise multiple unique IRIs will be produced for subject triples that belong to the same entity.

This processor can be used within a CA pipeline as follows:

@prefix : <https://w3id.org/conn#>.
@prefix js: <https://w3id.org/conn/js#>.
@prefix idlab-fn: <http://example.com/idlab/function/>.
@prefix as: <https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams#>.
@prefix dc: <http://purl.org/dc/terms/>.
@prefix formats: <http://www.w3.org/ns/formats/>.

[ ] a js:IncRMLTransformer; 
    js:rmlStream <rmlStream>;
    js:config [
        js:stateBasePath <./state>;
        js:lifeCycleConfig [
            js:predicate <http://ex.org/lifeCycleProp>;
            js:create [
                js:function idlab-fn:explicitCreate;
                js:type as:Create
            js:update [
                js:function idlab-fn:implicitUpdate;
                js:type as:Update
            js:delete [
                js:function idlab-fn:implicitDelete;
                js:type as:Delete
        js:targetConfig [ # LDES-based target configuration is optional
            js:targetPath <./output.nt>;
            js:timestampPath dc:modified;
            js:versionOfPath dc:isVersionOf;
            js:serialization formats:N-Triples;
            js:uniqueIRIs true;
            js:ldesBaseIRI <http://ex.org/my-ldes>;
            js:shape <http://ex.org/my-ldes/shape>
    js:incrmlStream <incrmlStream>.

The configuration (js:config) of the processor includes a specification of the predicate (js:lifeCycleConfig/js:predicate) that will be used to characterize entities and the particular FnO functions that will be used to detect create, update and delete events.

Optionally, a LDES-based logical target configuration (js:targetConfig) can be given to produce unique IRIs for every entity and LDES-specific metadata.

Taking for example, the above processor configuration and the following RML mapping as input:

<http://ex.org/m0> a rr:TriplesMap ;
    rml:logicalSource [
        a rml:LogicalSource ;
        rml:source "data.xml" ;
        rml:iterator "//Data" ;
        rml:referenceFormulation ql:XPath
    ] ;
    rr:subjectMap [
        a rr:SubjectMap ;
        rr:template "http://ex.org/instance/{prop1/@value}" ;
        rr:class "http://ex.org/ns/SomeClass" ;
    ] ;
    rr:predicateObjectMap [
        rr:predicate "http://ex.org/ns/someProperty" ;
        rr:objectMap [
            rml:reference "prop2/@value"
    ] .

The processor will expand the mapping to the following IncRML document:

<http://ex.org/m0_create> a rr:TriplesMap ; # Create event
    rml:logicalSource _:bn0 ;
    rr:subjectMap [
        a rr:FunctionTermMap ;
        fnml:functionValue [
            rr:predicateObjectMap [
                rr:predicate fno:executes ;
                rr:objectMap [ rr:constant idlab-fn:explicitCreate ]
            ], [
                rr:predicate idlab-fn:iri ;
                rr:objectMap [ rr:template "http://ex.org/instance/{prop1/@value}" ]
            ], [
                rr:predicate idlab-fn:state ;
                rr:objectMap [ rr:constant "./state/3cd43073163c2153e4f6b01788350e0d_create_state" ]
        ] ;
        rml:logicalTarget _:bn1
    ] ;
    rr:predicateObjectMap _:bn2 ;
    rr:predicateObjectMap [
        rr:predicate <http://ex.org/lifeCycleProp> ;
        rr:objectMap [ rr:constant as:Create ]
    ] .

<http://ex.org/m0_update> a rr:TriplesMap ; # Update event
    rml:logicalSource _:bn0 ;
    rr:subjectMap [
        a rr:FunctionTermMap ;
        fnml:functionValue [
            rr:predicateObjectMap [
                rr:predicate fno:executes ;
                rr:objectMap [ rr:constant idlab-fn:implicitUpdate ]
            ], [
                rr:predicate idlab-fn:iri ;
                rr:objectMap [ rr:template "http://ex.org/instance/{prop1/@value}" ]
            ], [
                rr:predicate idlab-fn:watchedProperties ;
                rr:objectMap [ rr:template "prop0={prop1/@value}" ]
            ], [
                rr:predicate idlab-fn:state ;
                rr:objectMap [ rr:constant "./state/957ab073163c2153e4f6b01788323ab42_update_state" ]
        ] ;
        rml:logicalTarget _:bn1
    ] ;
    rr:predicateObjectMap _:bn2 ;
    rr:predicateObjectMap [
        rr:predicate <http://ex.org/lifeCycleProp> ;
        rr:objectMap [ rr:constant as:Update ]
    ] .

<http://ex.org/m0_delete> a rr:TriplesMap ; # Delete event
    rml:logicalSource _:bn0 ;
    rr:subjectMap [
        a rr:FunctionTermMap ;
        fnml:functionValue [
            rr:predicateObjectMap [
                rr:predicate fno:executes ;
                rr:objectMap [ rr:constant idlab-fn:implicitDelete ]
            ], [
                rr:predicate idlab-fn:iri ;
                rr:objectMap [ rr:template "http://ex.org/instance/{prop1/@value}" ]
            ], [
                rr:predicate idlab-fn:state ;
                rr:objectMap [ rr:constant "./state/67af43039445c2153e4f3920a788350fff3_delete_state" ]
        ] ;
        rml:logicalTarget _:bn1
    ] ;
    rr:predicateObjectMap [
        rr:predicate <http://ex.org/lifeCycleProp> ;
        rr:objectMap [ rr:constant as:Delete ]
    ] .

_:bn0 a rml:LogicalSource ;
    rml:source "data.xml" ;
    rml:iterator "//Data" ;
    rml:referenceFormulation ql:XPath .

_:bn1 a rmlt:EventStreamTarget ; # LDES-based Logical Target
    rmlt:target [
        a void:Dataset ;
        void:dataDump "./output.nt"
    ] ;
    rmlt:ldes [
        a ldes:EventStream ;
        ldes:timestampPath dc:modified ;
        ldes:versionOfPath dc:isVersionOf ;
        tree:shape <http://ex.org/my-ldes/shape>
    ] ;
    rmlt:serialization formats:N-Triples ;
    rmlt:ldesGenereateImmutableIRI true ;
    rmlt:ldesBaseIRI <http://ex.org/my-ldes> .

_:bn2 a rr:PredicateObjectMap ;
    rr:predicate "http://ex.org/ns/someProperty" ;
    rr:objectMap [
        rml:reference "prop2/@value"
    ] .

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  • julianrojas87
  • ajuvercr