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Utilities for functional programming with asynchronous JavaScript data (using async iterators). Use functional programming operations on async data (for example, streams)!

Of course it's possible to just build up the raw data from an async generator or stream and then apply functional operations synchronously. However, for large sets of data this can require significant amounts of memory. This library operates on the data stream as it flows, applying the reduce operations to one piece of data at a time over time -- so only the final transformed data is stored as a single blob in memory.

You can have your (functional) cake and still use memory-saving async techniques!


import { compose, filter, map } from 'async-generator-functional-utils';

// Get some "async" data using an async generator
async function* count() {
  for await (const a of [8, 9, 10, 11, 12]) {
    yield a;

// Use `compose` to combine functional operations
const result = await compose(
  // `filter` takes a filter function and only passes through
  // values that match the filter criteria
  filter((value) => value > 10),
  // `map` passes through each value, transformed by the map operation
  map((value) => value + 1)
)(count() /* call generator function here */);

// result === [12, 13]


compose(...reducers)(iterator): Promise<Array|Object>

The compose function is the core of the library. Use compose to specify the iterator (usually created by a function* generator) whose data will be transformed, and the functional operations to apply to that data.

As pieces of data are pushed out by the iterator, compose calls the reducers one-by-one with each new piece of data. Reducers are chained, so the output of the first reducer (applied to the value) is passed to the next reducer as the input value. The accumulated result of the final reducer is eventually returned (once all iterations are complete).

compose is a higher-order function -- it creates a composed function of functional operations. You call that function, passing it a generator function (the "data source"), and it returns a Promise that is resolved when the generator returns an iterator with done: true:

async function* myGenerator() { /*...*/ };

const resultPromise = compose(
  // ...,

resultPromise.then((result) => {
  console.log('result', result); // the final result of generator -> transformations

compose Arguments:

  • ...reducers: One or more reducer operations to use to transform the data. These can be the operations from this library (reduce, map, filter) or you can write your own higher-level operations. (Tip: all the functional operations are built on top of reduce).

compose Return value:

  • A composed function composedFn(iterator: Iterable): Promise<Array | Object>: Call this function with an iterator (usually returned by an async generator); the reducer operations will be asynchronously applied to the iterator values as each new value is yielded.

composedFn Argument:

  • iterator: An object that conforms to the async iterator protocol. In practice this will be an async iterator returned from calling an async generator (async function*) function.

composedFn Return value:

  • Promise<Array | Object>: A Promise that resolves when the iterator has yielded its final value.

The resolved value is an Object if the final reducer passed to compose is a reduce reducer; otherwise (e.g. if the final reducer is a map or filter reducer) the resolved value is an Array with one element per iteration value.


Use the filter reducer to only pass a subset of data to subsequent reducers (or the result). Like Array.filter(), it takes a filter function as an argument to specify the filter criteria.

filter Argument:

  • filterFn: (value: any) => boolean: A function you provide to test each value to determine whether to keep or discard it. Return true to pass the value through to the next reducer (or result); return false to exclude it.


Use the map reducer to apply a transformation to each value. This behaves like -- you pass it a function to define the transform operation.

map Argument:

  • mapFn: (value: any) => any: A function you provide to define the transformation to map input values to output values. Given value as the first parameter, return the output value that will be passed to the next reducer (or result).

reduce(reducerFn, initialValue)

Use the reduce reducer to combine the set of values into a single result value. This can be some type of collection, an object (for example with properties derived from values), the result of an aggregate computation (e.g. the sum of all values), or anything else you desire. This behaves like Array.reduce() in that you give it two arguments: a reducer function to define the transformation, and an initial value that is passed to the reducer function as the accumulator on the first iteration.

Note: unlike other reducers, reduce must be the final reducer in the composed reducer chain. The output of reduce can be any object type, so it is not iterable.

reduce Arguments:

  • reducerFn: (accumulator: <T>, value: any) => <T>: A function you provide to define the transformation that creates the eventual result. Your reducer function should accept two arguments and return the accumulator to be passed to the next iteration (or to be returned as the final result).

    reducerFn Arguments:
    • accumulator: <T>: the current state of the result after all previous iterations; on the first iteration this will be the initialValue passed as the second argument to reduce(), and it will usually be a modified version of that value.
    • value: any: the value passed into this reducer for the current iteration
    reducerFn Return value:
    • <T>: The state of the in-progress result (i.e. the accumulator) at the end of the current iteration. This value is passed to the next call of reducerFn as the accumulator argument, and (after the final iteration) returned as the result of the functional operation(s).
  • initialValue: <T>: The starting point of the value that is being computed by the reducer. This value is passed to the reducerFn on the first iteration, and will usually be an "empty" version of the eventual result.

Making a custom reducer

One foundation of functional programming is that all functional operations are simply specialized implementations built on top of reduce. That is true for this library as well (map and filter are both implemented as reduce operations, because internally compose treats all reducers as reduce operations). This makes writing a reducer for this library very much like writing a reducer function for Array.reduce().

In fact, with map and reduce already available, chances are you don't even need to make a custom reducer -- almost any transformation you want to apply to the data can be implemented using the built-in reducers:

  • map: for one-to-one operations, where each input value is transformed in some way and then added to the output as an individual value
  • reduce: for many-to-one (or many-to-N) operations, where each input value is used to modify the final output in some way
  • filter: for when you want to exclude certain values immediately, before applying map or reduce operations.

Nevertheless, if you find yourself wanting to make a custom reducer, you certainly can (also, please submit a pull request to add the functionality to this library 😊).

To make your own custom reducer to use with this library, you create the function that users will call, and return the reducer function that will be called on each iteration (like the first argument of Array.reduce()).

The reducer function

A function that implements the reducer signature (a modified version of the signature for functions passed to Array.reduce()):

reducer(value: T, isFinal: boolean) => T | any

reducer Arguments:

  • value: The value passed through for the current iteration.
  • isFinal: Whether this is the final reducer in the composed reducer chain. Use this to determine what to return

Note that unlike Array.reduce, no index or collection arguments are passed to the reducer function. This is because of the asynchronous nature of the operations (so "index" and "collection" don't really exist) as well as the fact that maintaining the entire collection in memory would go against the point of this library, to be able to operate on the data one piece at a time over time.

reducer Return value:

When isFinal is false: The output value that is passed to the next reducer. This is usually the value argument with some transformation applied. (Conceptually this is like what you would return from a function passed to Return the ReturnEarly Symbol to short-circuit the current iteration and not pass anything to any subsequent reducer(s).

When isFinal is true: The new "result" of the reducer, usually some accumulator value (potentially) modified in some way based on the value. (Conceptually this is like what you would return from a function passed to Array.reduce().) You can decide how to persist your accumulator between calls to your reducer -- it is not stored or tracked outside your reducer.

Note that if you are making a reducer like Array.reduce() that does a many -> one/some transformation (as opposed to that does a one -> one translation), it probably doesn't make sense to handle the isFinal === false case. Instead, throw an error if isFinal is false, informing the user that the reducer must be the final one in the call to compose().

function myCustomReducer(/* any configuration parameters */) {
  let accumulator = []; // or {} or whatever
  return function myCustomReducerOperation(value, isFinal) {
    /* do something with `value` */
    if (!isFinal) {
      /* return the transformed value */
    /* update accumulator and return that value */

Putting it together

Your final reducer should be a function that takes any necessary arguments and returns a function (the reducer function augmented with the initial property). For example here is a reducer that is like lodash's map operation with the "property name" shorthand (i.e. it "picks" the property with the specified name from each value and returns an array of those properties' values):

function pickMap(propName) {
  // The accumulator that is returned when this is the only or final reducer in the chain.
  let accumulator = [];
  // Define the reducer
  return function pickMapReducer(value, isFinal) {
    // Here is where you do your "special sauce"
    const picked = value[propName];
    // if `isFinal` is `false` return the value to pass along
    if (!isFinal) {
      return picked;

    // otherwise update and return the accumulator
    accumulator = [...accumulator, picked];
    return accumulator;

// Assume a generator `aAndB` that returns values in the form {a: 'foo', b: 'bar' }

const aValuesOnly = await compose(pickMap('a'))(aAndB());

// aValuesOnly === ['foo', ...]


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