
0.0.7 • Public • Published

# Precompiler for Kendo UI Core Templates

ktc is a simple command line tool for precompiling kendo style templates. the tool simple outputs a javascript file that contains the compiled templates. at which point they simply need to called from you client code

One upside of this method is that you don't have to use the templates for just html anymore, but any sort of templating you wish, case in point internally KTC uses templates it compiled to generate new templates :P


Requires Node.js to be installed on the your system

npm install ktc


Usage: ktc ...

  -c, --cjs			Create an CommonJS module								[boolean]
  -a, --amd			Create an AMD module									[boolean]
  -i, --input		A glob pattern that matches input files					[string]
  -o, --output		A file name to output the compiled templates			[string]
  -n, --amdname     Specify an AMD module ID								[string]
  -g, --global      Specify a global namespace to attach templates too		[string]
  -m, --minify		Minify the output template code							[boolean]
  -d, --dependency  Specify template dependencies							[string]
  -w, --usewith		Templates should be compiled using with() blocks		[boolean]

by default ktc will output a UMD wrapped file with no specified dependencies. In a traditional web environment where there is an implicit relience on Globals, the default should be sufficent.

If you with to either explicitly state global dependencies or are working inside an AND or CommonJS/Node environment, you will need to explicilty declare any dependencies.


Simply include any and all deps by module name

ktc -i ./**/*.kendo -o ./templates.js -d lodash -d bluebird

in most cases you will probably need to alias your deps in order to get the output you wish. For example lodash is generally exposed as _ but required like require('lodash'). In order to handle this you can pass : deliminated strings as dependencies.

ktc -i ./**/*.kendo -o ./templates.js -d lodash:_ -d kendo-core:kendo -d jquery:$

the general format is 'commonjs:amd:exposedAs' or 'cjsAndAmd:exposedAs notice that the exposedas string should always match the object sitting on the window object (if applicable)

All of this will wrap your compiled templates inside a umd structure like this, for use in any environment

(function(root, factory) {
	if(typeof exports === 'object') {
		module.exports = factory(require('lodash'), require('kendo-core'), require('jquery'));
	else if(typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {
		define(['lodash','kendo-core','jquery'],  factory);
	else {
		root['superCool'] = factory( _, kendo, $);
}(this, function( _, kendo, $) {
	//compiled templates here!

if you only need one type you make use of the --cjs and --amd flags

Dependencies (4)

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