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1.0.1 • Public • Published



CLI for mapping HID button presses to their pins/values.


npm install hid-mapper -g


hid-mapper --vendor 121 --product 17

This will open up a CLI, waiting for a button to be pressed on the specified device. If you don't specify a product or a vendor, a list of available devices will be displayed.

--buttons / --joysticks

You may specify a list of buttons and/or joysticks that you want to press and the CLI will prompt for each one. One you have been prompted for all the buttons/joysticks you will be prompted to save the file.

$ hid-mapper --vendor 121 --product 17 --buttons a,b --joysticks center
Press the a button:
Added {"pin":5,"value":47,"name":"a"}
Press the b button:
Added {"pin":5,"value":79,"name":"b"}
Move the center joystick in the x direction:
Added {"name":"center","x":{"pin":0}}
Move the center joystick in the y direction:
Added {"name":"center","x":{"pin":0},"y":{"pin":1}}
[?] Enter a filename to save this file (blank to skip):

If you don't specify any buttons or joysticks, the CLI will wait for any buttons to be pressed. After a button is pressed or a joystick is moved, the CLI will present a prompt to name that button/joystick. To specify it as a joystick, use the format joystick_name.[x|y].

Note: this method is not as reliable as the method above, especially when it comes to joystick events.

$ hid-mapper --vendor 121 --product 17
Press any button on your controller
^C to quit with an option to save
[?] Enter an identifier for pin change 0/32: center.x
[?] Enter an identifier for pin change 1/80: center.y
[?] Enter an identifier for pin change 6/4: a


There are also special predefined platforms that you can pass to the --platform option. Right now only snes and n64 are supported. These are just a shortcut to the actual list of buttons and joysticks on each of those controllers.

Other Options

--ignore (default: none)

Some hid devices (especially those with joysticks) will have some pins that toggle values very quickly, even if no buttons or joysticks are being touched. hid-mapper does its best to try and determine those pins/values during calibration, and then ignore those changes. However, this method isn't foolproof, so there might be times where prompts for buttons/joysticks are happening automatically. If this is the case, you can pass those to the --ignore option manually. Some examples:

# Ignore all changes on pin 2 
hid-mapper --vendor 121 --product 17 --ignore 2
# Ignore all changes on pin 3 and when pin 2 changes its value to 128 
hid-mapper --vendor 121 --product 17 --ignore 2/128,3

--sensitivity (default: 2)

To go along with the above ignore option, there is a sensitivity option. This can be used to ignore a range of values. It works so if 2/128 is being ignored, it will actually ignore all changes on pin 2 for the values 126-130 (inclusive).

--loglevel (default: 0)

Set --loglevel to 1 or 2 to see the events from the device logged to the console (along with the calibration information). 1 will log the change and joystick events determined by hid-mapper. 2 will log all data events from node-hid (which run about every 7-10ms).

--playground (default: false)

When --playground mode is on, nothing will be prompted at all. This works best with the above --loglevel option, since you can see all the data being emitted in case something isn't working right or you just want to examine the raw data.


Press ^C to quit the program and you will be prompted with a filename to save the device mapping.

[?] Enter a filename to save this file (blank to skip): filename.json
File saved to filename.json

What do I use this for?

I had a few USB controllers laying around the house and I wanted to create mappings so they could be used with node-gamepad. This CLI made it really easy to create and save the necessary configuration values for all my controllers.

Testing a saved file

After you save a file you can test and make sure that it works with node-gamepad by running hid-mapper --test filename.json.

This will bring up a repl where you can press buttons and see which press/release events are logged.




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