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This yqlp module is a YQL client for node.js inspired by the node-yql module by Derek Gathright.

This fork builds upon the previous work primarily through the introduction of YQL.execp that returns a promise rather than using a callback.


Aside from adding promises, the main YQL.exec signature has been modified to more closely follow the Continuation-passing Style (CPS), or callback pattern used by most of the node community.

For a nice introduction to the node callback convention I recommend reading the post, Callback conventions in node.js, how and why

  • The callback function is now the last argument passed to YQL.exec()
  • The callback function uses the standard nodejs pattern of callback(error, result)
  • The callback parameter is mandatory on the YQL.exec() method
  • New helper method YQL.execp() - doesn't take a callback, but returns a Q promise, see: https://github.com/kriskowal/q/

What is YQL?

Yahoo! Query Language is an expressive SQL-like language that lets you query, filter, and join data across Web services. With YQL, apps run faster with fewer lines of code and a smaller network footprint.

Yahoo! and other websites across the Internet make much of their structured data available to developers, primarily through Web services. To access and query these services, developers traditionally endure the pain of locating the right URLs and documentation to access and query each Web service.

With YQL, developers can access and shape data across the Internet through one simple language, eliminating the need to learn how to call different APIs.

Example YQL Queries

  • SELECT * FROM weather.forecast WHERE woeid=28341390 AND u='c';
  • SELECT * FROM flickr.photos.search WHERE text="Cat" and api_key="your key here" LIMIT 10;
  • SELECT * FROM contentanalysis.analyze WHERE url="http://www.complispace.com.au";
  • SELECT title,link FROM feed WHERE url='http://complispace.wordpress.com/feed/'

You may find more examples at the YQL console

Installing yqlp

First, make sure you have Node installed. You can find instructions for installing it at http://nodejs.org/#download

With Node installed, you can install the yqlp module 2 ways:

  1. The easiest method is to use NPM, node's package manager. Once you have NPM installed, simply run:

    $ npm install yqlp

  2. Or, you can clone the github repository, and just be sure you add this module's path to the $NODE_PATH env variable

    $ git clone https://github.com/alchemycs/yqlp.git

Use within Node

Basic examples (npm run-script examples):

var YQL = require('yqlp');
//Example #1 - Parameter Binding using callback
YQL.exec("SELECT * FROM weather.forecast WHERE woeid=@woeid AND u='c'", { woeid:28341390 }, function(error, response) {
    if (error) {
        console.log('Ut oh! Example #1 has messed up:', error);
    } else {
        var results = response.query.results;
        var output = util.format('Example #1, The current weather in %s, %s is %s%s and %s',
// Example #2 - Parameter binding + SSL
YQL.exec("SELECT * FROM weather.forecast WHERE woeid=@woeid AND u='c'", { woeid:1105779 }, { ssl: true }, function(error, response) {
    if (error) {
        console.log('Ut oh! Example #2 has messed up:', error);
    } else {
        var results = response.query.results;
        var output = util.format('Example #2, The current weather in %s, %s is %s%s and %s',
//Example #3 - Parameter Binding using promise
YQL.execp("SELECT * FROM weather.forecast WHERE woeid=@woeid AND u='c'", { woeid:2348079 })
.then(function(response) {
    var results = response.query.results;
    var output = util.format('Example #3, The current weather in %s, %s is %s%s and %s',
}, function(error) {
    console.log('Ut oh! Example #3 has messed up:', error);
// Example #4 - Parameter binding + SSL with promise
YQL.execp("SELECT * FROM weather.forecast WHERE woeid=@woeid AND u='c'", { woeid:56504010 }, { ssl: true })
.then(function(response) {
    var results = response.query.results;
    var output = util.format('Example #4, The current weather in %s, %s is %s%s and %s',
}, function(error) {
    console.log('Ut oh! Example #4 has messed up:', error);


function exec (string query [, object params] [, object httpOptions] [, function callback(error, result) ])

  • query - A YQL query
  • params - Optional parameters for use within the YQL request querystring. Typical uses; including environment files, variable replacement within the YQL statement.
  • httpOptions - Additional HTTP options
    • ssl: A boolean true/false flag to enable HTTPS (default: false)
    • Any valid HTTP header
  • callback - A callback function that receives the result of the query. The value error is set if something went wrong, otherwise result contains the response


promise object function execp (string query [, object params] [, object httpOptions])

  • query - A YQL query
  • params - Optional parameters for use within the YQL request querystring. Typical uses; including environment files, variable replacement within the YQL statement.
  • httpOptions - Additional HTTP options
    • ssl: A boolean true/false flag to enable HTTPS (default: false)
    • Any valid HTTP header
  • return - A promise object. See http://documentup.com/kriskowal/q/ for more infomation.

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  • alchemycs