
1.0.0 • Public • Published


An ES3-compatible rewrite of core 'observ' modules, exposed as a single API:

Getting Started

Observable can be used in any node/browserify project out of the box:

var observ = require('es3-observ')

For global usage or AMD, you'll want to build the library (see Grunt Tasks below);

Basic Usage

Create an observable with an optional initial value:

var o = observ(1);

(if you don't pass an initial value, it will be set to null).

To get the value of the observable at any time, call it with no arguments:

var value = o();


>>> 1

To bind listeners to the observable, call it with a function:

o(function (value) {
    console.log('[A]', value);

This function will be called every time the observable changes.

To set the value of the observable, call its set method:

>>> [A] 2

If you assigned your listeners to a variable, you can call that to remove that listener:

var listenerB = o(function (value) {
    console.log('[B]', value);


>>> [A] 3
>>> [B] 3


>>> [A] 4


observ.value (aliased to observ)

Described in Basic Usage


Creates an observable which will update when any dependent observables change:

var oA = observ.value(1);
var oB = observ.value(1);
var oC = observ.computed([oA, oB], function (vA, vB) {
    return vA + vB;

oA(function (value) { console.log('[A]', value); });
oB(function (value) { console.log('[B]', value); });
oC(function (value) { console.log('[C]', value); });


>>> [C] 3
>>> [A] 2


>>> [C] 4
>>> [B] 2


Create an observable object which will update when any child observables change, and provide direct access to child observables.

var o = observ.struct({
    a: observ.value(1),
    b: observ.value(1)

o.a(function (value) { console.log('[A]', value); });
o.b(function (value) { console.log('[B]', value); });
o(function (obj) { console.log('[S]', obj.a + obj.b); });


>>> [S] 3
>>> [A] 2


>>> [S] 4
>>> [B] 2


Create an observable mapping of keys to values which will update when any value changes, provide access to values through a get method, and allow insert/update and deletion of keys with the put and delete methods.

var o = observ.varhash({});

o(function (hash) {
    var sum = 0;

    for (var key in hash) {
        sum += hash[key];

    console.log('[V]', sum);

o.put('a', 1);

>>> [V] 1


>>> 1

o.put('b', 2);

>>> [V] 3

o.put('a', 2);

>>> [V] 4


>>> [V] 2


Run the development grunt task (instructions below) and open http://localhost:8000 in your browser. You'll find basic examples of ObservableValue, ComputedObservable, ObservableStruct & ObservableVarhash, as well as the code that created them.


$ npm start

This will run npm install to locally install Node package dependencies, then run the default grunt task which:

  • Runs grunt dev to create a development build (see Tasks, below)
  • Starts up a development server in the build directory, running on http://localhost:8000
  • Watches files under src/ for changes, triggering partial development builds as required

Grunt Tasks

The build tasks transform the project source in src/ into a build under build/.

Development Build: $ grunt dev

Creates a local development build of the project.

  • JS in scripts/ is linted by JSHint, then bundled by Browserify into scripts/index.js
  • All other directories/files under src/ are copied directly across (such as index.html where the interactive examples live)

A global observ object is exposed when you run build/scripts/index.js globally or use an AMD loader.

Production Build: $ grunt prod

Creates a production-ready standalone build of the project.

The build process is similar to the development build, except the script is minified

Default: $ grunt

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  • colingourlay