
0.1.0-beta.11 • Public • Published


Web app packages, all in 1 without bloating.

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Yet another customized react-scripts, with minimal dependencies and customizations for building web apps.


After ejecting from create-react-app, we gain full control of everything, and we must manage all of them. There's no way back.

Instead of no configuration, we write minimal configurations only for customized parts.


  • React, Redux, Sass
  • One Dependency: Essential elements to build web applications are provided.
  • Good Defaults: Start with almost no configurations.
  • Smart Configuration: Customize without entire configurations, write configurations only for needed parts and customize easily.
  • Keep updated: since there's no ejection, we can simply upgrade this package.
  • Tiny Bundle Size: Dependencies are carefully chosen to avoid bloating, tree shakable packages are used if possible.
  • Offline Ready: Assets are cached for offline use and manifest.json is generated for adding to the home screen.

Getting Started

Make sure yarn is installed, it's required to enable PnP at this time.

PnP is ⚡lighting fast⚡, you should try it!

Create the project directory:

mkdir my-web-app
cd my-web-app
yarn init -y
yarn add -D web-app-tools

And these files:


  "name": "my-app",
  "version": "0.0.1",
  "description": "My App",
  "scripts": {
    "start": "webpack-dev-server",
    "build": "rimraf www/*js && webpack -p",
    "pretest": "npm run build",
    "test": "nyc --instrument false --source-map false -r text -r html -r json -r lcovonly node test"
  "license": "Unlicensed",
  "installConfig": {
    "pnp": true
  "devDependencies": {
    "rimraf": "^2.6.2",
    "web-app-tools": "next",
    "webpack": "^4.26.1",
    "webpack-dev-server": "^0.4.2"

Use webpackConfig to generate webpack options:


const {webpackConfig} = require('web-app-tools')
module.exports = webpackConfig({name: 'My Web App'})

Top-level component:


import {h} from 'web-app-tools'
const app = () =>
    <h1>My App</h1>
export default app

Entry file, start the app with HMR enabled:


import {h, startApp, enableHMR} from 'web-app-tools'
import app from './app'
const wrapped = module.hot? enableHMR(app, replaceApp =>
  module.hot.accept('./app', () => replaceApp(app))
): app

Start development server:

npm start

Go to http://localhost:8080 and start hacking!


startApp(app, options)

Render the app into DOM, and wire up HMR in development environment.

app is the top level component of the app.


  • container: DOM element (or CSS selector) to be mounted, default is #root.
  • env: Target window to render, default is window. Inject DOM mocks when using server-side rendering.


Wrap a component, re-render with edited component when the module is built.

  • init(replaceApp): Callback function to setup HMR.


Return a Webpack config object.

Things removed:

  • case-sensitive-paths-webpack-plugin
  • postcss-safe-parser
  • react-dev-utils
    • InlineChunkHtmlPlugin
    • InterpolateHtmlPlugin
    • WatchMissingNodeModulesPlugin
    • ModuleScopePlugin
    • getCSSModuleLocalIdent

Things added:

  • PnP
  • pwa-utils for manifest.json and index.html


  • name: Name of the application, will appear as tab title and home screen app name.

Optional Options

  • outputPath: output.path of Webpack, default to www for Cordova.
  • webApp: Options for generating manifest.json
  • workbox: Options for GenerateSW plugin from workbox-webpack-plugin
  • env: Names of used environment variables, will be passed to EnvironmentPlugin

Babel Options

Option of JSX is {pragma: 'h', pragmaFrag: 'fragment'}, import h and fragment to use JSX.

import {h, fragment} from 'web-app-tools'
const MyComponent = () =>
    <h1>My Component</h1>

Redux Bindings

Provider to use Redux with Hooks.

<StoreProvider reducer={{}} initialState={{}} actions={[]}>

Create a Redux store and make it available to nested components, and wire up HMR in development environment.


  • reducer (function): The reducer function.
  • reducer (object): See combineReducers.
  • initialState
  • actions: Additional actions to populate initial state.
  • init(replaceReducer): Setup HMR,


import reducers from './reducers'
const init = replaceReducer =>
  module.hot.accept('./reducers', replaceReducer)
const app = () =>
  <StoreProvider reducers={reducers} init={init}>
    <App />
export default app


Get the store object.

useStoreState(selector, props)

Subscribe to store updates. returns the object selector returned.

selector is the function to derive data from state.

Every time the store is updated, selector is called to get derived data, and initiate update of the component if derived data is changed(shallow equality).

If selector returned with new objects, then the component will update on every store update. So selector should compose result with objects from state, or use reselect.

The Stack

Redux binding, routing, shared state and some essential features, all integrated into one provider, and completely opted-in.

<StackProvider reducer={{}} initialState={{}} actions={[]}>

Replace <StoreProvider> with this to enable following features.


Declarative routing like React Router, provides minimal features and costs minimal.

<Route path="/" exact render={}>

<NavLink to="/" type="a" others={}>


An action creator for history.push().

to is same as to of <NavLink>.

Shared State

Shared state with minimal code, managed by Redux.

Data is modeled as collections of documents, you can store data to state and retrieve it.

A collection is an ordered set of documents of the same type, a document can be referenced by many collections.

A document is an serializable JavaScript object that have unique id (among objects of the same type).

Avoid relying on state shape, it might change, always retrieve collections from the state with selectors.

[state, setState] = useSharedState(id, initialValue)

Global version of useState, state value is shared across components.

On first render, state will be set to initialValue if the value in the state is undefined.


const PriceInput = () => {
  const [price, setPrice] = useSharedState('price', 0)
  return (
    <input type="number" value={price} onChange={e => setPrice(e.target.value)} />
const AmountInput = () => {
  const [amount, setAmount] = useSharedState('amount', 0)
  return (
    <input type="number" value={amount} onChange={e => setAmount(e.target.value)} />
const SubTotal = () => {
  const [price] = useSharedState('price')
  const [amount] = useSharedState('amount')
  return price * amount
const Order = () =>
    <PriceInput />
    <AmountInput />
  <div>Sub total: <SubTotal /> </div>

getDocument({type='app', id='shared'})

Get document values of specified type and id.

getCollection(state, {type, name='default'})

Get collection of specified name, returns a list of id and an object contains values of each id


useStoreState(state => {
  # Get all users
  const users = getCollection(state, {name: 'user'})
  /* returns
    byId: {
      2: {
        id: 2,
        name: 'alice'
      3: {
        id: 3,
        name: 'bob'
    documents: [2, 3]  

updateDocument({type='app', id='shared', values})

Update specified document in state, will merge and overwrite existing values.

replaceCollection({name='default', type='app', documents})

type can be omitted when replacing existing collections.

const {dispatch} = useStore()
// Update posts
  name: 'posts',
  type: 'post',
  documents: [{
    id: 'post1',
    body: '...'
  }, {
    id: 'post2',
    body: '...'

Visual Effects

<CountTo value="0" step="1">

Renders a numbers that counts up from 0.


Wrap nested elements with <div>, add active class only when the element is scrolled above of fold.




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