
1.0.1 • Public • Published

Jello for Sharepoint Lists

Jello is built to consume Sharepoint REST API for list manipulation. I try my best to keep each and every release clean by shipping few but robust features. You are still bound to notice a few issues or limitations. Please use the github issue list to add any issues or features you would like to have in Jello.

Why use Jello?

Jello is designed to make developing on Sharepoint lists using REST API fun. It is attempt to help developers build apps (esp. single page applications) that work with Sharepoint lists focus on business logic.

Top features

  • Automated call for X-RequestDigest
  • Method chaining for list queries
  • Easily page through list query results (paging support)

Getting started

Jello is easy to use. With the first few releases we are focusing on REST API with Sharepoint lists only. Jello has a dependency on jQuery. Make sure you have jQuery loaded in your page before starting to consume Jello.

Get it from NPM

npm install sp-jello

PS: note that if you are using Jello from NPM then you do not need to include jquery as Jello has a listed dependency to it.

Initialize on a site

To initialize Jello on a Sharepoint site, you need to provide the siteUrl. The returned Jello object can then be used to perform operations on the web, list, list items etc.

var Jello = new Jello("https://contoso.sharepoint/sites/mysubsite");

Require it

const JelloLib = require('sp-jello');
var Jello = new JelloLib("https://contoso.sharepoint/sites/mysubsite");

Perform operations on list items.

To perform operations on list items you need to provide the list name and list options. The returned Jello object can then be used to perform operations on list items.

var TaskList = Jello.ListItems({
    name: "TaskList",
    contentType: "SP.Data.TaskListListItem"

Get list items Jello.ListItems.get


top: optional If top is passed, those number of results will be queried from list. Uses $top.


jQuery promise object.

TaskList.get().then(function (resp) {
    console.log("List results", resp);
}, function (err) {
    console.error("Failed because", err);
// Gets 500 items
    console.log("Items", items);
function (err) {
    console.log("Error fetching items", err);

Get list item Jello.ListItems.getById


ID: If item's ID is provided get will return a single list item.


jQuery promise object.

    console.log("Item", item);
function (err) {
    console.log("Error fetching item", err);

Create list item Jello.ListItems.add


item: Object denoting list item to be added


jQuery promise object.

    Title: "Get eggs",
    Status: false
}).done(function (resp) {
    console.log("Added", resp);
}).fail(function (err) {
    console.log("Failed because", err);

Update list item Jello.ListItems.update


ID: List item ID item: Object carrying properties that need to be updated along with their desired values etag: optional Provides a way to verify that the object being changed has not been changed since it was last retrieved. If not provided, item properties will be overwritten.


jQuery promise object.

TaskList.update(12, {
    Title: "Get 8 eggs"
    console.log("Successfully updated");
function(err) {
    console.log("Err updating", err);

Delete list item Jello.ListItems.remove


ID: List item ID etag: optional Provides a way to verify that the object being changed has not been changed since it was last retrieved.


jQuery promise object.

    console.log("Successfully deleted");
function(err) {
    console.log("Err deleting", err);

Query list items Jello.ListItems.query


filter: OData filter string


jQuery promise object.

TaskList.query("$filter=Status eq 1&$top=500").then(function(results){
    console.log("Query results", results);
function(err) {
    console.log("Err querying", err);

Method chaining

Adopting a developer friendly pattern to make list queries. From Jello 0.3 method chaining is supported.

    .where("Status eq 0").get(4)
    console.log("Method chain result", res);
}, function (err) {
    console.log("Error method chain", err);

Jello.get executes the constructed query. The top parameter can be passed to specific the number of items desired.

Supported methods

  • Jello.where appends $filter
  • Jello.select appends $select
  • Jello.orderBy appends $orderby
  • Jello.expand appends $expand

For OData query reference, check https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/office/fp142385.aspx

Perform Operations On The Term Store

To perform Operations on the term store you need to provide the terms store name as an initialization parameter for Jello.Taxonomy. The returned Jello object can then be used to perform further operations on the term store.

var Taxonomy = Jello.Taxonomy({
    TermStore: "Taxonomy_14JlqlrzpVZ5lhPOPq0MnA=="


Ensure that SP.Taxonomy.js is loaded before initializing Jello.Taxonomy

Get all terms Jello.Taxonomy.getAllTerms


The GUID of the term set to fetch all terms from


An enumerable object of the terms. Below is an example of how you can read the returned terms.

    .done(function(terms) {
        var termEnumerator = terms.getEnumerator();
            var currentTerm = termEnumerator.get_current();
            //Do more with the currentTerm
    }).fail(function(err) {

Create a new group in the term strore Jello.Taxonomy.addTermGroup


Name represents the name of the group. The GUID represents the GUID of the term group to set.


The newly created group.

        Name: "New group",
        GUID: "3927987b-2633-4bca-965e-48852700a623"
    .done(function(data) {
    }).fail(function(err) {

Add term set to a term group Jello.Taxonomy.addTermSet


GroupGUID : The GUID of the group to which the term set needs to be added. TermSetName : The name of the term set. TermSetGUID : The GUID to associate with the newly created term set. TermSetLCID : the LCID of the term set (eg. 1033, 1043)


The newly created term set.

        GroupGUID: "3927987b-2633-4bca-965e-48852700a623",
        TermSetName: "New Term Set",
        TermSetGUID: "e896bb20-acac-4f30-8dc5-838467362776",
        TermSetLCID: 1033
    .done(function(data) {
    .fail(function (err) {

Add term to a term set Jello.Taxonomy.addTerm


TermSetGUID : The GUID of the term set to which the term needs to be added. TermName : The name of the term. TermGUID : The GUID to associate with the term. TermLCID : The LCID of the term.


        TermSetGUID: "e896bb20-acac-4f30-8dc5-838467362776",
        TermName: "New Term",
        TermGUID: "1deb5f7c-59d3-41b3-9a2e-b0e07446494e",
        TermLCID: 1033
    .done(function(data) {
        console.log("All Done");
    .fail(function (err) {

Perform Operations On Web

To perform operations on the web you need to provide the site to Jello.Web. The returned object can then be used to perform further operations on the web.

var JelloWeb = Jello.Web({site: "https://contoso.sharepoint.com/sites/mysite"})

Add a subsite


siteUrl : The url of the subsite. siteName : The name of subsite siteDescription : The description for the subsite. siteTemplate : The template to use. For example sts. Language : The language to use for the subsite. Refer to Jello.Constants for a list of possible languages. uniquePermissions : A boolean representing if the site uses unique permissions.


jQuery promise object

  siteUrl: "mysite",
  siteName: "My Site's Name",
  siteDescription: "This is the description that explains how to use this site.",
  siteTemplate: "sts",
  Language : Jello.Constants.Language.English,
  uniquePermissions: false

Perform Operations On Lists

To perform operations on the list you need to provide the site to Jello.List. The returned object can then be used to perform further operations on the list.

var JelloList = Jello.List({site: "https://contoso.sharepoint.com/sites/mysite"})

Add a list


AllowContentTypes : A boolean value to indicate if content types are allowed on the list. BaseTemplate : The template to use to create this list. For a list of possible values refer to Jello.Constatns.Lists. ContentTypesEnabled: A boolean to indicate if content type management is enabled. Description : The description of the list. Title : The title of the list.


jQuery promise object

  AllowContentTypes : true,
  BaseTemplate : Jello.Constants.List.Template.Tasks,
  ContentTypesEnabled: true,
  Description : "This is the description",
  Title : "My Task List"


This code is available to you as is without any warranties. It can do wonders, or shatter your dreams to pieces. The developers take no liability.

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npm i sp-jello

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  • tanmaydharmaraj