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Use the NEW powerfull html-bundler-webpack-plugin


1.0.2 • Public • Published

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The plugin generates an asset manifest and replaces the original file names with hashed version in HTML and assets.
The plugin work in Webpack 5.


  • generates assets manifest file as JSON, same as other similar plugins
  • replace original file names to hashed version in HTML, CSS, JS
  • exclude hashing of file names, defined in webpack config entry
  • user hook at excluding a file
  • user hook at hashing of file name
  • user hook at saving manifest file where manifest data can be modified


npm install webpack-versioning-plugin --save-dev

Optional, if you use a template by webpack, install the package npm install html-webpack-plugin --save-dev.


The example of an application structure.

description variable in
webpack config
absolute path
the application base path basePath /srv/vhost/
the web root path webRootPath /srv/vhost/
the webpack output path outputPath /srv/vhost/
the application source path /srv/vhost/

The example of file structure in the application path /srv/vhost/

|  ├--index.html
|  ├--script.js
|  ├--script-worker.js
|  ├--style.css
|  └--style-component.css

The example of a webpack.config.js file:

const path = require('path');
const HtmlWebpackPlugin = require('html-webpack-plugin');
const MiniCssExtractPlugin = require('mini-css-extract-plugin');
const WebpackVersioningPlugin = require('webpack-versioning-plugin');

// The absolute path to the base directory of application.
const basePath = path.resolve(__dirname);
// The absolute path to the directory that contains the web application files such as: index.html.
const webRootPath = path.join(basePath, 'public/');
// The public URL of the output directory when referenced in a browser. It should be relative by webRootPath path.
const publicPath = '/assets/';
// The absolute output path of assets.
const outputPath = path.join(webRootPath, publicPath);

// The minimal required options of plugin.
const webpackVersioningOptions = {
    publicPath: publicPath,

module.exports  = {
    entry: {
        'script': './src/script.js',
        'script-worker': './src/script-worker.js',
        'style': './src/style.css',
        'style-component': './src/style-component.css',
    output: {
        path: outputPath,
        filename: '[name].[contenthash].js',
        chunkFilename: '[id].[contenthash].js',

    plugins: [
        new MiniCssExtractPlugin({
            filename: '[name].[contenthash].css',
            chunkFilename: '[id].[contenthash].css',

        new HtmlWebpackPlugin({
            filename: path.join(webRootPath, '/index.html'),
            template: './src/index.html',
            inject: false

        new WebpackVersioningPlugin(webpackVersioningOptions),

    module: {
        rules: [
                test: /\.css$/,
                use: [

Optional you can use the plugin webpack-remove-empty-scripts to remove generated empty js files by usage only styles in entry.

Source ./src/index.html

        <link type="text/css" href="/assets/style.css">
        <script src="/assets/script.js"></script>
        Hello world!

or Pug template ./src/index.pug

        link(type="text/css" href="/assets/style.css")
        | Hello world!

By usage the Pug install packages npm install pug pug-loader --save-dev and add to webpack config:

module.exports  = {
    plugins: [
        new HtmlWebpackPlugin({
            filename: path.join(webRootPath, '/index.html'),
            template: './src/index.pug',
            inject: false
    module: {
        rules: [
                test: /\.pug$/,
                loader: 'pug-loader'

Source ./src/style.css

@import url("//assets/style-component.css");

body {
    background: red;

Source ./src/script.js

const myWorker = new Worker("/assets/script-worker.js");
myWorker.postMessage(["Message posted to worker."]);

The webpack compile template to the web root directory /srv/vhost/ and assets to the output directory /srv/vhost/

An example of the structure of compiled files:

|  ├--assets/
|  |  ├--.assets-manifest.json
|  |  ├
|  |  ├
|  |  ├
|  |  └
|  └--index.html

Generated assets manifest file ./public/assets/.assets-manifest.json:

  "/assets/script.js": "/assets/script.666f2b8847021ccc7608.js",
  "/assets/script-worker.js": "/assets/script-worker.21ccc7608666f2b88470.js",
  "/assets/style.css": "/assets/style.777312cffc01c1457868.css",
  "/assets/style-component.css": "/assets/style.01c1457868777312cffc.css"

Compiled template with replaced versioned files ./public/index.html:

        <link type="text/css" href="/assets/">
        <script src="/assets/"></script>
        Hello world!

Compiled style with replaced versioned file ./public/assets/

@import url("//assets/");

body {
    background: red;

Compiled script with replaced versioned file ./public/assets/

const myWorker = new Worker("/assets/");
myWorker.postMessage(["Message posted to worker."]);



Type: Boolean
Default: true
Note: if is false then manifest file will be generated as empty json object {}.

In development mode not need generates a manifest file and compile assets with versioned names. In this case should be false.
The option can be defined as: enabled: process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production'.


Type: String
Default: <webpack-config>.output.publicPath
Note: defaults, the option output.publicPath by webpack config is undefined. The publicPath must be defined either by webpack config or by the option.

The public URL of the output directory when referenced in a browser. Usually it is /assets/, /build/, /dist/, etc. where webpack output compiled entries. This is relative path by web root directory.


Type: String
Default: .assets-manifest.json
Note: the file name should begin with . to prevent access via URL, e.g. from web crawler or indexer. The file name should be different from manifest.json to prevent confusion when working with Web app manifests or WebExtension manifests.

The file name to save generated assets manifest as JSON object.
Defaults, the file name will be saved in publicPath. An absolute path is possible.


Type: Array<RegExp | String>
Default: []
Note: The value must be as relative URL of excluded file, e.g.:

exclude: [
    '/assets/lib/excluded-file.js', // exact this file will be excluded
    new RegExp('\/assets\/lib\/'), // all files from /assets/lib/* will be excluded

Exclude hashing of file names, defined in webpack config entry. This can be useful, for example, by compiling an asset from a library without using the version in the file name.


Type: Boolean
Default: true

Enable/disable replacing original file names to versioned in HTML files defined in webpack plugin HtmlWebpackPlugin(..).


Type: Boolean
Default: true

Enable/disable replacing original file names to versioned in assets defined in webpack entries.


Type: Boolean
Default: false

Enable/disable output logging information. Useful by development mode.


Type: Object<Function>

hooks: {
    exclude: (compilation, file, assetInfo) => true,
    contentHash: (compilation, file, assetInfo) => true,
    done: (file, data) => data

The hook exclude(compilation, file, assetInfo): Boolean will be called before exclude an entry file.

  • {Object} compilation The compilation object of webpack.
  • {String} file The file name of entry.
  • {Object} assetInfo The information from manifest.

Return: {Boolean} If return false then not exclude the file.

The hook contentHash(compilation, file, assetInfo): Boolean will be called before add a hashed file name to manifest.

  • {Object} compilation The compilation object of webpack.
  • {String} file The file name of entry.
  • {Object} assetInfo The information from manifest.

Return: {Boolean} If return false then not add the file to manifest.

The hook done(file, data): Boolean | Object will be called before write the manifest to file.

  • {String} file The absolute path to manifest file.
  • {Object} data The JSON data of asset manifest. You can manipulate with data (add, remove) and returned data will be saved.

Return: {Boolean | Object} If return false then not save the file, if return JSON then returned data will be saved to manifest file.

The argument object assetInfo:

  • {String} source The original file name that used in HTML, CSS, JS, e.g. /assets/script.js.
  • {String} target The versioned file name, e.g. /assets/script.666f2b8847021ccc7608.js.
  • {String} contentHash The hash part of versioned file name, e.g. 666f2b8847021ccc7608.


If you have any useful ideas to improve the plugin please let me know :-)

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  • webdiscus