
1.0.4 • Public • Published

Sass MediaScreen

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Mixins for checking group of devices (mobile, tablet, laptop, desktop) or device by name (iPhone 5, iPhone X, iPhone 11 Pro Max, iPad Pro 12.9, etc). Expandable and very simple for usage.

Helpful Links


Don't check the adaptability in the browser DevTools, there are incorrectly calculated dimensions of the sides in the landscape orientation of the device. It is better to check on a real device or in a simulator (for example, xCode Simulator).

Use group-css-media-queries to optimize media queries. Without it, a lot of the same @media ... code is generated, especially if for the sake of convenience to use the mixin @include device() in each selector separately. Wrapper for Gulp - gulp-group-css-media-queries.

Table of Contents


$ yarn add sass-mediascreen
$ npm install sass-mediascreen
$ curl -O


Include mixins to app:

@import "mediascreen";


It can be used like this:

@include device(iPhone5, portrait) {
    // portrait orientation
    // iPhone 5, iPhone 5s, iPhone 5c, iPhone SE
@include device(iPhone6Plus iPhoneXR, landscape) {
    // landscape orientation
    // iPhone 6+, iPhone 6s+, iPhone 7+, iPhone 8+, iPhone XR, iPhone 11
@include device(iPadPro10 iPadPro11 iPadPro12) {
    // all orientations
    // iPad Pro 10.5, iPad Pro 11, iPad Pro 12.9

Or like this:

@include device(desktop) {
    // all orientations
    // desktop
@include device(mobile tablet laptop, landscape) {
    // landscape orientation
    // mobile, tablet, laptop

Or even like this:

@include device(mobile-landscape tablet laptop) {
    // landscape orientation
    // mobile

    // all orientations
    // tablet, laptop
@include device(mobile-landscape tablet laptop, portrait) {
    // landscape orientation
    // mobile

    // portrait orientation
    // tablet, laptop

There are also common mixins:

@include screen(min-width, max-width, orientation) {/*...*/}
@include min-screen(width) {/*...*/}
@include max-screen(width) {/*...*/}

@include screen-height(min-height, max-height, orientation) {/*...*/}
@include min-screen-height(height) {/*...*/}
@include max-screen-height(height) {/*...*/}

@include landscape() {/*...*/}
@include portrait() {/*...*/}

List of supported devices:


  • Mobiles 320-767px mobile mobile-portrait mobile-landscape
  • Tablets 768-1023px tablet tablet-portrait tablet-landscape
  • Laptops 1024-1199px laptop laptop-portrait laptop-landscape
  • Desktop >=1200px desktop desktop-portrait desktop-landscape


  • iPhone 5, 5s, 5c, SE iphone5 iphone5s iphone5c iphonese
  • iPhone 6, 6s, 7, 8 iphone6 iphone6s iphone7 iphone8
  • iPhone 6+, 6s+, 7+, 8+ iphone6plus iphone6splus iphone7plus iphone8plus
  • iPhone X, XS, 11 Pro iphonex iphonexs iphone11pro
  • iPhone XR, 11 iphonexr iphone11
  • iPhone XS Max, 11 Pro Max iphonexsmax iphone11promax
  • iPhone 12, 12 Pro, 13, 13 Pro iphone12 iphone12pro iphone13 iphone13pro
  • iPhone 12 mini, 13 mini iphone12mini iphone13mini
  • iPhone 12 Pro Max, 13 Pro Max iphone12promax iphone13promax


  • iPad 1, 2, Mini, Air ipad1 ipad2 ipadmini ipadair
  • iPad 3, 4, Pro 9.7" ipad3 ipad4 ipadpro9
  • iPad Pro 10.5" ipadpro10
  • iPad Pro 11.0" ipadpro11


  • iPad Pro 12.9" ipadpro12

Well, Yes. iPad Pro 12.9" is a laptop because of its size.

Expanding the list of devices:

You can add support for custom devices or group of devices without editing the source. Before @import "mediascreen", you must specify $ms-devices variable with a list of additional devices:

$ms-devices: (
    desktop-sm: (
        group: true, // group of devices
        min: 1200px,
        max: 1919px,
    desktop-md: (
        group: true, // group of devices
        min: 1920px,
        max: 2879px,
    desktop-lg: (
        group: true, // group of devices
        min: 2880px,
    pixel2xl: (
        group: false, // specific device
        width: 411px, // or 412px?..
        height: 823px,
        pixel-ratio: 3.5,
    macbook12: (
        group: false, // specific device
        orientation: landscape,
        width: 1440px,
        height: 900px,
        pixel-ratio: 2,
    imac27: (
        group: false, // specific device
        orientation: landscape,
        width: 5120px,
        height: 2880px,



This software is open-source licensed under the MIT license.

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