TypeScript icon, indicating that this package has built-in type declarations

23.7.23 • Public • Published
Insitux logo Extensible scripting language written in portable TypeScript.
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Exposed are invoke() and invokeFunction(). Both require a Ctx instance, along with a generated source ID.
Further explanation can be found in the docstring of most functions and types like invoke, Ctx, symbols, etc.

export type Ctx = {
  set: (key: string, val: Val) => undefined | string;
  get: (key: string) => ValOrErr;
  exe: (name: string, args: Val[]) => ValOrErr;
  functions: ExternalFunction[];
  print: (str: string, withNewline: boolean) => void;
  env: Env;
  loopBudget: number;
  rangeBudget: number;
  callBudget: number;
  recurBudget: number;
  • set and get should be used to directly write/read values in your game.
  • functions lets you define your own Insitux functions, with the same arity and type-checking as internal operations!
  • exe is used to handle function calls any time Insitux fails to dereference an expression head as something internal or previously defined through Ctx.functions[]. For example (abc 123), unless abc is an already defined let/var/function it will call exe with abc as name, and [{t: "num" v: 123}] as args.
  • print is called when print or print-str is used within Insitux
  • env persists user defined variables and functions.
  • The budgets set a limit on looping, range creation, function calls and explicit recurs. This will vary between games so start with a safe 1000 and increase steadily.

If anybody could improve this guide please make a PR!

Various examples

; Test if 2D point is inside 2D area
(function inside-2d? X Y areaX areaY areaW areaH
  (and (<= areaX X (+ areaX areaW))
       (<= areaY Y (+ areaY areaH))))

(inside-2d? 50 50 0 0 100 100)  → true
(inside-2d? 50 150 0 0 100 100) → false

; Recursive Fibonacci solver
(function fib n
  (if (< n 2) n
      (+ (fib (dec n))
         (fib (- n 2)))))

(fib 13) → 233

; and iterative

(function fib n
  (when (zero? n) (return 0))
  (let a 1 b 0)
  (loop n i
    (let t (+ a b) a b b t)))

(fib 35) → 9227465

; FizzBuzz with match syntax
(function fizzbuzz n
  (match (map (rem n) [3 5])
    [0 0] "FizzBuzz"
    [0 _] "Fizz"
    [_ 0] "Buzz"

(map fizzbuzz (range 10 16))
→ ["Buzz" 11 "Fizz" 13 14 "FizzBuzz"]

; Filter for vectors and strings above a certain length
(filter 2 [[1] [:a :b :c] "hello" "hi"])
→ [[:a :b :c] "hello"]

; Flatten a vector one level deep
(.. .. vec [[0 1] 2 3 [4 5]])
→ [0 1 2 3 4 5]

; Triple every vector item, four different ways
(for * [0 1 2 3 4] [3])
(map #(* 3 %) [0 1 2 3 4])
(map @(* 3) [0 1 2 3 4])
(map (* 3) [0 1 2 3 4])
→ [0 3 6 9 12]

; Primes calculator
  (fn primes num
    (if (find zero? (map (rem num) primes))
      (append num primes)))
  (range 3 1000))

; Generate random strong password
(-> #(map rand-int [97 65 48 33] [123 91 58 48])
    (times 4)
    (map char-code)
    (.. str))

→ "d$W1iP*tO9'V9(y8"

; Palindrome checker
;Note: returning non-false or non-null is truthy in Insitux
(function palindrome? x
  (.. and (map = x (reverse x))))
(function palindrome? x
  (= x (reverse x))) ;Works even for vectors due to deep equality checks

(palindrome? "aabbxbbaa") → true
(palindrome? "abcd")      → false
(palindrome? [0 1 2])     → false
(palindrome? [2 1 2])     → true

; Matrix addition, subtraction, transposition
(var A [[3  8] [4  6]]
     B [[4  0] [1 -9]])

(map (map +) A B)
→ [[7 8] [5 -3]]

(var M [[2 -4] [7 10]])

(map (map -) M)
→ [[-2 4] [-7 -10]]

(var M [[0 1 2] [3 4 5]])

(@(.. map vec) M)
→ [[0 3] [1 4] [2 5]]

; Find first repeated letter
(function find-two-in-row text
  (-> (map (.. ==) text (skip 1 text))
      (find val)))

(find-two-in-row "Hello") → "l"

; Add thousands separator
(var thousands (comp str reverse (partition 3) reverse (join ",")))
(thousands 1234567890) → "1,432,765,098"

; Clojure's comp
(function comp f
  (let funcs (sect args))
  #(do (let 1st (... f args))
       (reduce #(%1 %) 1st funcs)))

(map (comp + inc) [0 1 2 3 4] [0 1 2 3 4])
→ [1 3 5 7 9]

; Time a function call
(function measure
  (let [start result end] [(time) (... . args) (time)])
  (str result " took " (- end start) "ms"))

(measure fib 35)
→ "9227465 took 22914ms"

;Insitux quine
(#(join(char-code 34)[% %(char-code 41)])"(#(join(char-code 34)[% %(char-code 41)])")
→ (#(join(char-code 34)[% %(char-code 41)])"(#(join(char-code 34)[% %(char-code 41)])")

; Display the Mandelbrot fractal as ASCII
(function mandelbrot width height depth
  (.. str (for #(do
    (let c_re (/ (* (- % (/ width 2)) 4) width)
         c_im (/ (* (- %1 (/ height 2)) 4) width))
    (let x 0 y 0 i 0)
    (while (and (<= (+ (** x) (** y)) 4)
                (< i depth))
      (let x2 (+ c_re (- (** x) (** y)))
           y  (+ c_im (* 2 x y))
           x  x2
           i  (inc i)))
    (str ((zero? %) "\n" "") (i "ABCDEFGHIJ ")))
    (range width) (range height))))

(mandelbrot 56 32 10)

; Convert nested arrays and dictionaries into HTML
(function vec->html v
  (if! (vec? v) (return v))
  (let [tag attr] v
       from-key   @((key? %) (-> % str sect))
       has-attr   (dict? attr)
       make-attr  (fn [k v] (str " " (from-key k) "=\"" v "\""))
       attr       (if has-attr (map make-attr attr) "")
       tag        (from-key tag)
       body       (sect v (has-attr 2 1))
       body       (map vec->html body))
  (if (["link" "meta" "input" "img"] tag)
    (.. str "<" tag attr " />")
    (.. str "<" tag attr ">" body "</" tag ">")))

    [:h2 "Hello"]
    [:p "PI is " [:b (round 2 PI)] "."]
    [:p "Find out about Insitux on "
       [:a {:href "https://insitux.github.io"}
→ "<div><h2>Hello</h2><p>PI is <b>3.14</b>.</p><p>Find out about Insitux on <a href=\"https://insitux.github.io\">Github</a></p></div>"

; Neural network for genetic algorithms with two hidden layers
(function sigmoid (/ 1 (inc (** E (neg %)))))
(function m (< .8 (rand)))

(function make-brain  num-in num-out num-hid
  (let make-neuron #{:bias 0 :weights (repeat 1 %)})
  [(repeat (make-neuron num-in)  num-hid)
   (repeat (make-neuron num-hid) num-hid)
   (repeat (make-neuron num-hid) num-out)])

(function mutate  brain
  (let mutate-neuron
    #{:bias    ((m) (rand -2 2) (:bias %))
      :weights (map @((m) (rand -1 1)) (:weights %))})
  (map (map mutate-neuron) brain))

(function neuron-think  inputs neuron
  (let weighted (map * (:weights neuron) inputs)
       avg      (average weighted))
  (sigmoid (+ avg (:bias neuron))))

(function think  brain inputs
  (reduce (fn in layer (map @(neuron-think in) layer))
          inputs brain))

(var brain (mutate (make-brain 5 5 5)))
(-> (repeat #(rand-int) 5)
   @(think brain)
    (map @(round 2)))
→ [0.23 0.41 0.63 0.64 0.57]


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